<3! 2grace04
<3! anet
<3! cheyenne
<3! chuanlian
fiona heng
joyce khoo
joyce tan
<3! kailing
<3! phebe
<3! shiminn
<3! yuenchen
Yours truly, SWEETMISERY;;
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
` i duunch - {ive got you on my mindand i want you to get with me}it was the teachers' day celebration today, and obviously, aces day. ohwell. i reached school at 6.33am. yes. 3 minutes late. fufu almost punished me for being late (by standing at the taxi stand and dancing with the other late comers), but he decided to pardon me :D we practised and practised until arnd 7.10 like that, i think, and everyone was staring cos we were dancing in the canteen (:ahh. the actual performance kinda sucked, cos no one did the thing with us, and it seemed as though we were making a fool out of ourselves. it was frigging embarrasing kaes. SIGHS. i guess everyone was rather sad abt it. but clarinda did a good job as the impromptu emcee la :DDD cheers! after the whole school moved up to the hall, we started moving those tables back to the canteen, and one table overturned and hit me on my big toe. uber pain. rahs! hmm. the performance in the hall was rather nice, a bit boring though. but i thought it was cool to call miss cheong our fixed asset :D she rocks! after the celebration ended, i decided not to go with daryl for movies. ahahs. am planning to ask him go watch red eye with me, or rather treat me to red eye (the movie, thankew.) instead :D so i went down to the canteen with fishy and waited for the girls while chatting with sihao and trying to catch a glimpse of the jerrrrk (points up). wakahs. he left. they left. blah. the girls came down and was trying to decide where to go. me, as usual was trying to get em moving. rwahs. in total, they dilly dallied for arnd half an hour before they finally decided to move and decide at the train station. saw the jerrrk again at the train station. i was very surprised and shocked. cos i thought he had left with his bunch of friends alrdy. we were in the same train too, differnt carriage though. and shockingly, we alighted at the same station :l boo. the rest... sighs. dunch feel like saying. we walked arnd cineleisure, then went heeren. decided not to pierce my ear, and then we splited. cheyenne ling and min went kbox while me anet wenqi fish and ahmah walked over over to fareast (: BOO. i want cash. i want those pretty racerbacks!!! hmph. too bad im so broke, but i managed to buy two pairs of earrings today :D ahh. ive got a weakness for dangly earrings. erps. and im suspecting that im crazy over racerbacks too. and yes, miniskirts. i want money to buy em... wakahs.went hme after all that walking. totally tired but am quite happy la (: and i need someone to slap me cos im still thinking abt HIM. errrps. slap me. im off now. ciao.{I dont wanna live in heartache, dont bring me down again, stop doing my head in, when will it end?}
8/31/2005 08:28:00 PM
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
` i duunch - {believe in yourself and you'll findand it only matters how true you arebe true to yourself and follow your heart}ahh. nice. im so happy with myself cos while doing that new blogskin, my comp hung 4 times and i restarted my comp 4 times. aint that nice. ive become so patient :D i havent complete that skin yet. uh. i didnt have the patience to carry on. LOL. but its looking quite alright. cheers (:mood's great today. wakahs. people are suddenly turning to me for advices. im touched :D really. hahas. i try my best t give em (: daryl says hes gonna treat me to movie, the maid (: yayness. so mayb tmr if we're watching that movie, i can watch it for free. provided that ling allows him to come along with us if we're going. hahas. im totally broke. SIGHS. cash, i need em (: im tired. im off to bed now. nites :D{ so i won't give upno i won't break down (: }
8/30/2005 10:19:00 PM
` i duunch - {all sunny days all i can see is the shadowand i'm not above being under}ahh. im so tired now, but im happy (: thats what will happen after a day of, uh, aerobics :D tomorrow's the teachers' day celebration and we'll have to dance for the people xD yes yes... dance for the people. nice. hahas. luckily im not one of those we have to stand on the tables :D though its rather fun, i guess it wld be kinda embarrasing to dance on the table infrnt of the whole school. hahas. we wld have to reach school tomorrow at 6.30 :l i want my sleep!!! rahs. im planning to sleep early tonight :D hopefully i will be able to. lol. school was okae, i guess. but i just keep on falling aslp O.O school's getting soooo tiring and soooo boring. and exams are like, coming. it seems as though common test just pass can :l SIGHS. im preparing to mug again. and yes... more of buddy hoagies and the mochas :Doh yes. just now we were all di siaoing kahwee abt kelly, and i was pretending to be his lover cos they wanted to kinda test kelly. WAKAHS. damn hilarious. and i was pulling kahwee like i own him and i wanna capture him up like that. lols. actually i do feel a lil bit sry for him, cos he does seem afraid of his relationship with kelly :l ohwell. whatever. im trying to give him advices and stuffs though (:hmmm. okaes. im trying to work on a new blogskin right now. so yea. im off (:{i just wanna live my life sedatedcuz i love driving myself awaydespite you know you say don't give a damni cant comprehend what i understand}
8/30/2005 07:50:00 PM
Monday, August 29, 2005
` i duunch - {yesterday was hell but today im fine without you}im irritable right now. i just am. and right now im pissed with some guy calling me muwa mee. im just being downright mean la. cos im supposed to be on good terms with him and blah. BUT like i say, im irritable right now. dunch piss me off now. im not exactly in the mood to pretend nth's happening. im sick and tired of... uh... i dunno. everything? hurh. tallk abt swings. rwahs.choir was the same. got the pair of slippers (: nice. and bought two pairs of ear studs. im starting to get pissed by my ears, cos it seems as if they're too small for anything to fit em. sighs. and yeaa. hopefully i can get that black strappy watch by this week. i lurfe the butterfly motifs on it. i dunno, but all of a sudden i like butterflies pattern so much. and stars. they're nice. totally cool :D im getting all girly wurly, -roll eyes. i guess thats the kind of change you expect when you're growing up. HAHA (: i didnt exactly like all those stuffs in the past. i was more of the 'three quarter pants and no-rule shirt' kinda girl. looking back... BAHS. i want chocolates. i need em. i need the sugar :l{and all I ever thought you'd bethat face is tearing holes in me again}-
8/29/2005 07:54:00 PM
Sunday, August 28, 2005
` i duunch - i wanna buy so much things that im gonna need so much cash :l rwahs. went sunplaza with ling just now. there aint much books in the library today, and i still cant find Fearless book number 20. mayb cos the library dunch hab the book (cos the title is Sex). wahahs. so ive decided to skip and move on to book 21. we went J8 next. ahh. new slippers (: mumie threw away mine and she finally agreed to gimme money for new ones. ling bought the same ones as me, only that hers is white while mine's black. nice. but since she dunch hab the money today, we reserve the shoes. i paid the deposits and we'll collect em tmr (: i bought the earphones too. wakahs. not the type my sista wants, i win :D i still needa buy soooo much things. SIGHS. but too bad i dunch hab the cash ):i want - new school bag. sneakers. ear studs. that pretty black strap-on watch (: and another black and white watch. anklets. that nice choker at ice lemon tee. zen neeon. new piercings (: i shall save. erms. at least i'll TRY to save. hurh hurh. im off to REDO my fnn. sighs. im off. -
8/28/2005 06:07:00 PM
