<3! 2grace04
<3! anet
<3! cheyenne
<3! chuanlian
fiona heng
joyce khoo
joyce tan
<3! kailing
<3! phebe
<3! shiminn
<3! yuenchen
August 2004
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____x.smiLex.dunn b sadd.]]
10/25/2004 07:49:00 PM
hmmx..okiex..it's been quite a gd dae sho far..yeppx..todae sch open hse..hmmx..quite alorrt of peepo..yeppx...then we choir had to perform two songx..fer e beauty of e earth n u raise mie up..berie nice..performed twice..once ish in e mornin..e other ish in e aftnn..okiex..aft both our performance we went back to e music rm..change le..then remained in e music rm..lolx..berie boliao..fool arnd in e music rm wif anet n fish..hmmx..cheyenne kailing shimin yiyuan phebe sam n dunno hu else were dere too..hmmx..budden shimin left first..then fooled arnd in e rm somemore..yiyuan breakdanced fer us to watch..lolx..anet osho..hahax..beriw farnie..yeppx..uh..the aft tt went downstairs..saw e hpt members at e parade square dere doin dos belaying thingy..we stood down dere watchin em..then yiyuan tried osho..lolx..he took such a longg time at puttin on e harness worhhx..hahax..ohh..im shooo lkin ferward to e hpt trainin camp..yesh..berie..heh heh..MABBUTT RAWKX!!! tts e name of mi troop..hehx..nice name horrx .. mi butt..LOLX..yeah..shoo lucky to b in tish grp wif mel n fish..oh..how mani times do i hab to repeat tish..LOLX..okiex...todae phebe n anet goin fer their hpt meetin..dey in dif troopx fr mie fish n mel..haix..if only dos twograce peepx cn stay tgt worhx..=) budden dun think cn narhhx..hmmx..okiex..im berie tird now worhhx..lolx..dunno y..haix..haben eat lunch yett..i guess e jacob carbohydrate slow release cookie ish quite handy bahhx..=) cos last fr morn till now i nort hungry yett..hmmx..kaox..i reli tnk mi hair beriw guai kia nehhx..hmph..mayb mon go sch tie it up..mayb norhhx..budden gort lotssa stray hair..yeppx..okiex..hmmx..i jux change mi blogg de song..cos horrx..iya..tt stoopid bitch de blogg osho same song..sho change to tish lurve..yeppx..hmmx..okiex..i guess tts al fer todae le bahhx..yahhx..buh buaix.. |
____x.smiLex.dunn b sadd.]]
10/23/2004 03:16:00 PM
hmmx..shoo sian..yeppx..jux came back fr e hpt meetin..lolx..actually it was quite fun..yeppx..at first we were sitting at e canteen table dere..discussin abt e names of our grp..yepx..then dere were some peepox who haben arrive yett..yarhhx..then when dey arrive(budden nort al came) we went outside e npcc rm dere plae tish bench game..lolx..berie fun..yeppx..hmmx..then started to get serious..sit down in a circle one flr..then tyk out notebkx..discuss abt e camp starfx..wad to bring . camp grp thingys . hahax ..i tnk im berie lucky to b in tish grpp . yesh ..mel n fish..bestwie buddx ..e peepo inside rawk too..yeppx..hmmx..berie nice..lkin ferward to e camp..okiex..aft tt went helpp e teachers pack e calendar..until goin to seven liddat then we went backk..yuppx...okiex..mel was dere..fish was dere..i was dere..(((((x tts tt twograce family..we rawk..yeppx..hmmx..okiex..hope i wun gett eliminated fr tish hpt thingy worhhx..cos reli reli hope to get into hpt..yesh..sho i guess mux enthu somemore..lolx..as tt dunno who sae de..confidence..confidence..yeppx..okiex..hmmx..mi hair damn nerd nerd worhhx...lolx..cannort stand it..hmmx..mux brush it everydae..myk it longf enuff to tie up..hahax..yeppx..yarhhx..btw worhhx..jux now dos bb guyyx were dere..includin meh meh gorr..n tt two faggotx..n yuxuan..n dunno hu else..a bit embarrasin..lolx..budden aft a while cn le norhhx..yuppx..neba sae hi or nething to em narhhx..budden cn do norhhx..lolx..shitty..im crappin down here..mind ish full of crabbx..lolx..hmmx. i wld sho lyk to watch e grudge . heh heh..budden seem lyk noone cn pei mie go watch. haix...okiex..haix..agree wif mwl .. sometimes she cn piss mie off too..lyk jux now aftnn..haix..stoopid..wadeva..peepo gortt their badd points..hers ish her attitude sark .. n she cant seem to change it..dunno y..oh yahh..n im gonna curbb tt nasty habit when im arnd mi fwens..dumbb siax..haiix..n u peepx dunn keep luffin n teasin mie le horrx..cn?? smetimex i gett berie pissed off..budden..i guess tish dumbb habit of mine ishh farnie.. x))) budden dun b sho mean lyk her le cn??okiex..dun piss mie off..tish few daex gett sho damn pissed off sho damn blardy ezly..dunno wadx wrong wif mie..heyyx..dun care bt mie horrx..mi attitude osho need a bitt of repairing..n im tryin hardd to gett it over n done..dun b pissed by mie horrx.. -smilex- at least i do noe i gort some dumbb attitude prob n im tryin hardd to change it..n control it..cn c mie tryin to bear wif her teasin jux now horrx..bleahx..?? oman..dun bother bt mie..budden i tnk she in e wrong too..oh..wadeva..okiex..helpp mie curbb tish dumbb dumbb dumbb..uh..action??!!..when im luffin..oman..embarrasin sia..hehx..okiex...dun get pissed by mie n dun pissed mie off kaex?? hehx..oh yarhhx..thanx fer understanding..wadeva..its hormones..tish few daex to mie everything osho berie embarrasin..hahax..okiex..its gonna b nine..im loggin off..buaix.. |
