<3! 2grace04
<3! anet
<3! cheyenne
<3! chuanlian
fiona heng
joyce khoo
joyce tan
<3! kailing
<3! phebe
<3! shiminn
<3! yuenchen
Yours truly, SWEETMISERY;;
Monday, October 31, 2005
{its too late now it won't ever be the same}so yes. extended lessons start today :l i was late. hahaha. first period we had chemistry practical in the chem lab. rather boring laaa. then had recess, which was kinda dumb. after that we had english and then ss. yuenchen was talking abt all the porno stuffs :l i mean, that giggolo movie. hahaha. then during ss i got woken up by mr ng. rahhs. but his lesson was funny cos the guys were saying gross things about him. teehee. i added some comments too. hahaha. mr ng is fun :D he never seems to get angry (:after that we had cup noodles lunch behind the school. then back to school for hpt meeting (: we got to know our troops (: im troop 4 with anet vanessa kahwee phebe and clarinda. i like :D then the sectwos we have stephanie terrence adelene janelle kandace(EWW) xinyi and joyce khoo. hahaha. planning to meet up with em on wed for pre camp prep (: had a bit of choir after that. and guess what, i tnk miss yee forgot all abt our 5 rnds :DDD hung out in the canteen a while with sanbah jianhuo chang'er maryrabbit and pai charbor. teehee. all of em has nice names. then we went to the mrt station and i became the taiyang :l lololol. saw mrs soh! still cant get my report book. yet. errrrrrps. then i alighted at khatib cos i was planning to meet em after that, mayb for dinner or when i got home, i was like telling my mom i was going north point and she was like, asking me to go to the bbq. yadayadayada. in the end she won :l cos she was saying all the crap about me always going out with my friends, and blah blah blah :l so fine. im gonna be taking care of kiddy people ltr on. SIGHS. just when i thought i had the comp for myself tonight, and i still haben done up my links and i was still going to make somemore skins. rwahhs. nvm. ltr. anw i so wanna cut my hair and if we're going town tmr, i might wanna pierce my ear. provided the person looks friendly. hahaha. im still afraid it will hurt. oh. whatever. im off now.
10/31/2005 04:26:00 PM
Sunday, October 30, 2005
{i dont think i can take it i dont think i can make iti just want this to go away}ive changed my skin again. its incomplete. but nvm. i'll finish it mayb tmr or something. its a boring day. uber hot. fried. theres extended lessons tomorrow >=( and the ptm. but my mom dunch wanna go. hahaha (: and theres still choir. and hpt meeting. rahh. but actually i dunch mind. those beat staying at home (:anw there seems to be an increase in the number of roaches in my house. my sis woke me up while trying to kill one ytd night. and that was the second one in a day she was trying to kill. rwahs. hairy ugly creatures. so gross la. i leave it to my sis to exterminate all. hahaha (: i tnk it can help her relieve stress or something (x and abt ___. hahaha. uber hilarious. suddenly we're having fake relationships. lololol. hopefully things can stay this way. i'd hate to lose contact with him again. actually i'd hate to lose contact with anyone. whatever. i dunno what im talking abt. hahs. so yea. guess we're going taiwan if my dad suceed in getting leave from work. i dunch feel like going. have no idea why im feeling this way. like if i leave, im gonna lose contact with ___. hahaha. im being really silly. but i cant stop feeling this way ): help. ___ been msging me for the past two nights. but not tonight. mayb i'll send a goodnite msg over or something ltr. oh. anw i used up like 60 msgs ytd :l ive got to control the msging thing. but actually i dunch want anything to end. WHATEVER. im going crazy.this post is crap cos i dunch even know what im talking abt :l ahh... i dunch even know what i want now. im feeling so fucked up la. whhhhhhatever. im off.
10/30/2005 10:25:00 PM
Saturday, October 29, 2005
{he wasnt what i wanted, what i thought, no}woke up like uber early today to go get my passport. the photo is so ugly i cant stand looking at it. rahs! :l half way through eating breakfast at the cafe there, pinwen called me. he was surprised that i went to collect my passport that early. i also tnk its dumb la, to go there so early :l but my dad had to go to work. rahs :l hes one biiiig workaholic.reached home at arnd 9.45 like that and was deciding whether i should go for choir or just straightaway go help out with the hpt. asked arnd and realised had to wear redshirt and tracks if i were going for hpt. didnt want to wear tracks and i thought if i go for choir, i wunch have to wear tracks. hahaha. so i went for choir. and since ling was late too and reaching sch at arnd the same time i was going to, i met her outside the school. and we kena scolded cos we went into the music rm half an hour late TGT. rahs. we were telling miss yee the truth lurhs, yet kena scolding. alright. mayb im wrong not to have told em before hand la. but at least i did turn up right. ahhs. adults make me confused everytime. rwahs. saw junwei after our performance :DD its been soooooo long. i almost couldnt recognise him. had to turn arnd and look again before realising it was him (: he said hi too. hahaha. he's turned slimmer and taller and look nicer. it was great to see an old friend again :D went down to see if i could help out at the hpt there. they were belaying miss lee (: haha. had a tiny meeting with wenjie. theyve regrouped us for training camp :D im with phebe anet clarinda and kahwee and dunno who. im happy :D and the sectwos, i know theres stephanie and joyce khoo and janelle and dunno who. lols. hung arnd until arnd 2 i tnk. then left. was so tired after that at home. cos i woke up sooo early and spent like 2 hours sitting in the sun. its as if the sun drains away your energy. lololol. but i couldnt have my nap. bathed and went out again to meet the people at the bball court. teehee. mayb im weird or what. but i like to bath before going to play bball. HAHA (: only cheyenne and min were there. but the rest came after that. and daryl told me that he had to look for a new school rather sad news, i guess :lanw kelvin dyed his hair (: looks kinda beng. reminds me of some asshole. hahaha. but it looks rather nice la. hahaha. i mean the fringe. lols. its GOLDEN. teehee (: it was frigging hot down at the court. and nobody wanted to accompany me to get my chocolate waffles. so sad la. so i did without it. hahaha. phebe left first. then we continued playing until 7plus. had dinner with min jolene and wenqi at macs. home after that. here i am (: ahhhs. had quite a tiring day la. mayb i'll sleep earlier tonight. and and and, i tnk im such a fickle minded person. SIGHS. nvm. i cant change that :l so yea. im off.