Saturday, August 27, 2005
` i duunch - ahh.ive completed the twograce'o4 blog.check it out.its not really done yet, though.but still... CLICK< (:im tired. yawns- nites:D
8/27/2005 11:42:00 PM
` i duunch - today was okae. headed down to sentosa for a tan (: finally. i was late. phebe had to wait, but both of us had to wait for ling too for arnd helf an hr. ahh. we half expected it. hahas. we went down to palawan beach, and lac down there. i gave up doing the deco SMART cos i didnt really know how to do it. saw this guy dancing funnily on the beach and he caught me trying to take him. wahahs. he waved and i immediately turned the camera to my side, pretending that i was only taking me and ling. oops x) we left at the beach at arnd 1315. phebe caught her sister on the beach. ahh. its such a small world. i saw this primary school senior too. we went back to harbourfrnt, and ling left for her organ lesson. kahwee came and met us at the hawker centre there. had lunch. hes so nice (: he shared his salted fish fried rice with me, and he took extra spoons for me and phebe when he bougt a bowl of dessert (: he can be so nice when his mouth's not big. hahas :D we took the train and decided not to go town cos we had not much time left before the hpt meeting starts.went to amk mcdonald and saw some early people there, namely clarinda wilson nichola and vanessa. ling joined us shortly afterward and we moved to the shelter under the blks there. i had to change back into my shorts. shannon and some of the rest came and we started discussing abt those stuffs. then me ling and phebe de skin became redder and redder. LOL. hilarious, and in the end, phebe turned into a lobster again. we were like, the happy three red friends xD boo. now even shannon knows abt the sijie and me thing :l bleahs. guys. -shake head. went back to mcdonald for dinner :D and the guys managed to get one free packet of large fries. LOL. i exchanged my medium fries for a large one after realising that the guy had given me the wrong size although wilson and some of the rest had alrdy taken fries frm the medium packet to eat xD wakahs. so we profited quite a lot today. hahas.umms. then people started teasing me and sijie again :l rahs! but as long as things dunch get out of hand, its okae bahs... yepp. aft that the grads came and we left to give em the seats. me and fish then went hme while the rest went funland (: yepp. im tired and burnt right now (: shall post the photos up later (:-
8/27/2005 09:00:00 PM
Friday, August 26, 2005
` i duunch - {theres a love that could fall down like rainlet forgiveness wash away the painand no one really knows what they are searching forthis world is crying for so much more}someone left a tagging at lydsy's blog. someone call C. i bet its yuenchen. "thought you were supposed to come back to sku today but (duh)who would want to go back to 3jOy 05?" quoted from that tag. ohwells. i cant imagine how people can hate their own class so much, i mean, i still lurfe 2grace loads. but i've accepted 3joy and i lurfe it too :D heck. ahh. ivan's got my number and he bloodily refuse to tell me how he got it. rahs. im pissed. anw, tt other bloody dickhead has finally admitted that hes a dickhead (i wld like to add a fucking infrnt) and has even called himself that. -ROLL EYES. what an asshole. and one more thing. i shall stop working on my skin for now, cos i dunch feel like it. i shall continue when im in the mood. but yes, photo editing's so fun :D shall load the photos up someday (: im off.{A ghost of youis all that I have leftis all that I have left of you to hold}
8/26/2005 09:05:00 PM
` i duunch - it's weird the way people grow (: theres so many free periods today, which was so great la. morning assembly was so cool, cos of the sudden change in weather :D i mean, it was bright and nice one moment and dark, gloomy the next. noel chong came to take mrs teo's chem periods and he was late. so it was as if we spent like, almost one period fooling arnd in class. though mr ramesh didnt come, we went down for pe all the same cos everyone has to learn the aces day dance (: oh well, people were fairly cooperative lurhs (:after pe, instead of going for recess, we went back to class cos the upper sec recess was postponed to one period later. FUN. the guys were playing dumb songs on the stereo. and some other guys frm other classes also came. it was one party sia. hahas (: we had periods after recess free too :D me joel and eugene goh were playing with phones when suddenly mr chin walk in. bleahs. lucky he didnt see the phones. HAHA. anet and me went arnd to take photos of classes doing reflections at arnd 1325. then the stupidest thing happened. the agape people thing. like what the hell. i mean, who want to go and look for kokheng lurhs. -roll eyes. i also dunno what really happened. one minute its just the few of us and the few of em, and the next moment it seemed as if the whole of 3agape was out there. i find it kinda hilarious. lols. i took my time sauntering down the stairs though i see some people there asking me to go down quickly when pauline came out. i wasnt doing anything wrong. why should i run? assholes. if i see miss tang (we did see her in the earlier part and we ran like hell. LOL), i will definately run. she has eyes that can kill worhs. haha. but anw, the whole bunch of em were there and like, assuming that i was doing things i never do. fine. i was damn angry. i hate people to assume. char came and asked me to continue taking the photos, so me anet and sinhui walked off. but i was still PISSED. very very pissed. so when we went back to class, i was like, venting out. scolding all the fucks. cheyenne came in and asked me whats wrong. everything just came out :l THIS AINT THE FIRST TIME CHEYENNE TURNED ON MY WATER TAP. hahas. but yea, i vented out all my anger on everything bad tt had happened in the past few mths and i felt so much better after that (: thanks everyone for being there :D after that we (me, fish, min, ling, sinhui) went jubilee to check out the parker pen de prices. after that we went back to school for choir. senior choir learnt new song today again (: budden was tiring la. cos i was already very tired. lol. ahh. just rmbed again i have to do the handover deco thing by tmr. rahs! tanning tmr, hopefully (:
8/26/2005 07:50:00 PM
Thursday, August 25, 2005
` i duunch - {its been a long hard road without you by my side why weren you there all the nights that we cried?}im so busy :D and im glad to keep myself busy. brushed up on our aces day dance today again (: i guess we are getting better. shannon came and watch us today, and we had to dance three by three. i still cant get that ah go go part right. hmph. tomorrow we're supposed to teach 3JOY and 3HUMILITY (x wakahs. i tnk the guys have already make up their mind to NOT dance. rahs. they would rather miss recess. tsk tsk :lahh. anw we (me ling denise sijie kahwee) went to the market hawker for lunch. phebe joined us shortly afterwards. its really hilarious to have lunch with kahwee and sijie. they're like, two dumboos. LOL. so yea, had a great lunch :D aft that me kahwee sijie and phebe sat down at the void deck to chat (: nice. but sijie does freak me out sometimes. and im so angry at murphy :l rwahs. how could he tell sijie. bleahs. now even kahwee knows abt it. i mean, so what? its a thing of the past le. its like, one yr ago. heck.ohwell. i just realise mengchao flood my testimonial again. this time he gave me like, 1000 testimomos. yes. thousand. i didnt type wrongly. they're just plain floodsini, which is like, crap. HAHA. -faints. and no matter what, i do lurfe 3JOY (: though not as much as i lurfe 2GRACE :D i heart HPT and UVPHS too :D im off to do my stuffs. photos will be uploaded :D{they think they know everythingbut they don't know anything about me}-
