<3! 2grace04
<3! anet
<3! cheyenne
<3! chuanlian
fiona heng
joyce khoo
joyce tan
<3! kailing
<3! phebe
<3! shiminn
<3! yuenchen
Yours truly, SWEETMISERY;;
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
i dunch like to see the teachers nowadays, especially the VPs and people like them. its not like i did something wrong. its just that... sighs. whatever. school's becoming like a military camp ): and that sucks big time. anyways the photos are up on the HPT noticeboard already. but my photo's darn fugly. cos my head looks HUGE, and according to em, i look like an ant. hahaha. i assume they meant an enlarged photo of an ant. hahaaaas. so im just gonna retake another photo. but i think i'll have to wait for a loooong time for the new one to be put up. sighs. i wanted to try do POA. but i realised i lost the worksheet :/ guess i left it in school or something. rahhhs. never mind. theres kinda lots of events coming up :D yays. 2nd March - I Not Stupid Too3rd March - doing Yiyuan's CampusSuperstar trailer of HPT (or something like that) (:4th March - sentosa!5th March - go print class tee (:6th March - Parliament Hse; go watch CampusSuperstar live :Dmom finally allows me to go to the studio to watch. though i cant stay for the results cos theres school next day, i cant wait :D then march holiday, sihao's giving me and ling the Swensen treat. hahahaaas. (: kays. my ulcer hurt. but im binging on chocolates again :/ hmm whatever.
2/28/2006 08:20:00 PM
Monday, February 27, 2006
oh my gawd, oh my gawd. that jason lim still remembers me. and junwei also. hahaaaas (: its been sooooo long la. kays. i thought everyone wld have forgotten me already. hahahas. if only theres a gathering for all the nvps people or something. lols. (:
2/27/2006 10:16:00 PM
hahaaas. new msn email address: absc.onding@gmail.comadd! (: ive got swollen eyes today :( and right till now, my left one is still darn itchy. i guess its due to the lack of sleep :/ hmm so today, the day started really bad. had spotcheck. then all the councillors were asked to stay back for another round of spotcheck. cos you know, we are nice virgin lady students, and we are the STUDENT COUNCILLORS (which is even bigger than PREFECTS), and we are the role models for students, and we must uphold the name of the school. kays. if youre dumb, you wunch be able to sense sarcasm. but whatever. im a great role model and ive got my socks 10cm above the ankle :D and i love being in student councillors, ya know? love it babe! :/ then the HPT student councillors were asked to stay back, cos our grp (meaning the 2904 hpt people) were supposedly very high in morality even after we got scolded :/ fine. im sorry we're so immature and that we're living in our own world. sighs. i dunch even know if im allowed to write all this in my blog anymore. i mean, im super frustrated kays. i needa vent out the anger. and i never hurl abuses at anyone. so i think its okay. rahs. so just take it that im being childish, thats to any adult who's reading. i mean, if there is. kays whatever. after school went pizza hut for lunch. then decided not to go choir already cos it was darn late, and we were afraid that miss yee will scold. then we went khatib mac, sit arnd and chatted. the idiotpig's phone got confiscated. his turn. hahaaas. kays. looking forward to going sentosa with the people this sat. cant wait (:
2/27/2006 08:21:00 PM
Sunday, February 26, 2006
kays. its damn late and i hafta do my FNN >:( rahhs. was out the whole day today with my sis and her friend, Iris. Iris's very nice (: hahaaaas. shopped alot. my sis bought 2 halters for me, cheap! (: then they brought me somewhere to do my brows. then got home only at like arnd 10.15. my sister laaaa. told her i needa get home by like, 9 to d my FNN. now hafta rush through. lols. but never mind. i had fun (: kays. im off already (:
2/26/2006 10:47:00 PM
Saturday, February 25, 2006
oral today was rather easy. hahaaas. after oral went behind school with yuenzhen. bought bubble tea and waffle. then sat at the void deck near the half court there. i dunch mean the study corner laaa :/ thats the bengbenglianlian place. hahaaas. then we talked, wells. mostly about that beansprout. so i gained more infomation and got more confused and decide not to think about it now. hahaaas :/ after that went back to school for listening. so boring. took bus home with yuenchen after that. then went out again to zy's house. rahhhs. i was the only one in the bus one stop before zy's house :/ then when i reached, i realise i was the first girl to reach. but nvm. the guys were rather, umms. crazy. hahs. sighs. i dunno whats wrong. kays. im off.