10/29/2005 10:02:00 PM
Friday, October 28, 2005
{close my eyes and slip away}last day of school. this year passed really fast. and all the school stuffs end. theres still two weeks of lessons for us, but i guess, thats it. nth much is gonna happen except for the usual studyings and hanging out at malls and stuffs like that. i should be happy. yea. i guess i pretty much am okae. happy. not yet. still depressed. hahaha. im depressed but laughing. whatever. it had been a really crazy school year for me. -shrugs-so yea. had the end of the year service in the hall in the morning. went high verbally. according to ling, i didnt look high. lololol (: was i supposed to look as if i was going crazy? hahhs. so went back to class after that. boring. there was like nth much to do la. so finished my book. lent sweekoon my cam. then continue hanging arnd those desks. had classrm cleanup after that. gave out those english textbooks to the sectwos. see, threejoy people are so nice. hahaha (: and mrs soh still wanna meet my mom and my mom doesnt want to meet her. lololol. then sweekoon ret me my cam. was laughing abt the photos they took. lols. so cute la. hahaha. school ended early and had choir. felt so bright cos of the orange tee. but actually its quite okae la. i just dunch like the green at the back. it screwed everything up. hoho. ended quite early. so me ling and min went buddyhoagies. its been soooo long (: had the yummy stuffs and read the mags. still not updated. hahaha. i wanna cut hair :DDD hols are here and i wunch be seeing ___ for like, centuries ltr. so i dunch care how ugly im gonna get. hahaha. jk jk. LOL. i tnk i dunch even care if im gonna see ___ la. im not so onto that person as i seem. lols. whatever. and i forgot to blog down some things ytd. ahhh. i tnk im really having short term or something. rather sadd :la bird died on us ytd while we were having the hpt meeting. it just suddenly drop from the sky, or rather slide down frm the sky and landed onto the carark with a louuuuud sickening thud. it kinda slid on the grnd. so its like, gross. it kinda struggled for a moment before it finally went out cold. so sad :l aft school went sunplaza and fishy went with me to watsons to buy my pore pack. hahaha. bought the new black one. and its like, ex la. lololol. then when i was paying for it, fishy just took up the condoms at the counter and looked at em. hahaha. so daring la. and she started informing me of those rather gross stuffs. hahaha. fish is fun (: siao char bor :DDD haben regret buying kapo cos its sooo cute :D buty its really very very ex la. hahaha. hmm. am very very looking forward to the chalet :D okaes. photos are all uploaded here. im off (:p.s: what happens if even the most cheerful person becomes depressed? rahs. this qns meant nth. lol.
10/28/2005 07:55:00 PM
Thursday, October 27, 2005
{and now im left with all this painive only got myself to blame}today was rather fun, though kinda tiring (: went for hpt meeting early in the morning and got all the sectwos down too :D actually they arent too bad laaaa. hahaha. mayb we were just too prejudiced against em in the past. but still, its too early to judge yet. hahhs. but still, i dunch wanna the fat people in!!! HAHA. im being mean laaa. things were kinda awkward for me at first when we had to go into our troops cos of the dispute with denise. rahhs. i guess she knows everyone dislikes her. but luckily all of us got to change groups. now im with anet and phebe :D hahaha. hopefully we'll get some nice sectwos. lololol.spent almost the whole day just walking arnd in school. quite nice la. haha. also gave out consent forms for the training camp :D there was the UG sports thingy. went to watch the bball competition. bb against npcc. i support both la. hahaha. dunno who win in the end. didnt notice. LOL (: then fnd it too hot at the court. so left and went back to class and came out to wander arnd again. teehee. everyone in class was either reading some porno comics or playing blackjacks. hahaha. YOUNGSTERS NOWADAYS... tsk tsk. ahahhs (: after school went sunplaza with anet fiona fish ahmah. cheyenne and ling then came to meet us. that beary and friends shop was closing down and having some kinda major sales. so ahmah and fiona bought quite a lot of things. and i finally ended up deciding to buy a kapo hp chain. hahaha. so damn ex la. but monkeys are cute. cannot resist :Dhome after that. im still trying to sort out all my feelings. and i still dunch understand why am i feeling this way. im starting to binge on chocolates again. rwahhs. whatever. im off.
10/27/2005 09:23:00 PM
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
{im trying to figure out just what to do
im going crazy without you}
so yea. practically spent the whole day in the hall. had the hilarious sdt talk (: the old guy was nice :D funny. and hes really open about everything. he even shared with us his sex life. thats like, gross la. but very interesting. hahaha (x that makes me snd like a sicko. LOL. and those picts in the ppt were like, totally eewk kaes. and we found out that uh, guys wear... umms, panties. HAHA. yuenchen and me were laughing our ass off about that. guess that guy said wrongly. had more talks after that. uber boring. cheers for anet :D she got third and is the most improved one in our class :D
ahhs. i lurfe the way 3i and 3j are like, one class. integjoy. very nice (: and both our classes got to be the last to leave the hall cos we were like, noisy or what. whatever. and so many people arent coming to school anymore :l but im still going. its boring at hme. lololol (: everyone became so down after school and it seemed to take us half an hr to get to the mrt station :l in the end me min and phebe went khatib hawker to eat. mood
became better there i guess. im great at self entertaining. hahaha (: then we saw this weird guy. he was obviously digging his pocket for something when he suddenly just nodded off and slept. uber uber uber hilarious. and there was this plate of rice infrnt of him. so he nodded and nodded and his face ended up in the rice. and he woke up after arnd like 2 min. then he continued digging into his pocket like nth happened, just to nod off to sleep AGAIN. this happened for quite a few times until he finally woke up, stare arnd, stood up and walked away. i bet hes a drug addict or something. it was darn hilarious la, but oso kinda omfg freaky. lololol.
after that kelvin came. he had his lunch. then we went into ntuc to buy my chocolates :D had cravings laaaa. hahaha. then min went home. kelvin and phebe accompanied me to my block cos they were on the way to yishun. so yepp. and kelvin is totally retarded la. and the last words i heard him say was hallelujah :l retarded! i wonder how phebe stand him. hahaha (: chatted on the phone with daryl just now. hes like depressed. hahas. hope he wunch get kicked outta school or what. hes been quite a nice friend, though kinda weird at times. hahaha. but hes nice la (: and even if he gets kick out or what, i'll try my best not to lose contact with him. he seems to be kinda pessimistic abt stuffs now. so yea. and for ___. im suddenly kinda irritated by him. i dunno why. hahaha. i tnk hes a tad too despo. mayb he seriously is a loser. SIGHS. i dunno whats my prob. i dunch even understand myself now. rahs!
hmm. ive changed my blogskin. it kinda suuuuuuuuuuuuck. i dunch really like it. hahaha. so i guess im changing again a few days ltr. lols. meanwhile i'll try to make phebe's one first la. like owe very long le. lols. and things are getting kinda retarded now :l rahhhs. dunch care dunch care. im off now.