8/25/2005 08:45:00 PM
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
` i duunch - {shattered on the ground,i hear the soundcrash,ringing in my ears i still feel the sting of my tears,someone wake me, i cant seem to break free} ahh. ive finally did smething for the new skin.inspirations :l rahs! hopefully it'll be out soon.i totally suck right now. or mayb its my head.i dig hilaryduff's songs. totally. well. no link. but, wadever. {go on, get out of my headim on the wrong side of a parallel universe} -
8/24/2005 10:29:00 PM
` i duunch - school didnt start great today. i was damn unlucky to board a bus which DID NOT stop at the yck mrt station bus stop and we (me and munling) had to walk from the AJC busstop back to school. it's like, far and it was alrdy 7.20am. munling was freaked. thanks to my, ehem, previous experiences, i predicted that the gate wont close so early. HAHA. and my hair totally suck, till i dunch dare to face anyone. rahs.i was close to falling aslp during PAC, but i got what miss cheong was saying la. aft school we (me kailing sinhui fish) went to paely beauty and flower school (x for cup noodle lunch. a whole bunch of those guys were sitting outside there at the mosquito zone. HAHA. i wonder if anyone of em's gonna dio dengue fever afterwards xD apologies if i offended anyone there. bleahs. after that when fish and ling went back to the shop to get ling's chili, this yck sec de malay came to our table to take this file that we didnt notice was on the table, then he was like, grinning. lol. then he walked back to his friend and walked to our table again. then he sat there and smiled somemore. hilarious. he went back again after a while.after that, ling and fish came back and they started eating. and a whole bunch of yck sec de malay guys came and started smoking there. that malay guy i was facing was like asking whether can make friends mah or what crap de. and the bunch of em started asking dumb questions la. i didnt know how to reply cos i didnt really understand what they were talking abt, but there was this guy who was like, talking to me and spitting on the grnd at the same time. what the fuck. he does have a lot of bloody saliva or phlem lurhs, and mayb he should hang some bag arnd his neck so he can spit in it instead of on the floor. then all of a sudden the whole bunch of em just left, all walking in seperate ways. we saw the bunch of em tgt again aftwards when we were walking back to school. LOL. and they were waving to us. anw, we danced the aces day aerobics again today. everyone was staring (: but it was lots of fun :D i bet we did the dance for more than 10 times :D we were trying to perfect it mahs. yepp. and theres another practice next tues before the actual thing on wed. we are also supposed to teach the classes lurhs. rwahs. a bit paiiseh lehs. hahas. ahh. yes. the photos will be uploaded soon. im off now.-
8/24/2005 07:37:00 PM
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
` i duunch - { What I'm standing on is sinking in And I don't have a clue how to get off of it} sometimes i hate myself for being so dumb. imma such a fool sometimes. okae. nth happened to me. im just being an asshole. im frustrated cos i just cant get the layout right. RAHS. and i shouldnt be thinking so much. but i am. i suck at this. damn.{underneath this smile,my world is slowly caving in all the while I'm hanging on,cause that is all I know}-
8/23/2005 10:13:00 PM
` i duunch - unbelievably, i passed my maths by one mark and i actually pass my PAC too :DDD yayness (: ive got 21/40 for my maths and 61/100 for pac. though the marks arent really great, its good enough for me cos i havent passed these subjects before (: mayb i can get my zen neeon after all. wahahs :D so i guess now the only subject i'll fail is science, and perhaps my humanes. rwahs. my humanes is supposed to be good lurhs, but this one seriously sucks.
and today's nice. cos we had the whole bunch of after recess periods free xD nice nice. had fun cam whoring and watching those guys slamming each other on the flr. fine. im being such a sadist :l but those guys are seriously L-A-M-E. and they bullied ashlee again :l and speaking of ashlee, hes such an ill-mannered guy cos he scolded me fuck when i was feeling sorry for him. what an ass. RWAHS. he almost threw the chair at me, but i screamed molest and he stopped walking towards me. HAHA (: he walked towards me with the chair again and i screamed again. POOR ASHLEE. he cant do anything to me :D so great he dio punched by gabriel. i aint feeling sorry for him now.we had swensen icecream after school (: banana split with lotssa chocolate fudge and sticky chewy chocolate ice, and rum and raisin ice. yuums. but it was damn cold can. LOL. went walking arnd J8 after that, total bore, cos there was nothing much down there. rwahs. im tired, and i have to redo my hme econs. again. and i havent do a new layout yet. so im off now. ciao.-
8/23/2005 07:52:00 PM
Monday, August 22, 2005
` i duunch - im seriously crazy, i mean, today. i dunno what got into me (: but its nice being crazy like, once in a while la. and i told phebe and anet abt the wintermelon issue and both of them say they dunno whats with him. I SO DUNCH UNDERSTAND TOO. but i hate like it when hes sweet to me, whether its all pretence or what. and i detest the way i like it. SIGHS.anw, we learnt a new song in choir today. and i get the chance to design the choir tee :DDD ahahs. i dunch care whether they're gonna choose my design, but at least i can kinda like play a part in designing the tee xD time flew today (: but tomorrow gonna be an oh-so-long day. -pouuts. and the sec three hpt people are supposed to reach school at 7am. RWAHS. on normal days, i wld still be at home at 7am :DDD blame it on my hair, which is so troublesome. no. theres no need to ask me to snip it off cos i just wont (xteehee (: im making a new layout. as in, layout. wahahs. naw navigation stuffs for me. i want something that looks more mature (: rwahs. not exactly, actually. but my taste's been changing lots lately. so i guess my blogskin's gonna change with it. -BEAMS, before exams are here (: okaes. lemme do something to my FNN first (: im off. -
8/22/2005 07:28:00 PM
Sunday, August 21, 2005
` i duunch - its my second blogging today. and i havent finished my hme econs. DARN. well. my dad brought me out to north point just as i was going to start on it. he bought me a new cam. yayness (: but that means all my photos in the other memory card are gone :l next - daddy, i want ZEN NEEON xDanw, i saw this old couple in the lift just now. and the guy was asking me where was the cinema. he informed me that he was gonna watch the maid with his wife. they're a nice couple, old enough to be my grams, and they look really ci xiang, unlike the 44yr old man at the swimming pool. HAHA (: anw, we stayed at the north point food court until they were all switching off the lights and packing up for hme. ans there were lots of black men there, cleaning up the stall. HAHA. im a racist sia (xokaes, i have to get back to my hme econs, or i'll die tomorrow. anw im still sick and i hate the voice i hear when i talk. hmph. i tnk it snds real wierd. rwahs.-
8/21/2005 10:09:00 PM
` i duunch - i went swimming with ling today. and we met this wierd guy. i bet hes UNMARRIED though hes already 44. i forgot my goggles, and swimming is so not my thing, so i was standing at the end and waiting for kailing when he started talking to me, talking abt good swimmers and age and stuffs. yea. i entertained him and chatted with him too lurhs. and he kept talking about the time when he was in the army and blah. and he told me that not everyone his age have kids and are married when i asked him abt his children. HAHA.