____x.smiLex.dunn b sadd.]]
10/22/2004 08:36:00 PM
ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stoopid computer..finally cn login to internet le..hahahax..sho darn happi..sho mani daex neba cum blogg le..cos of tish stoopid modem n tish stoopid computer n al dos stoopid shitty starfx..haix..heh..jux now gort choir..in e morning..cos todae no sch..markin dae..or dunno wad de..then aft choir mie kailing phebe shimin cheyenne n wenqi went sun plaza..we went to cut our hair..only shimin neba cut...argh..i lk lyk dos stoopid nerd nerd de..haix..budden i guess e stoopid hair style stiu cn narhhx..yarhhx..phebe's hair now totally rawk worhx..^.^lolx..yuppx..kaox..past few daex gort sho mani things happen n i could nort blogg at al..dumb dumb dyumb.,.haix..ytyd gort tt funky dance thingy..yarhhx..quite fun..yuppx..then learn alort of damn kewl de steppx..yarhhx..heh..next wed i gort tish hpt campp..yuppx..cheyenne phebe kailing mel fish anet char carolyn wilson n victor al goin osho..hahax..it gonna b shoooo fun worhhx..budden i only same grp as mel fish n wilson..yuppx..hehx..at least gort fish n mel norhhx..yuppx...then ltr goin back sch again fer tish meetin to prepare fer tish hpt camp norhhx..yeppx..hmmx..stiu gort wad cn sae arrx..uh..oh yahh..e twograce foto gallery..we plannin to show it to e class on mon..yarhhx..shit..fergort to ask ms haq to lend us her laptop..budden horrx..e thing ish tt we haben finish it..haix..abit more..yarhhx..then it will b done..yeppx..hmmx..sho sadd..a few daex more n twograce will split le...haix...mi gradex sarkx lyk hell..maths fail lit fail...haix...jux hope tt i cn at least get into grace again..yuppx..okiex..mux quickly type now..or else gonna b late fer e meetin..uh..haix..past few daex reli gort mani things happen..budden now lyk ferget everything le..lolx..sho dumbb..hmmx...okiex..i hate mi hair..as usual..yarhhx..budden cum to tnk of it now i dun needa wake up sho early in e morn to myk mi stoopid hair le..sho damn lame..lolx...okiex...last sat went swimmin wif kailing char n fish..then phebe shimin n cheyenne went bowling..yuppx..quite tiring norhhx..tt dae..hmmx...oh yahh..tmr sch open hse..HAIX..gotta wear tt dumbb choir gown...oh gosh man..totally sarkx..lucky no makeup ish needed norhhx..yeppx..okiex narhhx..i tnk tts al le..yuppx..buh buaix.. |