10/26/2005 11:05:00 PM
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
{and im not gonna cry, about some stupid guy a guy who thinks hes all that} i finally got to know what ive been wanting to know for the past half a year and now my heart's aching over the answer :l thats how contradicting life can be. so now im trying hard to let go of everything. but things just seem to have happened a wee bit too abruptly for me to accept. but IM TRYING. very hard. and im feeling kinda bad abt lying to him. im pathetic >=(geog field trip today was bad at first and great in the end. the tour arnd the industrial park was alright but the maxtor trip was boring. for one thing, i dont understand what the people were talking abt. all of em seemed to be fighting to lead. hahaha. and their eng's kinda... uh... weird too. hard to understand. haha. but at least they gave good souvenirs though the jacket was rather dumb. the hydroponics farm was totally awesome. had lotssa free veggies to bring hme and both the guy and the woman bringing us arnd were nice (: so yea. it was fun. another school was there. the siglap something one. then some m came and ask me where i bought my bag. thats like, retarded la. brought back free parsley to grow :D how nice. went back to school after that and wasted that one hour away in 3i being depressed. rahs. mayb i shld just stop feeling sorry for myself. hohos. its hard. went up to 3grace just to see miss tang in the class. how embarrasing la. hung out a while with fishy and accompanied yuxuan to the toilet with fish. teehee. was darndarndarn bored. started raining and joel tricked me into carrying his bag to the canteen for him :l asshole. saw jack neo. hahaha. greeted him budden he never hear. rwahhs. had meeting in the counscillor rm after that and fnd out im in the same grp as fuckedup face for training camp. ARGH. went yishun for late lunch. shopped arnd at np for a while. took neos. then hme. cant say my mood's lifted or what. stoning pretty much. but im glad ive got people arnd me. people whom i can hold on to when i feel like shit, which is like, all the time for now. bear with me for a while. i cant say when this dark period's gonna be over ): so yea. im off. but im still wondering whether i was right to do things this way.
10/25/2005 07:44:00 PM
Monday, October 24, 2005
{dunch wanna caredunch wanna hear}my freaking comp just shut down on my suddenly. IM PISSED. it just produced some funny noise and blanked out and the worse thing is it refused to restart :l rahs! i guess it has finally shut down once and for all )x hopefully not. im gonna try restart it again ltr on. till then, i'll have to make do with my dad's comp which is like, totally retarded in school was horrible. i got into some stupid mood and was walking arnd like some pissed off freak. ahhh. horrible. i guess i was rather pissed off with myself. whatever. there aint any lesson today. so we were like, wasting our time in class. got outta class a few times to meddle with the hpt sectwos new recruits thing. pon chinese. like lao lao will care liddat la. after recess was worse. omfg. was walking beside sijie behind clarinda ling and fish when sijie suddenly shouted into the class next to us, saying that im his stead. I FREAKED. how embarrasing. ive got nth to do with him thankew very much. lucky it was just 1humility and not some sec3 class la. went back to class aft that. hahaha. and fooled arnd a bit. acted a bit oso. lololol (: im pretty good at it (minus the laughing part) hahaha.the sectwos hpt nominees had a briefing near school end. loaaads of em. but it seems as if not all of em wanna join la. and thankfully some of the sanbahs dowan to join. teehee (: looking very very forward to camp (: though we'll be like missing two days la. hahhs.missed lunch cos dunch wanna see some people. talked in class with fish (: then went for choir. totally boring laaaa. had that rehersal in hall. lalala. then home. life's sooooo boring now. mayb i shld go play maple. hahaha. alrighto. im off now. right now im truly devastated ): rwahhs.
10/24/2005 07:40:00 PM
Sunday, October 23, 2005
{all the heartbreak all the painall your words you said in vain}my bloody comp jammed on me and im so not gonna rewrite what i wrote just now. so i shall just summarise everything. hahaha. went to the travel agency in the morning with my parents and got the details abt going taiwan in dec. actually i dunch really feel like going. its been a rather depressing year so mayb if we're really going taiwan, it wld be good. but im idiotic cos i dunch really feel like going :l unless im promised lotssa shoppings :DDD teehee. met sinhui and fufu at yck for an impromptu job search at town. hahaha. fufu was carrying this gadget which is kinda interesting. very fun. but it looks like a toy and it's weird carrying it arnd. lols. first stop at paragon - the kidd shop. very nice. pay's darn nice too. 5 or 6 bucks per hour. hahaha. had to wait for the person to call us up for an interview. hopefully we'll get the job. lololol. went heeren for lunch, then fareast. didnt go ask at the clothes shop cos we didnt really like the place. hahaha. asked at icelemontee though. but they were looking for full time ones. went to chiko, this really cool shop which does class tee. was soooo impressed by the designs :D hopefully 3joy's class tee will turn out something like them. hahaha. went takashimaya. had dinner at macs and chatted, mostly abt training camp :DDD 90plus sectwos got in. including some UNNICE people. rahrahrahs. hopefully they'll get eliminated or opt out emself during camp la. teehee. i really dunch feel like going for choir :l walked arnd somemore before leaving for home. theres school tomorrow. one last week before school hols. and i can feel my heart sinking again. rwahs. nvm. fateless. i dunch wanna care nomore. im off.
10/23/2005 10:30:00 PM
 sinhui with that gadget i was talking abt. hahahas.
10/23/2005 10:28:00 PM
Saturday, October 22, 2005
{a heart full of hurt}yay. no rotting at home today. been feeling depressed. hahaha. cos of ytd night mostly. rahrahrahhhs. WHATEVER. oh, speaking of whatever, everyone's been trying to stop me frm using it. mostly guys. how gay la. hahaha. it's a nice word to use, but i guess its not really a nice word to listen to :l so yea. decided to go kbox with min. asked cheyenne and ling along. decided on amk kbox. yadayadayada. went to the library at first with min and cheynne, and i kena chocolate on the most unsightly place :l i shant say where. hahaha. then we met ling. went up to the kbox there. cheyenne realised she left her ez link card at the library and she kept going fuck fuck fuck. hahhs. ling went back with her to find it in the end and they found it. went kinda crazy in the room, screaming and doing stupid stuffs laaaa (:a phonecall from mao lai mei seemed to change everything though. SIGHS. ignts. no comments le. left kbox at arnd 8. me and min then went to the kfc to meet mao lai mei and ah mah. had a rather hilarious dinner (: left at arnd 9. me and min took the bus home, and how nice. the bus was full of that grass jelly. hoho. it was kinda hard to breath. ohh. im being meannnnnn. lololol.hopefully we can go for a game of bball tmr :D dunch wanna be stucked at home thinking too much when i already am. bahh. whatever. im off now. ciao.