after swimming, we went north point, intending to buy new anklets. but they dunch sell any. so we went eat dinner at MACS (haha) before i went to cut my hair. and omfg. my hair got cut by a newbie. damn. but at least she offered me tea (first time lehs) in a cup with the word princess on it. how ego boosting. HAHA (x but i was so afraid she would ruin my hair. at least she didnt la. but my fringe's kinda wierd. SIGHS. heck la. haha. my head's kinda lighter now. lol.
shit. just remember again that i have to do hme econs. SHIT la. im off now. YAWNS-
8/21/2005 07:35:00 PM
Saturday, August 20, 2005
` i duunch - today was uber fun (: though we kinda wasted a lot of time, we make it up by chatting loads :D reached school at arnd 10. thought i was already very late when i realised anet and phebe havent reach yet :l tsk tsk. nowadays im not the late one (: i waited for phebe and we proceeded to onegrace classroom... and realised that only a few people were there. meeting was almosty cancelled because of that :l me phebe and anet got so pek, but in the end we decided to stay a while the three of us sat in the canteen and waited. HAHA. pinwen and kahwee came and the five of us just sit there and chatted (: pinwen is seriously hilarious :D he had to go hme to change cos the security guard didnt allow him to go in to the school in hme clothes. puah beh kia. then kailing came. as usual, so late. haha. we went back to onegrace classrm and talked abt FRENCH KISSING and stuffs xD sickos. all those stuffs abt tongues and... ewk. LOL. then baoyun and brenda they all came back with the aces day cd. and we started learning the dance steps. VERY FUN (: so im not gonna have cramps on that actual day anymore cos its fun xD we moved up to the DC rm there and continued the aerobics (: nice, and we sat down to chat again :D pinwen is so dumb cos he keeps talking abt me and sijie :l no way, duude. moved to one faith next. and danced and danced and danced :D really is very fun. HAHA. all of us were so enthu, and jack was imitating the way dawn dance in the video (cos shes real hot in the video :D). shannon came and we talked abt the handover before leaving the classroom. we (brenda char ling cherlene sheron jack wilson pinwen kahwee and me) then took shannon's pick up to chinatown (: cos sheron and cherlene needed to shop for the costumes for wed. its damn nice can, sitting at the back of the pick up ((: very fun, and people in other cars kept staring :D shannon parked his car in this carpark with a car lift, and pinwen was so suah ku. HAHA (x but the lift was seriously cool la. lol. we walked for a while, then pinwen complained he was damn hungry. so me and ling pei him go find dinner lurhs. char also followed us, but she went hme after finishing her durians. HAHA. pinwen brought us to this chinatown market or smething liddat la... and we had dinner there (: nice... the wanton mee. and pinwen also bought rojak and that carrot cake. yuums. spotted shannon they all. they ordered darn loads of food. stingray, clams and after the three of us finished our food and chatted, we went to join em at the other table (: so nice. 10 people squeezed in the tiny table. i only ate some stingray which kahwee insisted me on eating (he can be so nice. he helped me remove the chili first. haha). sheron and cherlene actually ate the clams which were like, bloody and eeky. was so full (: then i left with pinwen at arnd 8. the rest stayed to continue eating. took the train with pinwen to douby ghaut, then he alighted at somerset cos he was meeting his friends, i tnk. yepp (: i seriously tnk my sis's so kb can. SIGHS. she shld learn how to control her anger. bleahs. wadever la. hoping for suntanning next sat :D oh yes. ive still got things to do for the handover ceremony (: more planning and meetings next wk, i tnk... yepp. im off now. ciao.-
8/20/2005 09:27:00 PM
Friday, August 19, 2005
` i duunch - common test's so over! (: bad news is final year exam is arnd a mth away. was NOT able to do physics and PAC today. heck. ive given up hope of passing those sbjs. jiayou for end of year :l im so afraid i'll get retained. im so sick now. my nose feels like its gonna drop off frm excessive rubbing and wiping la, and i just keep on sneezing O.O theres hpt tomorrow. SIGHS. and kokheng's birthday tmr too. guess i cant go to his birthday thing at sentosa. sorry kokheng (if you ever read my blog). but i dunch wanna go hpt too. im feeling so sick :l and i dunch wanna 'dance' for the aces day! ERPS. its gonna be so uber paiseh can.
uh la la. i sian liao la. haiis. tmr then see how la. now im off to make those new layouts (: one thing to help keep my mind off certain stuffs (PONDERS)... sighs.
8/19/2005 07:58:00 PM
Thursday, August 18, 2005
` i duunch - maths wasnt as difficult as i expected (: managed to do some of em. ERPS. theres this 16+24 thing and i actually put 30. what the hell. damn careless and now that whole question is wrong :l kns. FNN was... erms. easy if you've studied. lol. so its obviously not my case la. tmr's the last two sbj le. yayness (: PAC and physics. uh le le. then i can go on with my new layouts :Dhmmm. i heard weve got to dance for aces day -.0" im so not gonna do it. SIGHS. im off now. and im ignoring childish people (: including soon lao lao. ahahs.-
8/18/2005 07:40:00 PM
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
` i duunch - for once, i cant do a geog paper. im seriously screwing up the common test :l chinese was uber chim. no one understand the comprehension. HAHA. and it seems as if a lot of exchanging of answers going on (: tomorrow's maths and fnn so this blogging wld be a short one.
am having a lil flu :l erps. i dunch care, im drinking loads of water so that i can recover by fri (: towning, shopping, tanning :DDD and planning for the hpt handover. two days more and i can do all that stuffs (: anw, was pissed off by some childish people. -rolleyes. plus my flu, i was pissed. and ling was pissed at em too (for me). HAHA. but didnt really care abt those puah beh kias la (especially that beansprout :l). and i didnt meant that fuck you i shouted to yiyuan. sorry sorry. my mouth slipped. no offence... and i was pissed. so i dunch mean anything offensive to anyone la.
have ideas for new layouts. two more days and outta the torture (: im off to do maths now.