____x.smiLex.dunn b sadd.]]
10/22/2004 03:18:00 PM
10/18/2004 05:34:00 PM
haix..todae endd up neba practice soccer during pe..budden nvm..plae netball..mi team lose shooo badly..cos dey gort char on their team..hmmx..i hope mon cn trashed e other classes..hehx..budden our soccer tactics stiu berie de badd..haix..kaox..pe tt time was lyk hot lyk hell..HEAT STROKE!!!! hahax..then was shooooo damn tired man..bt e time we finish e game..i drank one can and one carton of H2O..lolx..pee siax..lolx...then aft tt mie n shimin went up class first..then tok crappx..then victor came over..and took al mi water..-.-"""lolx..then e rest of e gurlx start to cum up..went fer music lesson..finish watchin e jap animated cartoon..then go hall..gortt tt crime thingy..sian bo..hmmx..then plaed in class..lolx..myse haq ish sho worried abt us being al tgt in e chalet worhhx..kaox..some of e faggots in our class horrx..reli tnk dey berie berie great arrx..putui..-bleach- dey arent..tts e thing..hmph..aft sch we went coswae watch white chicks..it was shoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hilarious siax..i choked on mi drink twice..budden abit perv narhhx..lolx..budden tt movie reli berie nice..i went to watch wif jolene n shimin..yeppx..aft tt we went to tyk neoprintx...took once wif jolene n shimin..then jolene hadd to leave le..then mie n shimin took again..haix..budden todae tyk de nort berie nice..yeppx..budden stiu cn narhhx..then we went hme tgt..on e wae tok shoo much crapx..lolx..abit of gossips n complains..lolx..hmmx..gotta write excuse letter fer nort attending choir on tues..yeppx.. okiex..i guess tts al an entry fer todae..oh yahh..hope dos faggots dun reli tnk tt dey r kewl..pui.. |
10/14/2004 08:35:00 PM
10/14/2004 08:06:00 AM
____x.smiLex.dunn b sadd.]]
10/13/2004 09:03:00 PM
10/13/2004 10:48:00 AM
CRAPx...y tish blogg owaex liddat de..jux now try blog..then cum out only gort half..asshole..then i somemore type sho long..e entrry..stoopid..hmmx..rewrite..i aint gort much time left..stoopid bro wanna use comp le..hmmx..todae..alortt of crapx..slackin down e whole damn dae in sch..plae cardx..discuss bout e history on e move thing..sho dajmn bo liaox..haix..exam over le still gort tish kinda thingx..then stiu gort tt butterfly project..kaox..sho mah fan..haix...then todae we pon choir..to go discuss bout e chalet n e foto gallery thingy at shimin hse..dere were mie shimin fish anet cheyenne n phebe..well..i cn sae..i guess e guyyx most r goin..then osho stayin bahhx..if un stay osho nvm narhhx..budden i guess if dey gort stay will b more fun norhhc..yahhx..we discussed abt e games we plaein..i was thinkin tt mayb e guyyx wun want to join in..budden dun care narhhx..if dey dun want then too bad norhhx..lolx..budden dey shld join in..cos it gonna b sho damn fun..haix..tooo bad 2nd nov gort parents meetin..hope wun kana mie norhhx..budden i gort a feelin i will norhhx..haix...crapx worhhx.. hmmx..sch quite borin now..esp dey sae now cannort bring cards worhx..even uno cardx..haix..shooooo sadd..cos nth to do le norhhx..unless dey want us to keep discussin e whole damn thing thru..oppx..i mean e history on e move n tt butterfly thingy de..sian bo..haix...then fri no sch..budden we stiu needa go sch fer choir..HAIXXXXX..sian diao nehhx..todae myse choir..nvm narhhx..lolx..budden fri de dun tnk cn myse le norhhx..todae choir yusong osho neba go..lolx..then he ask us wad excuse we wld b using..then i tell him mense cramp..then i tell him to use e excuse tt he has wet dreams..luffin lyk siao..lolx..a bit perv..budden nn hidden agendas..hehx..liddat then will hab more fun mahhx..we in class plaed cheats..sho farnie..todae al tyco tyco..i cheat seldom get caught..lolx...hmmx..then tmr we stiu gonna practice st soccer fer mon de prac worhhx..hehx..i sho long neba plae soccer le..abit lose touch liaox..shooo sadd..hahax...hmmx...i dun think gort nething else le bahhx..cos todae whole damn dae shooo boliao worhx..yahhx..jux now sci getta go comp lab agin..tried to help shimin myk blogg..budden e damn comp was slow lyk hell norhhx..crapx siax..then it seem lyk everyone wanted to myk a blogg..lolx..new blogg craze,,hahax..hmmx..i guess tts al..hope tish damn comp wun sot again worhx..buh buaix.. |