10/22/2005 10:01:00 PM
Friday, October 21, 2005
{he is the rope that ties you downhe is the one that keeps you here}today was alright. had choir in the morning. ahhhs. the new choir tee is not very bad la. just that the colour of the words and the microphone at the back is a bit weird la. hahaha. but at least the tee is orange (: teehee. after that we went to the khatib bball court. it was like, uber hot la. hahaha. so me and shimin were having our lunch at the shelter there (: then kelvin came followed by the rest and we started playing bball. and yes. it was still hot. we were playing with this nice ite guy whom they refer to as gao zai cos he was tall. haha. then i stopped playing. and i spent the rest of the time just sitting down there or walking arnd khatib trying to look for milk bottle with victor and ah mah. hahaha. then phebe kelvin and victor left first. the rest of us (me min cheyenne ahmah anet wenqi yuxuan xiuanpin) just sat down there and shoot some hoops or what, and we came out with a new name for xiuanpin. MAO LAI MEI (: sound like molar mass horrs. ahahhs. and he kept calling me zou gou when he's the one la. so xiuanpin is a.k.a mao lai mei a.k.a zou gou :DDD we had another game together before leaving. and i saw this handprint at the bottom of my shirt at the back. then me and wenqi started laughing abt it. hahhs. cos the print was directly at my ass there. HAHA. very fun (: then i left at arnd 7. my nose got a lil burnt. hahaha. ahhh. sinhui is soooo lucky cos she was on the same train as ___. hahaha. fine. mayb its not good luck to her laaa. but its as if she knows what im thinking abt cos she smsed me all the answers when the questions were still in my head. hahaha. she understands. lols. and she say he really look like that grey dog. lololol. how come its not me la :l i mean whos on the same train. lol. mayb really no fate. but how i wish i can do what sinhui ask me to do - take the initiative. bahh. mayb xavier's right. i humji. hahaha. whatever la. okaes. guess im off now. SIGHS.
10/21/2005 07:48:00 PM
Thursday, October 20, 2005
{ here comes the rain again, falling from the starsdrenched in my pain again, becoming who we are ((: }alrighhhhhhhhht. today we had the sectwo post exams activity again (: waterbomb. didnt notice what time i reached school today, but i think i wasnt late la :D then had dou jiang you tiao outside at the carpark there with reagen wilson and sweekoon. nice! cos i get to see ___ too. hahaha. after that, we took the pails and fill em with water. very very heavy. i cant carry one. sweekoon had to take it from me before i could spill the whole pail out. hahhs. after assembly, we took the pails to the bball court, then we got ready and the sectwos came down. the secthrees were in the chapel basement watching the day after tomorrow. hohos. started the waterbomb game. at first i helped out with 2endurance, then i went to 2devotion. the whole of 2blessing came in uniform, so they couldnt join in the fun. those 2devotion guys were a handful kaes. espcially that kirk. hahhs. then they left and the other half of the sectwos came down. saw ___ and i lose all interest in playing. lololol. hung arnd the place, dumping water on sijie. and ling poured water on me :l rahhs. was wet, but not very, compared to jack who let people dump water on him. so AA. haha. after that we went back to the councillor room and i took off my tracks. so wet lurhs. hahh.mrs soh talked to each of us individually about our marks today. i can promote! hahaha. i can finally breath properly again. ive ot 4 passes - eng chi fnn and humanes, and 3 failures - maths science poa. so yepp. im happy i can promote :D had concert in the hall after that. was laughing my ass off during abt 2/3 of the concert. hoho. and we were screaming and making dumb noises (: yiyuan's performance was great. but i so prefer the other song that he composed himself. yepp. yangkai was great :D but the school was kinda noisy la. its so not suitable for this kinda performance to be held in school cos we're noisy kidds who cant contain our excitement (: had debrief after school, then we went to the bball court to watch 3i play against 3b. ahhhs. 3i losed ): but nvm. you people still rock :D then played a while in the small tiny corner of the court and left for lunch. hoho. lunch was uber hilarious la. cos we ate in the small eatery near the bball court. and i saw ivan. hoho. i started laughing cos i thought it was kinda hilarious to be seen eating in that place (: but the food's cheap la and its not really that bad. except that ahmah and min got scammed. HAHA.okaes. ive uploaded the photos HERE. enjoy. im off now.IM CRAZY ABT YOU (:
10/20/2005 07:43:00 PM
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
{but there's one more thing you should know ever since that day i can't stop thinking of you} today was fun fun fun ((: surprisingly, i wasnt late. instead i was like, early la. its a first kaes, so im super proud of myself :DDD after that everyone came. clarinda was sick i think, so she couldnt come. and once ling arrived, she was like, 'eve! what bikini are you wearing today huh?' and i was laughing my ass off la, cos denise was behind me. lined up with the hpt people for assembly. a bit very AA. hahhs. we left during rp and went back to the councillor room to pump the balloons (: ahh. i hate those balloons and someone still burst one right infrnt of me :lwent to the chapel basement and went up to the hall. listened to a bit of that grooming talk. the one abt hair was disgusting kaes. HAHA. then we left to get ready for the sectwos at the chapel basement. they came and they were rather rowdy la. sweekoon had a hard time trying to keep em quiet and many pon school today lurhs. hoho. these sectwos. tsktsk. in the end mrs choy had to take the mike frm sweekoon and asked if the pupils wanted to go back to class, if not, they have to keep quiet. instead of keeping quiet, the sectwos were like, yes... cos they wanted to go back to class. tzai la. hahhs. in the end a few classes chose to stay in the basement while the rest went back to class.we started on the balloon sculpture activity and since we had befrienders from that kallang church to help out in the chapel, there were kinda more than enough help in the classes. so me and anet were walking arnd the sch. initially, we were looking for pumps cos char's spoilt. went up to 2blessing and saw kokheng there. he gave me a flower balloon with his name on it :l hahhs. after walking a few rnds of the school, we went back to the chapel basement. got another bear balloon fom jack. lols. and till now, i still dunch dare to pump my own balloon la. so afraid the balloon will burst. hahhs. after that we had our lunch in the canteen. were talking abt PAPAYAS. lol. uber hilarious la ((: then we went back to the class, dead tired. but we still had to do the reflection of the bali bombings. rahs. had a lil nap with eugeneng disturbing me :l then wrote crap for reflections and school ended. soooo envy the rest cos i'd rather be in the seminar rm today instead of doing the balloon sculptures with the sectwos. then i'd be able to see ___. rwahhs. ohwells. guess its kinda pointless anyway ): had debrief in the chapel basement at arnd 2.30. same old stuffs - communication problems. blah. then we left for the bball competition. there were only 2 girl teams. us (me cheyenne anet char yuenchen) and 2graceo5 (inclusive of chenning and tzesuan) i tnk. we won (: frogot the score, but it was slightly drizzling when we were playing. threejoy guys losed to blessing ): i tnk its cos theyve got edwin there. but nvm. threejoy guys are still the best :D took lotssa picts. nice nice nice. then it started pouring and we had to leave the court. hung arnd in the canteen for a while, then went home. right now im kinda exhausted, but looking forward to tmr's waterbomb :D yes yes. and to... nvm. photos shall be uploaded HERE. im off.