8/17/2005 08:02:00 PM
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
` i duunch - i screwed up my chem paper again ): i just wanna give up on that subject cos i never seem to be able to pass it. a whole page, blank! damn. how i feel like killing myself. my sista seemed to have taught me the same things over and over and over again, and yet i still cant understand the whole bloody acids and bases stuffs. rwahs! i was so pissed with myself, and all of a sudden i just started worrying about getting retained this year. i seemed to be flunking everything. its geog and chi tomorrow. at least geog is that one sbj that im more confident in, but im so bad at mapworks :l
i wanna this week to end ASAP. am so looking forward to the handover and shopping, and i definately need more sleep. my eyes hurt frm lack of sleep and i cant wake up on time in the morning. uber pathetic.
anw, we went buddy hoagies after that horrible chem test. had that nice mocha (: and we were reading those mags. there were like, some really eeky stuffs in the mag. HAHA. but it was fun laughing at those stuffs after a totally horrible paper (: and cheyenne finally cleared my that doubt abt map reading which i had for 3 years :DDD HAHA. kkaes... im off now. to do my chinese :l
8/16/2005 07:54:00 PM
Monday, August 15, 2005
` i duunch - my SS paper was horrible! i did absolutely badly. and yes. im blaming it on ZHANG DONG LIANG! erps. english was okay. tmr's chem! thats my worse worse worse sbj (besides maths and pac and physics). hope i can at least pass it. i wld be so darn happy if i do (: yes yes. im going all out to study chem. ltr :Dright now im so obsessed with those fonts :D nice nice nice !!! and those brushes. pretty. and they're darn cool. i cant wait for this stupid common test to finish so i can make those new layouts (: oh yah. today weewee was sickening. HMPH. i dont think eugene was at fault. aww... he got 6hrs school service just because he was smiling. -roll eyes. and ling was saying tomorrow lets all smile at him. what a big asshole. and guess what, i can read body language, you know? fucking asshole. youve got your pride, weve got our pride too. so dunch just care abt yourself and si yao mian zi :l ahh. anw, i ate a lot of eggs today for hme econs. HAHA. alright. im off now. might not be logging in the next few days due to the common test. SIGHS. -
8/15/2005 06:59:00 PM
Sunday, August 14, 2005
` i duunch - i did social studies today (: it seems like a loooong time since i really sit down and study. haha. but, i was seriously trying to memorise those stuffs when some horrible zhang dong liang music filled my ears, and someone started singing with a horrible voice. -.-"" major EWK. the voice was seriously horrible can, and i wonder who was the bastard staying in the same blk disturbing me like that. what an asshole.
so i went to watch lurfe hina instead :DDD and i tried to resume studying, but fall aslp on the kitchen table instead. nice, isnt it. then phebe called me to ask me if i wanna go khatib macs to study cos sweekoon and loads more phs students were there. i decided not to go, cos i cant memorise stuffs with loads of people arnd. so yea. i resumed sleeping xD then went out to northpoint to buy dinner. and here i am now.
am so going back to social studies ltr on, but for now, a lil break la (x and ive got some new ideas for layouts. yes yes... after the common test (: im off now. -
8/14/2005 07:05:00 PM
Saturday, August 13, 2005
` i duunch - im so happy (: ive found the brushes for photoshop. haha. thanks sherry for teaching me how to use those stuffs :D ahh. more photo editing! ahahs. anw, there was a hpt meeting today at khatib mac, abt the handover stuffs. the date's postpone to 10th sep :( aww... more waiting. argh. and im so looking forward to it (:all of us were studying SS down there while waiting for shannon, who happened to have a last minute meeting at his work there. ohwell, halfway through stuying, this woman working at macs there was so unbelievably RUDE to us, we cld have just complained her to CASE. and all of us were so darn pissed at her. she tried to get us out of our seats to give way to her customers to finish their meals. what the hell. arent we her customers too? and i just cant stand that uber huge mole beside her left eye. erps. what a bitch. sweekoon gave up his seat, but the rest of us remained there. who cares abt some asshole?shannon came finally at arnd 6, i think. and we discussed about the handover. me and ling are the ASPIRING MASS COMM STUDENTS (: so ling suggested we be the emcee cos we cldnt find anyone to do it (: shannon was saying he dunch want anyone to erms or eh or uh on stage. lol. erms... i dunno whether i can do it. HAHA (x but i guess things are not confirmed yet. yepps.the rest, namely sherry ling nichola reagen wilson and clarinda went buddy hoagies to grp study while i came back. ahahs. blame it on my sista and bro and their dinner. ASSHOLES (: rwahs. im off to do the photos :D-
8/13/2005 08:08:00 PM
Friday, August 12, 2005
` i duunch - school's freaky today. and yes, its kinda meaningless. ahh. free food for recess, and guess what, the beehoon dont even taste nice la. mrs tan got pretty worked up today during assembly. thats a first. she even walked down the stage and lectured us in the middle of the hall. it was kinda dramatic. i guess no one even dared to smile. and i seriously hate it when i get embarrased by a teacher. well... its aint the first time milkyway gimme those kinda frosty stare. and its aint the first time i stared back. and duh, its aint the first time he actually diao me. erps. like i care la. i dunno whats wrong with those retarded guys, and i dunno what do they want. they're making me freak. ohwell... kinda, i mean. i wonder if theyre taking me as some kinda joke. but seriously, i wouldnt even care, unless things really gets out of hand. im kinda tired of it all. tired of saying hes cute. tired of those retarded starings and teasings. like, how old are they? i cant believe they're 15. -roll eyes. i wanna be friends. but they're kinda freaky and ummms... unfriendly. some of em :l cant they be normal? LOL. anw, i dunno why. but i feel weird looking at someone of my age smoking. i feel sorry for em. sounds funny, but thats how i feel. its like, some of my cousins smoke too, and were seriously pai kias, lol. but somehow, i tnk they're nice people. same feelings i have for the puah beh kias. its like, they gimme the feeling they're alone. i dunno how to phrase it... but they feel alone to me though they have like, this whole gang of friends. trying not to care abt how people think of me