2/25/2006 10:11:00 PM
Friday, February 24, 2006
i think i should get a new msn address soon. numbbedd.crabb sound very very very dumb, and its a thing of the past already. but i feel damn lazy. so i shall see how (: today was kinda crap. reading period was super long cos the teachers had a meeting. (which i think was about our ATTIRES :/) and that mental girl from 1agape pored water on some guy i think. hahaaas. then after that had a while of maths. anet kept stoning cos she lost her wallet. then mr hui confiscated her book for no reason :/ siao eh. PE. got chased by mr ang to go to the stadium. rahhs. then me anet brenda michelle and sinhui ran and hid behind the pillar cos we didnt feel like running. hahahaaas. but i think next week im running (: though i passed. ohwells. shall see my mood xD after recess changed, fall in (: took 1devotion. hahaaas. kelvin didnt really remember me ): but after a while he did. hahaaas. and lennon too (: he kept tapping me on my head :/ lols. their classman is uber cute :D very very small in size. and hes botak. hahaha. very cute (: then reached TPY stadium. cheered like mad (: then got to know some 1compassion girls. man, they sure are psycho. they cut themselves using their nametag/penknife. and the thing was that they look sane. not like those insane-looking hiao charbors. lols. made that yannting promise not to cut herself again. i think the teacher called them up one by one just now to talk to them about the cutting themselves thing. sighs. kids. after that took the train home with phebe anet meienn saman and jinshi. meienn was super cute in the train. hahaha. and she actually got freaked by the poster of her dad. hahaha. cos she thought there was no more of that beijing 101 poster. hahaaaas. kays. im tired. early night today :D sighs. oral tomorrow >:(
2/24/2006 07:47:00 PM
Thursday, February 23, 2006
my comp's alright already :D so today. i feel super tired. i mean, i feel super tired everyday. but its rather difficult for me to sleep at like, 10. cos i cant really bear to... kays. whatever. then lessons were rather alright. no POA :DDD 5 periods FNN spent in the comp lab. maths, then english, then chinese. >:( lao lao keep on threatening us now. sighs. keep asking if our asses are itchy :/ bloody hell. after school went tampines. hahaaaas. we took the train to AngMoKio. then took bus 22. took arnd 1hour to reach :/ and i was actually kinda car-sick. lols. got the stuffs (: then walk arnd a bit. then we took bus 969 back to khatib. and guess what. we took only arnd 15mins to get to yck. hahaaas. the bus was full of sleeping people. hmm so we shouldnt have taken the bus from amk when we went. should have taken the bus from Khatib. toopiid kailing.-giigles-yepps. the whole bunch of us hpTwitx jiemuiis have been doing the double letter thingys. hahaaa. so supid la. or should i say, so toopiid la. lols. but seriously. its damn gay. (x right. im saying again. do this!!heh. then theres the volleyball cheering tomorrow. hopefully i'll get to take 1devotion. the kids are soooo cute :D hahaha. kays. off to do my FNN research (:
2/23/2006 08:06:00 PM
i didnt get to blog yesterday cos my internet connection went crazy :/ then i could only get into msn. so dumb. hmm i got my tooth plucked yesterday, and it wasnt even shaky laaa >:( the process wasnt painful. it was the two injections that hurt like hell. and the nurse still says it will only feel like an ant bite :/ scam.lols. kays. stayed back for POA. then helped to scrub the wall with joel. after that had cheering. was fun (: and we formed the HPT twits :D we're thhe uber kyoot giirls. -giiggles- -wiinks wiinks- hahaaaaa xD and loooooads of apologies to STEPH. i didnt mean to hit your head with my nalgene :/ so how. still have enough braincells to think? hahaaaas (x kays. im in the school comp lab right now. doing fnn research :D i'll try login at home later on. it'll be stupid if the connection still dont work. >:( PS. people pls goooo help me do the character thingy la. links at the entry below :D
2/23/2006 08:40:00 AM
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
hey hey. i did my POA homework first before logging in :D so from today on, i shall put homework before the computer. i mean, not if i can help it :D cos i failed everything except for english and chinese >:( and im totally pissed with myself laaaa. kays whatever. went for chinese remedial. and felt sooo sorry for lao lao. he's actually a very nice teacher. and zongyang was really kinda too mean to him just now :/ sighs. after that went town with kailing in the end. got rather pissed with how things turned out. but nvm. sorry for like, showing my attitude :/ ahhhs. i think only anet and kailing will understand. heh. so we gotta go get our black tubes at tampines on thurs (: anyways, please help me do this thingy!!be reminded that theres an ! at the end of the url. if not, its not my acc (: help me dooooo :D and if you dunch mind, do kokheng's too.!!!he thinks its dumb to have only my comments on his window. he wouldnt mind if he dunno you. i think he meant phebe or kailing or something. he said anybody. hmm whatever. mine is a must-do laaaa. lololols. kays. i needa do my FNN research already. rahhs.