10/19/2005 08:06:00 PM
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
{i wish i could leaveand you're never what you seemed}we got back our humanes today. expected la. and i passed. i mean, i ACTUALLY PASSED, 50/100. hahahas. 25 for geog and 25 for social studies :D but i forgot whats my passing grade for the whole thing. mrs soh la, she took back that piece of paper. haha. shockingly, char scolded fuck infrnt of the teacher today, miss cynthia yeo, that is. xD guessed she was really very pissed at herself for failing social studies. but everything's over and she cant do anything now. miss yeo was like, mind your language! and her eyes grew even bigger. LOL. and we went comp lab during english. mrs soh's cute. she caught me looking through blogs instead of doing that wizlearn thing. hahs, and she was like saying why people who writes blog lurfe to have their fonts so tiny. ahhhs. at least she didnt scold me (: was pissed off in the morning cos ling was asking me abt ytd. APOLOGIES. i tnk i was having moodswings or what. rwahhs. but things were okae after that, i guess. am gonna have a sorethroat soon and my throat feels very uncomfortable, so its like, im downing lots and lots of water which keeps giving me the urge to go to the toilet. hahaha. not that i mind anyway. lessons were BORING. going through of the papers. rahhs! and ive realised that my hair seems to be getting messier and messier as the days go, and i dunch really care much abt it anymore. teehee. messy jiu messy la. unless i see some retard who talks to the wall la. HAHA. had hpt after school. went behind for cup noodles lunch. lose my appetite AGAIN at the sight of ___ and ended up having only a can of ice lemon tea and abt three quarter of the hersheys chocolate bar. hehh. went back to school and changed into my pe tee. i was like, the only blue one arnd, so extra (x went out of school again to go and buy the plastic bags for the waterbombs with xavier and sijie. found out from em that kahwee went INDIA. hahahas. also heard that he was going arnd asking the guys whether they need him to help buy curry powder anot before he left. hoho. thats hilarious. no wonder its seems quieter arnd the integjoy classes these few days (: got back to school and helped out with wrapping the LOLLIPOPS :D ahahs. we chose the class that we want to take. IM TAKING 2BLESSING! HOW NICE RIGHT (: i can see mascara running, i tnk. hahaha. im taking em with sijie and anet. teehee. after that we took off our shoes and tried out the water bomb game with the lollipops. after that we had a game of plain old traditional water bomb. hahhs (: andy got drenched and he was like saying he had to rmb to bring his underwear on thurs incase he got wet again. ling poured a whole pail of rainwater on him (: had fun cos we were like, playing in the drizzle la :D had fun posing for pictures too. hahaha. reporting to school tomorrow in redshirt and tracks. and we get to pon rp (: theres like so many things happening these few days and my blog entries are looooong. i like :D theres bball competition tmr after school. threejoy jiayouu (: and i need to find a camera girl. not only for joel la. i want our picts taken too (x i tnk joel's got a gf. hahahaha. cos he wldnt lemme write everocks on his hand. lololol. everyone's getting attached now. SIGHS. so devastating la. hahaha. okaes. im off now. ps: omfg...................... i didnt know i wear bikinis to school everyday worhhs. OR AT LAST THATS WHAT DENISE LEE SAID TO THE GUYS. is that like fuck up or what la. i mean the person, as in, denise, is like fucked up la -shows the CUTE handsign- ohh. i know. mayb all the halter bras are bikinis to her and she thinks that its a MUST for every single guy to know that me and kailing wear bikinis when we go tanning. gawd. she doesnt know whats a bikini and whats not sia, cos we DUNCH wear bikinis when we go to the beach. AND ACCORDING TO HER, IVE GOT A LOT OF BIKINIS. hahaha. thats like, uber hilarious la, cos ive got none. and of all people, she must say it to GUYS. i bet shes just trying to attract attention la. and yes yes. push all the blames to WENQI. I TRUST WENQI OKAES. i bet she didnt tell you how's our figure and what kind of bikinis we wear. hohoho. GET YOUR FUCKING FACTS CLEAR BEFORE YOU GO AND FABRICATE TALES TO THE GUYS ABT US LA. shit head, or rather, like yuenchen always say la. LAO V. fuck. and yes. i agree with kailing abt your fucked up face >=( ahhhs. what a pity our dear kahwee cant come to your rescue now la. mayb you shld go and join him. we'd be more than happy la. alright. im so not gonna be affected by some lowly shallow fucking person who doesnt know whats a bikini. (: hehh. im off.