as. some might think ive got serious attitude problem, a sucky temper and is one big bitch. some might think im like, dumb. quiet (HAHA), follow-the-leader kinda girl. see la. thats why i dislike people to judge me before they even know me. i definately aint quiet, but i cant talk arnd certain people. i dunno why, but i seriously hate that. its like, ive lost my tongue or what and i would be looking in another direction smiling while somebody helps me answer the person whose actually talking to me. or else, people would be saying im a flirt?! please. i wonder which girl haben been called a flirt before. LOL. every single person (both genders) flirts, except mayb if hes got autism or wad. i tnk its all in the hormones(the H thing again. haha) but i trust people kinda easily, and i take most guys as my brothers as long as i can relate well to em (: girls too. but people just notice the guys part, i think. im like that too. HAHA. so im like, trying not to judge people and assume their characters before ive even know em (example: the sec twos). i know the feeling. i tnk everyone knows the feeling la. hmmm. everyone thinks differently. thats why i learn not to care when i hear how people talk abt me. okaes. actually nth of that happened. i used to be afraid smething like that would happen, bu now, if it does, i wouldnt care, provided my friends are there for me. i can always count on em when im down. i know (: so even now when im freaked out by some retards, i feel comforted at the thoughts of those friends - you know who you are :D i dunno why am i talking about all of these in my blog all of a sudden, but i need to put down these thoughts somewhere. see la, walking alone makes me think really alot, and what ive written are only those which im able to phrase out in words :l i tnk too much. lol. mayb somebody would read this post and gets bu shuang abt what i write, but whats a blog for? im supposed to write these kinda stuffs down on blogs, aint it? whatever la. i dunch have time for immature people (:speaking of no time, common test is like, in 3 days. study! and i wanna APOLOGISE TO WONGKAILING. sorry for brushing you off just now and calling you irritating. i get too engrossed in books sometime and become very insensitive. sorry sorry :l bleahs. this been a seriously long post la. so ya.. i tnk im off now. -
8/12/2005 07:35:00 PM
Thursday, August 11, 2005
` i duunch - im so dead. or rather, i would rather be dead right now :l SCREWED UP. omfg. even ling agrees that its very paiiseh. SIGHS. what the hell was wrong with yiyuan?! erps. im so not going to tell him anything more le. he can really shoot his mouth off. i aint going to say more about that, so frucking seemed kinda short today. and yes. PAC lesson was hilarious, with all the F and S stuffs. do you know that F is for FLOWER? :D and S is for sun (: so whats wrong with saying F and S in class? and mayb instead of shit la, we should just say bian la xD i mean, give us a break. we dont really mean anything much la, just some form of anger venting :l ahahs.we went buddy hoagies after school. -shakes head. im supposed to start saving up. bleahs. no more fried chicken or grilled chicken for me. and i need a diet for gaining 5 kg at one go (x hilarious. we saw that lil mixed blood kid again, and hes really so ke ai :D i guess hes dad (or issit his granpa? LOL) is seriously free to be able to bring him to the cafe every single day (: aww. anw. min and ling spent some time chopping up the seemingly inedible carrots, and bits and pieces of left over food. how gross can they get? ahahs.anw. i need serious help in my studies. im failing like shat. freak. erps. and i think that some guys are serious jerks, and he's (i dunch mean that puah beh kias la, though they also....LOL.) seriously a pathetic failure lehhs. whatever lurhs. im off la. -
8/11/2005 07:41:00 PM
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
` i duunch - ive just got back from cheyenne's house, and i must say her maid is a seriously fab cook :DDD meesiam with half a hard boiled egg, yums, though it was damn hot. lol. and cheyenne offered me ice cream next (: i feel like a pig, but my mouth's itchy. bleahs. and guess what, i gained 5kg at one go xD im now 44kg, finally a normal weight for my 161 cm (or am i still underweight?), but cheyenne says ive grown taller :D so that means im not 161 anymore :D
whats greater is ive got 3 miniskirts frm cheyenne. very nice (: we slacked at her house, and started a bit of grp studying after ling and wenqi came. cheyenne taught me the p&l accounts. oh well... take it that i understand it more now (: then my eyes started itching and i lie on cheyenne's bed, and kena raped by ling. horny charbor :l i felt like leonard with all those screamings. HAHA. we went to sunplaza next, and shopped a lil at this fashion. ling tried on this white dress. looks really fab on her though she keeps on complaining that shes fat. oh well. me min and wenqi think it looks real nice on her la :DDD heels next. ahahs. and we need cardigans too (:
ahh. i need cash . im gonna start saving like, tmr :D anw, i was blog surfing when i read this on xiaxue's blog: " I started to think of the reasons myself, and I got more and more upset and insulted as they dawned on me, these imaginary hurtful reasons.Perhaps he was mocking me while his friends laughed and sneered, while listening to the radio, at how I stupidly believed that someone like him will ever be interested in me?Perhaps it was a bet? Or maybe a sabotage?" ohwell. i guess i can fully understand how she feels, cos that was kinda how i felt at that time :l aww... i shant care abt it now la, though i still think hes very ke ai (:
anw, common test's next wk ): thats like, so fast. study! i want buddy hoagies. HAHA. and more more more mochas :DDD im off now. ciaos. -
8/10/2005 07:51:00 PM
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
` i duunch - today's national day, public hol (: had actually intended to stay at home for once, be a good girl and study :D BUT i didnt at the last minute and went to sherry's hse instead. we (me, reagen, sherry, ling)were supposed to be doing the ppt for the handover. and guess what, ive finally finally finally gotten hold of the sec three adventure camp's photos :DDD yayness!
ling got darn freaked out by jingle, sherry's dog. she's so hyper can (: i mean the dog. i was kinda freaked out by her too and both of us were like, screaming. LOL. we ordered canadian pizza. ended never do anything much la. ahahs. but at least ive got the photos (:
okaes. i shall upload the photos la. umms. tomorrow going to cheyenne's hse. yah. im off.