____x.smiLex.dunn b sadd.]]
10/12/2004 08:30:00 PM
____x.smiLex.dunn b sadd.]]
10/11/2004 05:57:00 PM
10/11/2004 11:29:00 AM
____x.smiLex.dunn b sadd.]]
10/10/2004 01:02:00 PM
____x.smiLex.dunn b sadd.]]
10/08/2004 08:58:00 PM
hmmx..tmr last paper..CME then artt then exam finish le..shoooooo happi siax...tish wk sho stress siax..cos everydae osho late late slp early wake up to stardy..then i now gort dark dark de eyebags..sho sadd..lolx..hmmx..tmr de art..mi four sketches haben draw yett..dunno wadda draw..then jux now we were plannin how we shld do e chalet thingy...haix..e loyang de chalet was bked by others le..sho we cld only tyk e changi de..then dere dun reli hab ne facilities xcept fer e beach..yahxx..then anet n cheyenne plannin wad we shld do...hmmx..still sho happi..cos tmr last pp le..^.^ todae de dnt..kaox..i neba learn nething norhx..then dere was tish section..12markx in all...i didnt noe how to do nehhx..shooo worried..i neba do..then aft e paper i found out most gurlx osho neba do tt one..hahax..cos everyone was lyk..concentrating more on chi mahhx...sho...liddat norhx..stardy chi then a bt neglect dnt..budden i woke up at 5 in e mornin to read up a bit norhhx..wadx more ytd i 12then slp..then shooooooooo tired siax..aft exam i mux slp lyk a pig to myk e dumbb eyebagx go awae..even al e pimples r popin out norhx...haix...then mi skin lyk immune to oxy 5 le...no use le..haix..sho sadd worhx..lolx...hmmx...i sho scared ltr exam everythingg fail nehhx..cos i gort alort dunno how to do mahhx..haix......shoooooooooo scared worhx....worried...i abit hope quickly get resultx back..budden aft tt feel...actually dun want sho fast tyk back narhhx...liddat shld b beta...haix..yarhx..guess tts al..gonna do mi artt le..buh buaix..-.^ |
____x.smiLex.dunn b sadd.]]
10/07/2004 09:44:00 PM
heyyx..hmmx..ytd neba loggin..cos gort exam..then berie berie tired..cos sundae i stardy untill one then slp..haix..then shoooo tired siax..ytd came hme bath liaox actually wanna stardy history de..budden too tired..sho slpt awhile liao then start..kaox..only needa read n rmb 3 chapters i go n rmb al..hahax..lucki i neba reli go read tt dunno wad spore industry thingy de..tt one boring lyk siaox worhx..then nort berie interested..sho neba go read norhx..hmmx..then tmr gort maths pp 2 n lit..berie tired..drained outta energy le..sho jux tyk a break n loggin norhx..shun bian lk fer e art de pics..yahhx..eekx....guyyx....dey lyk blind liddat nehx..now gort another guyy... haix.. -.-""""blind de..haix...wadx wrong wif their eyes arrx.. >.< """lolx..dun tok abt it..hmmx..i shoooo scared ytd de sci fail..i gort shoooo mani wrong le...maths..tmr de pp 2 mux do mi best le worhx..cannort slack lyk hell le...tmr mornin drink essence of chicken..hahax...yahhx..then jux now we stayyed in class fer bout one hr liddat discussin bout e end of yr outing....hmmx...hopin to get someone to help us bk e chalet..at first we wanted to get someone who's a civil servent..budden cannort find..sho now lkin fer some parents who n help us bk..berie dif nehhx..cos few peepo wld wan to tyk responsible fer lyk..40peepo..lolx..hope n hope whole class cn go if cn bk e chalet..yaehx..cos e comittee reli put in a lort of effort to bk e chalet...yarhx..cos tish ish fer e whole class..last yr le..sho we wanna tish gatherin to b fun...sho we tryin to myk everyting niccee n perrferctt..heex..might b our last twograce gathering..sho sadd...sho jux hope all twograce de peepx cn go norhx..then best ish stay..farewell bash..hehx..=)))))) |
____x.smiLex.dunn b sadd.]]
10/05/2004 04:41:00 PM
heyyx..hmm..todae sat..ytd eng exam worhx...hmmx..mon gort sci n gort maths pp1..feeling abit lost..cos i dun understand one word of e damn sci thingy..haixx..cos..ive no interest in wad mee sua saein..stoopid ass..haix..then osho gort no interest in stardyin now..sho tts y sho boring...haix..aft tish i mux go stardy le..hmmx...i dunno how to..actually.lolx..i mean..i dunno how i shld stardy sci..memorise everything arrx..then e dumbb equationx...al worhx..haix..no need sae..kaox..dunno wad to do...dey shldnt put sci n maths tgt..haix..ytd we were tokin abt bookin e chalet fer end of yr..then we go c aloha loyang de..1st nov- 4th nov gort terrace cn rent..e rest al peepo bk le..budden horrx..we cld nort get ms haq..sho now we jux prayin tt it wun get bked by other peepo norhhx...or else it will b shooooooo wet blanketed..if u noe wad i mean..i berie qidai fer exam to finish norhhx..then hopefully cn get e chalet on 2nd nov-4th nov..then will b sho damn fun de...mi mumie keep nagg nagg sae i keep tnkin of goin outta plae..one moment ish hongkong..e next moment ish chalet..haix..budden she dunno berie sian to keep stardyin de worhhx...haix...sian siax..hmmx..loggin off le..buh buaix.. |
____x.smiLex.dunn b sadd.]]
10/02/2004 02:25:00 PM