10/18/2005 09:50:00 PM
Monday, October 17, 2005
{i feel lost in my head i'm down with all my emptiness}rwahs. school today was slacked. and we got back all our papers, that is, except for humanes. they say only 16 in our class passed social studies =X thats like, oh my gawd la. didnt hear anything about geog :l first paper that we got back today was pac. and i was shocked cos i failed it. alright. mayb i deserved it. i slacked my first half of the year away ): but for my maths and science, i can never seem to get good marks for em. its like ive got something wrong in my brain that makes me so anti-maths and science. bahh. so yea. now my three passing subjects are english (67) chinese (65) and fnn (58.5). hopefully i can pass my fnn coursework too. then i'll definately be able to promote. my humanes. im really really hoping that i can pass it, but i guess i wunch know until mayb tmr? rwahhs. where had mr ng and mrs lau disappeared to just now? hahhs. i guess my mom's angry with me about my results and my dad's gonna be so bloody disappointed. im angry at myself too. i wasted too much time >=( things are so NOT gonna be the same next year. im gonna have enough sleep and im gonna brush up on my maths and sciences and im so gonna get As for the common test at the starting of the year. OKAES. i dunch tnk i can get most As, but i'll try not to fail anything. and this time, IM SERIOUS. its not gonna be just all empty talks like the previous two years. im gonna try to divide my times well during the hols, and grp studying dunch really work for me. so i shall stop going out for grp studies so often. im depending on my sis now :l and CHEYENNE ANET LING, i need help for pac. yea. as i was saying, my dad's gonna be soooo disappointed and my mom was like saying, if we were going overseas at the end of the year, i wunch be able to go and that my dad's not gonna buy me anything i want le. SO. i guess i deserved this ): so im NOT gonna pout and sulk and wadever cos i deserve all of this. im gonna brush up on my studies and pull up my socks. FRIENDS, if you are my friends, HELP ME. cos i admit i dunch have self control )): and mayb my sis's right. im a tad too stubborn and narrow minded. arghh. I WILL CHANGE FOR THE BETTER. now, for the other stuffs. okaes. its so difficult to be angry at you. im gonna just forget everything. fuck. but its like, im wary of you frm now on. ahh. speaking of fuck. i tnk that handsign is so cute can, if not a bit crude, but still, its kinda creative la. HAHA. and today i keep thinking about that retard who speaks to the wall and i really feel like banging my head onto the wall. whatever. i seriously am going mad. then theres gonna be this inter class bball competition. its gonna be so cool. mayb not. we girls arent playing together and i mean the twograce girls. its stupid to be made interclass. why not intercliques la. fine. thats really lame. we're gonna play with waterbombs with the sectwos on wed and thurs. and theres like balloon sculpturing competition for the sectwos on wed and im so not looking forward to it. IMAGINE ME DUMPING A WATERBOMB ON THAT BITCH YT'S FACE. ohh. i can so imagine her mascara running down. teehee. im having evil thoughts now. i sound childish. HAHA. its gonna be so not fun. actually i'd rather be in the HALL with the rest of the secthrees. hohos. but no choice, i lurfe hpt (: long entry today. btw i tnk guys are really dumb. hahhs. im off (:
10/17/2005 09:30:00 PM
Sunday, October 16, 2005
{this is still my lifenot yours to define}i seriously seriously seriously cant stand people who goes "im a lil summer princess" when they OBVIOUSLY arent one, looks or character. RWAHS. it makes my hair stands. it wunch matter if you're pretty. but it matters a darn lot if you're... ehem... EWK. oops. im being really mean. but come on, this char bor makes my hair stand until i also buay tahan, and im so NOT talking abt some sec one from phs (whom she refers to as lil princess school. YUCKS). and it doesnt help much that shes one who will suck up to seniors. hoho. i cant stand this girl. she makes my hair stands. anw. i spent half my day rotting at hme cos it was raining like damn heavily la. its winter in singapore. how nice (: was chatting on the phone with ling and made an impromptu decision to go to the library. hahhs. for once, she was earlier. and it was still raining heavily. went to the library and i realised that my card was full of OUTSTANDING transactions, in other words, i owe em too much money. teehee. went to the arcade next. then had dinner. after that we went to macs and sit down there talking abt naval piercings and french kissing. HAHA. very crap la. and i bet lc is NOT abt sucking each other's tongue lurhs. thats totally gross. kahwee must have got the method wrong. ahahhs. i think its really sad when a relationship ends. rwahs. its really very ke xi lurhs. people should really treasure what they have, and i think guys shouldnt get together with girls whom they dunch like. why give the girl all the false hopes and end up hurting her? its like shitty la. damn shitty. and guys should make the first move. asshole. i still feel like banging my head on the wall when i think of it. rwahs. oh yea. and abt THAT. actually i was so stupid to have trusted you again. i was being nice kaes, and just warning you. fuck. whatever. im disappointed. okaes. sometimes i really think i trust people too darn easily. errrps. school tmr and getting most of our papers back. hopefully it'd be in the hall. teehee. btw i see a glimpse of hope in going taiwan during the dec hols. hahhs. but both my sis and i got feeling wunch be going in the end lehs. haiis. my dad la. workaholic. keep working and working. sighhs. alright. IM OFF.
10/16/2005 08:54:00 PM
Saturday, October 15, 2005
{you gotta act like nothings wrongyou gotta stand up and be strong}today's one boring day. i decided not to go to that relative's house thingy and spent the whole day rotting at home, doing practically nothing except for lazing around and using the stupid comp that keeps shutting down and jamming on me. DAMN. but at least ive got my new skin up. really simple. but its cos thats how im feeling now. HAHA. mayb i'll do a depressing one when im feeling really depressed. right now, im feeling... alright. depressed. LOL. but its not major. teehee. surprisingly, ivan smsed me and asked me to go out talk. or something like that. felt too lazy to walk over to the ntuc there just to TALK. so i declined. next time perhaps. im wondering what they're up to anyway. like, dots la. as if im very familiar with em. lol. okaes. im NOT gonna rot at hme tmr. daryl asked me whether want go watch the wig. but if its alone with him, forget it. not tmr. i dunch have the mood to be alone with a guy tmr. hahhs. lemme find someone else. im off. ciao.
10/15/2005 11:08:00 PM
Friday, October 14, 2005
{man, you've got me so confusedcause i'm so caught up in you}my comp sucks. its shutting down on me. rwahs. today was okae. i tnk ive become my mom's servant or what. i had to mop the floor and make faith go to sleep before i can leave the hse. so in the end, i had to meet the others late. no bball at khatib cos it was raining. so had to meet em at sunplaza. felt so cheated cos they never go library in the end. haha. on my way up the food court to meet the others, i saw that two POWDERED BITCH. fuck. i was staring at my phone when i looked up just in time to see em diao me. cb la. im their senior can. so rude. OKAE. bitches dunch have manners. but they're still two shit asses la. hmph. went up and started complaining to jolene. HAHS. and zongyang seemed to keep stuffing himself with food. lol. and he was like saying, we got more people la. so ask em come up and diao lurhs. lol. heck la, those female dogs who over-powder themselves. i just hope that they will choke on the powder when they put on foundation and poke themselves in the eyes when they apply eyeliner or mascara. HAHA. that will be really funny (: somemore want join hpt. HILARIOUS.they finally finished eating and went down to the arcade. that was when i realised i got cheated. hahs. spent 3bucks in there. saw the powdered bitches again. damn. they make the colour hotpink sucks too. it so dunch suit em duude. left the arcade and realised it was raining damn heavily. so we took the train to amk where the rain had stopped. went to the bball court near xiuanpin's hse, the blk 350 there. the girls got to play only once and my face got smacked by the ball. haihong la. lols. binged on chocolates down there at the court (: then we left. and went home. i wanna make a new skin :D but my comp sucks. so i shall see. looking forward to getting the results back on monday. HAHA. esp if its in the hall. LOL. im off now. ciao.