8/09/2005 06:10:00 PM
Monday, August 08, 2005
` i duunch - 
CLICK ON THE PICT (: please get the sentosa photos frm my msn space. :D
8/08/2005 10:09:00 PM
` i duunch - it has been a pretty great day for me (: well. i came to school with chongzheng eugene goh and zhiheng cos i happened to board the bus that they were on, and eugene invited me to take the empty seat beside zhiheng. and he started that 'eek, zhiheng dunch pervert' thing by kicking zhiheng's legs. obviously they wld knock into my leg and eugene would be going, 'eee.. zhiheng dunch pervert..' guys can be such dickheads sometimes, but they are very nice people la (:
OH. speaking of dickheads, i cant believe some people can be so petty to call me fucking bitch just because i called em dickhead on my blog. -roll eyes. if every guy was like that, im expecting half the boys from my class, or rather, my level, to come and beat me up right now. naw. i dunch care abt petty guys la.kick the asses of dickheads and shitfaces la :DDD thanks ling(:
anw, back to the bus ride. eugene was talking abt fireworks and gmails. cant believe how sua gu he is. LOL (: yes. ive known him for nine yrs, and i aint surprised. HAHA. and chong zheng was saying that he very obiang. nice retort la xD the national day performance was boring can. had no outdoor parade this year cos it was raining. what a wet blanket :l mayb that contributed to the boringness, but at least, we got to o hme even earlier :DDD that 95 years old elizabeth choy, yes yes, she said alot of meaningful things (i think...), but seriosly, i didnt understand arnd half of it, and im so sorry about it (x
decided to go lot 1 in the end. lesser dilly dallyings this time rnd :D improvement! went macs for lunch. and the queue was damn long can, and ling was talking abt the petty guys thing nearing the finishing of our food xD she really very ji dong. im touched. AHAHS (: we shopped arnd, and i seriously think that the teenagers arnd there are wierd. ummms. all like very action kias lehhs, and definately poseurs la. omfg. -shakes head. anw, we decided to go kbox, but we had to wait for arnd an hr. took photos, and there was this (burly and black) security guard who told us not to hang arnd the kiddy ride and that we arent supposed to take photos in the mall. HAHA. thats like, the most hilarious thing ive heard. shall get the photos frm ling ltr. yupp. kbox was FULL of people today la, and there i was telling evryone IM A NICE GIRL (: almost said that to the waiter. LOL. sang loads in there for 3hrs. have decided to go there again :DDD
HPT handover ceremony's on 3rd sep ( i tnk... ), and im so looking forward to it. semi-formal = playing dressing up!! yayness. yes, ling. shopping for your dress next :D umms. or put that on the list after suntanning ( which is after common test on my list ) :l i need an even tan, cos i cant go out with my left arm tanned and my right arm fair. yes yes :DDD oh yah. im so looking forward to cheyenne's hse to get the skirts. hope im not too thin for em. shat, i just realise im sounding like a total bimbo :l heck. umms. i need to ask cheyenne some pac questions too(: im dead serious, abt P&L accounts. ahh.. now, i dunch snd so much like a bimbo le :D i need to save money. most importantly for my debts and presents. ahahs. im off now.
8/08/2005 07:56:00 PM
Sunday, August 07, 2005
` i duunch - i've decided to be really nice and forget about what weili said... or rather, wrote to me ( : i wouldnt want to get myself so worked up over a childish unrefined dickhead. wahahs. tomorrow's national day's celebration. it gonna be so boring, compared to the past yrs ones :l nah. at least we get to leave school earlier :D
anw, ive decided i need so much CASH cos i needa buy so many things. mind you, they're not useless stuffs kaes. i need a new school bag (preferably that orange DC bag :D), a new tote bag, a pair of slippers, a pair of sneakers, that bikini me and ling saw at fareast, a thumbdrive, zen neeon, contact lenses, blah. okaes. fine. im only 15 and i shouldnt be thinking of new things to buy every time for MYSELF. but im nice. i tnk my parents should get a new cam for my SISTA :D so that she can stop borrowing mine. LOL. and i need cash itself for those presents i owe people, return the money i owe, watching movies, popcorns, and for me to save (:
ehem. im just daydreaming la. my parents' alrdy complaining that im such a great spendthrift, and that the amt of time i spend infrnt of the comp and outside is too much. SIGHS. what do they know? they just think im being rebellious and stuffs. no lurhs. its just that they dont understand me. im born to be stubborn kaes, so the more they want me to do something, the more i wont. they're afraid i wld mix with the wrong companies and stuffs (i believe they alrdy tnk so), but cant they just trust me? after all, they are the ones who made me, and they should be confident of their product right. HAHA. i know i sound kinda obscene la. but they cant expect me to be the same as my sista. i cant just seat at the table and study. ask me to seat and stone at the book, yes, i can do it. study?! i can only do it at night. and not for long too. whatever la. i only know they should TRY MORE to understand me instead of nagging at me and making me feel turned off to be at hme. my sista should too, -roll eyes. she just seems to tnk shes the greatest. ahahs. i tnk shes hilarious smetimes, cos she'll say ive got an attitude problem when i never reply her when she nag and nag and nag. and guess what. shes only 18, and shes as superior as an ah mah. fine. thats mean. im sorry. but seriously, cant i just have my own life? quit bugging me la.okaes. guess this has been a looong entry. whatever lurhs. im really bored and everything just came out once i start writing. HAHA. kkaes. im off now. -
8/07/2005 04:50:00 PM
8/07/2005 03:58:00 PM
Saturday, August 06, 2005
` i duunch - today was nice (: woke up at 8.10 in the morning. replied kokheng's sms. dilly dallied. realised i had no time left. wahahs. it aint the first time. rushed out of the hse at arnd 8.45. smsed anet to tell her i'll be late. she asked me to give the excuse that i forgot my logs stuffs. that reminded me abt the first aid kit which i had really left behind at hme. rushed back hme to retrieve it. and i was uber late. reached school at 9.20. lucky i had anet and ling waiting for me. thanks guys (:went into the canteen where everyone was still having their briefing. we were the latest :D how great. we left the school at arnd 10. imagine loads of people wearing red carrying loads of stuffs in the train :D it reminded me of the hpt fun camp. lol. i didnt hab to carry anything besides my own bag cos kahwee offered to carry the first aid kit. guessed he realise he was the only guy not carrying anything. HAHA. crapped loads in the train. and soon reached harbourfrnt la. took the bus to siloso beach, where we set up the command post. after that, the rest splited up to their respective game stations, leaving me and wilson there. BORING. seriously. we started the amazing race when the jap students arrived at the command post. continued the boredom. played a bit of volleyball, answer calls and questions, blah. but it was stoning most of the time. and i got burnt :l the students came back at arnd 4. so ke ai la them :D they left at 4.30. we ate the left over durians. yums. sang birthday song for the august babies, which happened to be sijie ONLY. ate the cake. yum yums (: played arnd for a while, then went back with anet phebe char and fufu. saw wilson neo at the douby ghaut station, so we took the train hme tgt. in the end everyone alighted, leaving only me and wilson, so we walked back tgt, until we splited up at the macs there. had fun today (: and im burnt. my left hand is red while my right hand is not. how great can tt get? :D nah. proper tanning after the common test :D i mustmustmust save up for tt bikini. ahahs.btw my mum just realise i have an empty wallet. she says i spend alot. why cant she just say my pocket money is little? ADULTS...-rolleyes. kkaes. im off. photos shall be uploaded here CLICK<