10/14/2005 08:04:00 PM
Thursday, October 13, 2005
 :D
10/13/2005 10:03:00 PM
 HAHA. i say i will post the pictures up (:
10/13/2005 10:00:00 PM
{love songs suck and fairy tales aren't trueand happy ending Hollywood is not for me and you}today was sooo much better than ytd :D for one, there was no school and no exams. hahaha. no more sniffing and shivering in the hall (: i help my mom vacuum the floor today and watch some power-ranger-looking-monster-show with faith. teehee. its lame la. went out to meet sinhui at khatib at 1. then went on to meet anet at braddell. alighted at somerset and we went to cineleisure cos sinhui wanted to have lunch. we wanted to watch the wig, but cos the show was like at 5plus, we decided not to and chose the skeleton key instead. but after that we decided that watching movie was a waste of money and went walking arnd heeren. stood outside that shop AGAIN cos i still couldnt decide whether i shld pierce my ears not. HAHA. decided to pierce in the hols instead. went take neos. then we bought yuenchen's birthday present, that dirtygreen beanie and i bought my belt and sinhui bought her top. hahs. anet paid for em all (: xie xie. lol. went over to fareast plaza cos it seemed as if the others would take a long time to finish their lunch at mache. hahs. there wasnt much thing there. almost spent another 10bucks on the ripples slippers, but we decided to walk arnd first. ended up never buy la. decided to go over to bugis cos sinhui wanted to find something cheap and nice for a bottom. went to bugis street and its like, the skirts are damn nice lo. ahhh. i wanted that khaki mini skirt with the big big pockets lurhs. 23bucks. very cheap. next time. lol. we went back to cineleisure again. hahhs. to meet the rest, and sinhui left to meet ling. had dinner with xiuanpin yuxuan ahmah and min at kfc. and gawd, dinner with em was like, horrible la, cos xiuanpin seems to be able to spit more of his food out frm his mouth than me. HURH. and they were being hilarious, and so most of the time it was difficult to eat cos we were laughing our asses off. then on the way hme in the train, my sis called to tell me that my mom cooked my dinner. so in the end i had two dinner. those carbohydrates. TSK. im getting FAT. hahaha. more games of basketball :D and gyms. lololol (: okaes. im off now.P/S: i lurfe all you people, the two grps, no matter how you hate each other, i still lurfe both. can you all please please please clear up all your misunderstandings? okaes. mayb its not that easy. annoyingirritatingDEVASTATING - ahh. the ings that i learnt today. hahs. (:
10/13/2005 09:07:00 PM
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
{right or wrong, loved or hated complicated I can't sutade it }exam's over, like finally la :D i can get my sleep (: but sadly we didnt get to go out today ): cos the girls stood us up. was annoyed la, cos its like, they never tell us before hand lurhs. then end up want go with joel they all also too late le. we ended up roaming arnd sun plaza, me and ling, and my morale dropped to the lowest point and i became more and more pissed by the moment. rwahs. ling was very pissed la. guess she was really disappointed that the esplanade trip was off so suddenly just like that. but cheyenne's right... xi guan jiu hao. WADEVER.sometimes you can really lurfe em lots and feel like you cant do without em. but sometimes, they are the ones who disappoint you and make you feel like crying. no more suntanning tmr. we postponed it. but at least we're going somewhere la. the girls are going mache. but im broke, so im not going with em. go shop arnd with sinhui and anet, ling mayb too. so yea. been long time since we last went town. hahhs. exams la. but now everything's over (: i wanna get back my results asap. so i can stop worrying abt whether i will be able to promote :l and theres loads of no-school days. but actually i rather have school, but without the studying la. duh. hahhs. so yea. i can go play with photoshop now. LOL. im off. ciao.
10/12/2005 07:15:00 PM
Monday, October 10, 2005
{i'm curious to know exactly how you arei keep my distance but that distance is too far}maths paper two was alright. HAHA. yea. alright. two more papers left! -beams widely- :DDD tomorrow's chem, the dreaded subject. the one which im not even sure of the basic. rwahhs. BUT, heck. i need 73 to pass science. so theres no needa hope for a pass. so im just gonna try my best tomorrow and thats it, i guess. tmr seem to be everyone's last paper except for us. weve still got our fnn and dnt >:( how unfair that our exams are ending ltr. hmphh. not that i mind (: its just a diff of one day la. hahaha. just now went khatib mac to wait for the pure geog students. and we were like, in the middle of a catfight. hoho. damn hilarious la, the way those girls were talking. and there were this two extra guys la, who look as if they were trying to act punk or what. totally horrible and i was like, laughing my ass off abt what they were quarreling abt. i heard something like, you talk abt me behind my back... blah. in chinese la. and i was like, DOTS. haha. this kinda thing also must call gang one. LOL. i guess after a while they realise they were attracting attention. so they left. then we just sat there doing nothing until wenqi and shimin came lurhs. anw. haben decided what to do on wed... but its up to the people to decide :D hoping to go esplanade down there cos its been so long since we last went there. hahhs. and tanning on thurs! hope it wunch rain (: teehee. im speaking as though exam's over. no wonder daryl says hes worried for me. hahaha. thanks though. just realise hes such a sweet friend (: and im so worried for myself too. but now im not as tensed as i was last week le. thanks to people such as anet kailing cheyenne yuenchen... and a lot more la :Di finally can go make the friendster thingy. not very nice tho. rwahhs. after exams then i go edit la. hahaha. i just realise i cant stand light pink on black. hot pink is much nicer. hahas. so yea. im off.
10/10/2005 04:11:00 PM
Saturday, October 08, 2005
{when i see you in the street i play it off real cool but when i get all alone i feel like the fool }im so pissed at friendster cos i cant get into the profile editor thing. how saddening cos ive got time now. HAHA. im missing that victor's birthday thing. wakahhs. think only 4 girls going bah. wanted to do maths and chem. but i couldnt concentrate, despite my sista's attempt to make me 'focus'. HAHA. mocha beanie chocolates and those chocolate coated jelly beanies. im going crazy abt em :DDDtheres loads to study for FNN. its also the subject i need to pass to help me promote. so clear my brain of unwanted stuffs* and help me FOCUS. teehee. 3 more subjects left. and we can stop studying :D suddenly thought of ytd when joel say hes cheating on me for LEONARD. haha. and both of us are fringeless :D the guys are a hilarious bunch to be with la (: its nice to hang out with em once in a while :Dguess what. i still feel like slapping the hairdresser.rwahhs. i miss my fringe. 1cm per month.i cant wait. hahhs.
10/08/2005 04:58:00 PM
Friday, October 07, 2005
{the way we are the way we werethe time with you the time is stirred}lala. today's better. much better :D thanks to all my friends. HAHS (: didnt need to go to school ytd cos there was no paper for us me to take. stayed at home to study chinese :D initially i thought we had to learn everything frm book a and b, which is like, 30 chapters la. then ling told me was only chapter 16-25. haha. so yepp. not much things to learn. i forgot it was a tie day today, and duh. i forgot to bring my tie. ahhs. was kinda frantic cos i dunch wanna pick rubbish. HAHS. but end up also nothing happen. lols. today's paper 2 came out only 10 questions that needed the textbook words, 1 cloze passage and like, 4 comprehension. LOL. so chim. very hard to understand. lol. but hope i did well in that paper la :D paper 1 was alright also. yupp.after that we were in the canteen, and i was deciding whether i should go for that maths remedial. and we saw those 3joy guys in the canteen. ended up that they were going cwp seoul garden and joel asked if we wanted to go. then anet came, and we went cwp. then anet decided that she was too broke to go, so she called up ahmah they all. the rest of us, yusong mengzhou eugeneng jake john alicia yennfen me ling sinhui wenqi went in to the seoul garden (: ltr joel came frm his table to join us and zhixuan came too (: hahs. my first time. LOL. and joel's lil sis is soooooooooooo cute can. i tnk her name's jessie and shes three. adorable :DDD had lotssa chickens and made alot and alot of scrambled eggs. wenqi and ling la. both have something loose in their heads. the whole plate was filled with cracked egg shells. hahhs. then sinhui left. eugene left. wenqi left. we stayed at seoul garden for quite long la. me ling joel and jake were chatting at one table and the others were talking at another table. talked abt last yr stuffs. haha. come to think of it, all we did were kinda childish (: like those 'allies' that we form. hahhs. but i tnk its still kinda exist now, though things are much much better :D we were laughing at the saucepan incident and i toppled joel's coke. how embarrasing. lols. oh yah. and i screamed once cos the egg splashed onto me :l paiisehh sia. HAHA. left seoul garden at arnd 4.45 liddat. umms. walked arnd, then alicia and yennfen went home. saw xiuanpin yuxuan and kelvin. went up to the sixth flr there to sit down. jake was pretending to sniff glue cos we were talking abt the security guards chasing us off. LOL. then we saw this bunch of WIERD people with ripped jeans. teehee. jake was talking abt cutting a triangle in the knees of his jeans, and ling was being totally suahh ku abt joel's phone. that bunch of people were like, selling cigs there, i think. how dumb :l then i think the guys went to play bball with xiuanpin they all, and me ling and jake left. so yupps. slacked a lot today. im gonna work loads on my fnn next. maths and chem... uh le le. i aint going to the bbq tmr. SIGHS. hope i wunch miss much. okaes. im off now. ciao.
10/07/2005 07:53:00 PM
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
{i wish i could drive away to the sunset back to the day that we first met}
i haben been updating recently due to exams. i went without the comp for two days :D was quite a bloody wreck cos i was worrying looooads abt my results. i was lacking of sleep and trying to get FACTS into my head when none wanted to go in. thats what you get from cramming. ive learnt my lesson :l now, i wld just be happy if i get to promote to sec4. SIGHS. and my mum was just telling abt what will happen if i fail. HAHA. its like, i already confirm fail my combined science and maths le can ):
social studies was quite alright. ive got nth to say for maths paper one )): umms. geog, didnt know what to write. physics. no needa say ): went through pac with ling on the phone at like, 12am yesterday. lols. xie xie (: it helped. but i dunno whether im able to pass today's pac paper 1 and 2 mahhs. im keeping my fingers crossed. im like, getting so tensed up and as ling says - hyperventilating, when im alone without my friends at home ): i dunno whats happening to me. im just really really afraid that i wld drop. sighs. im now really really depending on my chinese and fnn le. they cant fail me. or rather, i cant fail em.
i dunch hab any paper tomorrow, so im to stay at home. to study chinese. and i guess i wunch be g0ing to victor's bbq on sat, cos i would feel even more...... unprepared. rwahs. i feel like crying again ): but i wunch be seeing those people. errps. thats really sad la. im gonna try and manage without em. if not... i dunno. SIGHS. 5 more papers, 4 more days. hopefully, everything will be over soon. off now. ciao.
10/05/2005 07:38:00 PM
Saturday, October 01, 2005
{wishful thinkingpatience shrinking, bliss is far away}i didnt have my nap today. POUTS- thanks to the chalet thing. boohoo. okaes. whatever. had to wake up frigging early again today for that dumb maths remedial. oviously i was late again. HAHS. you dunch see me being early for anything to do with maths (: did this maths test paper one. ahhs. much better than last week la :D but ive forgotten all about the indices. how nice :D and i skipped all the pages that i see with triangles on it cos i still cant do trigonometry (: and since i skipped so many qns, i used the rest of the time to try out the bluetooth msging thing with joel cos he asked me not to sleep (:mrs ang TRIED to went through the paper with us after that. but obviously, 3joy and 3blessing combine = total chaos la. so in the end she got fed up and walked out of class. i bet shes having PMS cos shes totally irritable today :D me cheyenne anet and yuenchen went to the canteen to eat. yuenchen left first to meet her haahaa. ENVY- hahas. so we just sat there and discuss the chalet thing. june's goddad booked the safra one ): i want changi! but alas, our yatchclub chalet got booked by some other faggots. so i went home and forego my nap to login online to check the remaining changi chalets. then i had a bath before going out to meet with the rest for grp study, WITHOUT MY NAP. and it was like drizzling, so i couldnt eat my milo energy bar while walking to macs ): only shimin was there. and there was no place. but there were a lot of phs students studying there. haha. saw cheechao and eugene goh with jlo andy chongzheng and that edwin guy. left for buddyhoagies. jiayan was there with keith and xinyi. then cheyenne came, followed by xiuanpin and yuxuan, then jolene.felt like falling aslp at first. arghh. then i had my mocha :D and i did my indices and concentrated on TRIANGLES :D ahh. but the others became restless. haha. so we packed up and decided to go northpoint. LOL. so we walked there, stopping at the mr yishun statue cos xiuanpin was so interested in him. rolleyes- went to the arcade. had a game of daytona. its been so long since i last played it. im an absolute loser at that. HAHA. but it was okae. quite fun actually. lols. then we went walking arnd, and the two gay guys just tagged along behind us like our bodyguards and waiting for us outside any shop selling girly stuffs. DOTS. gays. lol. then cheyenne left and we went for dinner at the hawker.yuxuan treated us with ice lemon tea (: how nice. haha. and xiuanpin kept on trying to imitate the way jolene laugh. that dinner was totally hilarious :D very fun. lols. then xiuanpin and yuxuan were deciding whether they should walk back to angmokio. crapass. hahhs. anw. victor's having some bbq next saturday cos its his birthday. the twograce people will be there (: but i cant be sure whether im going cos theres CHEM on the following week. shudders- chem sucks! physics also. argh. those science. like im gonna have anything to do with em after sec4s liddat. hahhs. hmm. so yepp. im off to my revision. maths paper 1 and bloody social studies next. more TRIANGLES and mayb circles too. CIAO.
10/01/2005 08:01:00 PM