8/06/2005 08:16:00 PM
Friday, August 05, 2005
` i duunch - school was great today. he smiled at me. tiny one, but still, a smile. ahahs. im supposed to be over him. i tnk i am. but his smile still makes my heart melts ... well, almost (: somemore hes got a really ke ai smile can. ahahs. i shall take this slowly. lalas.i tnk i flunked my chem test ): all those nitric and stuffs, i just dunch get em. played badminton with ahchen and yanguang during pe, and the racket handle was so bad that it made an abrasion on my hand -shakes head. those jap students came and performed for us during assembly, so cute la, them (: pon choir, cos ltr on going with char and ling to buy those stuffs we need tomorrow. hopefully i can slp earlier today cos tmr's gonna be a loooong day (: ahahs. im missing that smile :l
8/05/2005 06:25:00 PM
Thursday, August 04, 2005
` i duunch - school's kinda screwed today. i failed my PAC bank rec. and i cant do my p&l acc. i felt like crying in frustration just now. and i just felt like laughing when i did my petty cash test (talk abt mood swings) cos the first time i did, the receipts totalled up to arnd a thousand dollars, and i dunch tnk we're supposed to call that PETTY cash. LOL. redid it three times and im sure the answer's still not right. i was able to do abit of chem, surprisingly. but im still feeling kinda stressed out right now ): not only abt school work larhs... but also abt some.. stuffs. i aint a good logistic head, or assistant, wadever. i dunno what im supposed to do and i dunch feel like doing what sweekoon ask me to do. hello?! im having a chem test tomorrow and im supposed to study for it instead of calling up people to find out what im supposed to do, esp when NOONE noes what they're supposed to do. fine. i aint supposed to be here either. but i just felt like venting ): secondly, I FEEL LIKE A HYPOCRITE WHEN I CHAT WITH dt. obviously he wanted me to like, give him care and concern. -roll eyes. i cant do it. and i just had to tell him to takkiare and stuffs. i dunno why. but it kinda gime the creeps. so i tried not to reply. thats so mean. but hes kinda like, the only guy who gimme tt feeling la. haiis. my life is going haywire with all the misunderstandings ))): thirdly, yanjie sent a dumb ilu frm kokheng's phone just when we were in the middle of watching charlie and the chocolate factory :l that pissed me off. im not feeling too nice today. i wonder what the fuck is wrong with me. to tnk i wanted to apologise for yuenchen for calling him ai dong gua. guessed he deserved it :l wadever. i tnk too much. me and ling went watch that movie after our chinese oral, which was rather hilarious for me (x the rest had their chinese common test today, cos they're in chinese accelerated class. oh. and me and ling walked out of chinese lesson today (: attitude problem. ahahs. anw the movie was nice. kinda full hsed lurhs, cos we were put to sit at the fourth row frm the frnt. wth lurhs. but actually it was okae larhs. took neos and we took the train hme. and after ling alighted at amk, i realised my chem tb was still with her. so i cant study frm my tb today. haiis. just my luck. and chem's first two periods tmr. hooray. im so screwed up. in every single thing. fuck la. im off.
8/04/2005 07:38:00 PM
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
` i duunch - i tnk i spent today in a daze. what the hell is wrong with me, i dunno. it seems as if im either sleeping or reading. ahahs. fine. that new world book is kinda nice la, kept me bz through maths and physics. lol. and cheyenne just lend me her harry potter and the half blood prince. i'll try to finish it asap la. yepp. theres like 3 tests tomorrow. what the hell :l i tnk im gonna flunk em. esp SS. i havent been listening in class, though mr ng is a really nice teacher (: mayb hes just too nice le. ahahs. he caught me using hp just now, budden he just ask me dunch use until so obvious. aint he nice? HAHA. and yuenchen was passing her phone to me like there was no teacher (x wadever. slept during chi again. EUGENE NG DISTURBED ME AGAIN (x bleah. and he drew that middle finger on my worksheets. crapass. couldnt he just go read porn comics wib the rest of the guys? HAHA. and he always have to wake me up when im sleeping by tickling me on the ear or what. guyys... -shake head. THE GUYS RAPED ANDY TODAY. hilarious. they dragged him into 3i before soon laolao came. and jake was talking abt some pervertic stuffs after that, and so said ling. :l they tried zhixuan after chapel, but mengzhou kena scratched. lol. wadever. the guys from 3joy AND 3integrity are just plain sick la. ahahs.anw. im not sure what im supposed to do for the sat thing as the (i tnk) assistant logs. laopop ask me call andy ltr on to ask... sian. mayb ask ling conference bah. HAHA (: kkaes. im off now. yepp.will i ever see you, smiling back at me?
8/03/2005 07:10:00 PM
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
` i duunch - i spend the whole two periods of chinese today sleeping again :D soon laolao woke me up once, but i fell back to slp when he walked away. im tired can. nobody turned up for the morning meeting at 6.45 just now. ahahs. i kinda contributed to the nobody cos i reached school only at arnd 7.10. counted very early for me le horrs. ahahs. umms. the trainee still cant teach can. sighs. i prefer mrs ang. she come, we understand. she dont come, we dont understand. ahahs. and joel was so hilarious during maths remedial just now (x but yea, they shld sack... naw. thats so mean. haha. ling and yuenchen rebutted the retards. they were kinda mean to *him la..erps. but who cares about the retards. HAHA (x whatever. ended up not going sentosa today. char went with yiling. but if they're going tomorrow again, i guess i'll have to go. SIGHS. im off.i aint worth waiting for. he aint worth crying for. fuck.-
8/02/2005 07:30:00 PM
Monday, August 01, 2005
` i duunch - i just realise im soooo busy. damn, i havent do my pac petty cash yet, which is due tmr, and ive just finished my threedays food record, but not the decision making, heck larhs. and im going sentosa tomorrow to check out the place cos of the japenese exchange thing on saturday and im one of the logistics. mayb i shouldnt have volunteered myself :l ERPS. just when i was thinking of sleeping earlier so i can concentrate more during lessons. HAHA. im still gonna feel as though im gonna slp. wadever, i shall try to finish what im supposed to do. wadever. anw we finished the french song le :D ahahs. and that hebrew song is damn nice can ((: lol. wadever wadever. im off. -
8/01/2005 09:53:00 PM
` i duunch - im now in the frigging comp lab doing the frucking hme economics. and i have to redo my 3 days food record AGAIN. damn. its like, my THIRD time and i seriously dunch feel like doing anymore. damndamndamn. i dunno what to do. fuck. i tnk im gonna flunk the exam this time. my coursework was my only hope lurhs. now i do until so damn pek liaos :l hmm. then just now anet was laughing at my modification of rotiboy. i didnt know what was it supposed to be modified into mahs. so i just wrote a rotigirl as an answer. anet was laughing like siao over it. hahs. i got 14/25 for that test. thanks to the book under the table. ehem (: anw i tnk ive got bad attitude problem today thanks to that trainee bitch. i just cant stand her. erps :l me and ling spent chinese lesson outside the classroom squeezing pimples cos we didnt bring our chinese tb. actually is havent buy la. im not gonna bother to buy. dunch see the point. LOL. its boring today. theres choir after school. SIGHS ): and that bloody pimple havent disappeared yet. FUCK.-
8/01/2005 12:19:00 PM