2/21/2006 08:11:00 PM
Monday, February 20, 2006
this might turn out to be a loooong entry, cos its been a looooong day. well, for me, that is. this morning, it's the guys' turn to stay back in the hall to listen to mrs tan's talk. the girls went back to class. then miss cheong came and check our attire >:( she wanted us to unfold our skirts and tuck in our shirts. so i just tucked the whole of my shirt in and unfold my skirt. so fugly. but i was having fun. yuenchen and anet were doing the same thing too. hahaha. and miss cheong actually say we look nice like that. O.O age gap. lololols. found out from her that some members of the public actually went to complain about our attire :/ and now the teachers are super strict. after that took back physics paper. i failed. and i got uber depressed. cos before that miss cheong told me i failed POA too >:( and i was thinking that im gonna fail everything and blah. i seriously seriously dunch give a crap about CommonTests. but it's always horrible to see a frigging low mark on your test paper, even if you dunch give a damn at all. and whats more, my parents gove a whole lot of damn to the damned CommonTests. ): so i was super depressed, and i started thinking about that bloody day two years ago in the TwoGrace classroom where me and cheyenne were sobbing our hearts out cos we got into the last class when we expected ourself to get into the 2nd/3rd combination. kays. i love 4joy right now and if i could turn back the time, i'd still wanna stay in 4joy. BUT. i dunch want the same thing to happen when i get my results next year. i dunch wanna be the one sobbing my heart out cos i got a L1R4 of more than 20 when i wanted to get LESS. that would be super fucked up. so anyways. the CommonTest results made me feel that the last scenerio which i had just describe will come true and i got really depressed and pissed off with myself. and i got scared. so im really gonna start studying for mid years. its aint too early. im gonna tell myself that. hahaaaas. dunch expect me to change overnight though. bit by bit, i mean. then back to my CommonTest results. got back english and chinese too. am satisfied with english cos i got 18/25 (: i expected myself to fail chinese. so even though i got only 56/100, im rather okay with it. told ya i dunch give a damn about CommonTests. hahs. english lesson was crap cos miss yeo was busy entertaining those people who wanted more marks. so the 3 periods were spent wandering around 4integrity. and i got caught by that omfg kpkb woman >:( so what if im a councillor? its not as if i want to be one, its just that i love HPT alot, so i wear the badge. ahhhs. whatever. i got darn pissed. then zhiheng burst my flooby ball >:( at first i was super angry cos the ball was in my bag and he took it out without even asking me, and even burst it. but after that he seemed very very apologetic. and i dunch really wanna make a big fuss out of it anyway. its not as if the ball withh patch itself back if i get angry :/ sighs. after school didnt go for choir. went J8 instead. had lunch in KFC and saw this really really rude woman >:( we finally saw 2 tables which can fit all of us, and we were standing right next to the table when the woman just came and sat down with her tray of food. so ling went over and told her nicely that we already 'booked' the table and that there were 8 of us. and guess what. she just shook her hand at us >:( rahhhs. so in the end we just ignore her. and we sat at the 7 empty seats around her. then this KFC uncle came and wipe the table, and he swept the crumbs all over on ME. >:( freak. and he was saying something like, 'ask your dunch sit first le lurhs. lemme wipe the table first mahs.' and he had those kinda pissed look. what was so bloody was that he didnt even tell us not to sit laaaa. >:( and the previous time i went to that KFC, his attitude was super bad too. rahhhhs. i aint gonna go J8's KFC anymore. i mean, not if i can help it. then i get home. and i sorta quarrel with my mom. she can be so childish sometimes. yes. my mom. childish :/ she so dunch understand me la. and i hate the way i feel like crying when i get really angry >:( i controlled myself though. ahhhhhs. whatever. i tnk i'll stop blogging so often gradually, heh. i'll go do my stuffs now. im uber tired :/
2/20/2006 07:41:00 PM
Sunday, February 19, 2006
no one is perfect until you fall in love with them. hahaaas. and that is so true. (: town today with phebe and min. met kelvin (the irritant) in the train. he said phebe was right about me being late :/ hey hey. only 5 minutes kays. i bet even less than 5. hahaha. so anyways. he was on the way to our school to watch the bball match between NPCC people and BB people. lols. i bet BB won. kays. i think they did. so we went cineleisure. then i wanted to drink barcadi. but then didnt dare to buy cos i thought we didnt look quite 18. hahaha. next time then try, i guess. lololols. we went Heeren. nothing much. i guess we went there too many times already and the place is getting boring. went over to FarEast. the eyebrow guy approached us again. hes a weirdo. lols. went to Chikos to check out the teeshirt designs. heh. after that went 77th street. bought that Crumpler for ___ (: then walked around somemore. comtemplated whether to get the bikini or not. then said maybe we'll go get it on tues (: bought my pants (: the aunty said min looked like sec one/two. hahahaaaaa. for once nobody commented that i look smaller than my age :DDD camwhored in the train. uber hilarious. then went for dinner with min at khatib. saw jianxiang with his family. he didnt see me though. doesnt really matter anyways. then home. im tired. i shall do maths later, then i'll go to bed. (:
2/19/2006 08:39:00 PM
Saturday, February 18, 2006
ive got a burnt scalp and nose now :/ had cheering today (: its been long since i last attended the session. hahaaas. and i got quite some attention cos of my name. 3 letters. easy. hahs. those with long names too, like vanessa and meiearn. lololols. winnie and lipkai taught me the concentration thing was was soooo cool (: can like, raise a person's hand by asking him/her to relax. sooooo amazing (: kays. i sound so sua ku. hahaaas. super tired at the end of the day. learnt how to smile when cheering. haha. and im hyperactive today :/ was doing this hand thing without myself realising it when leslie was briefing us. then leslie teased me about it and i realised. so embarrasing la :/ lols. and its final. kezia's the masterredshirt of HPT 2006 (: congrats. hahahas. after that went to the khatib bball court to meet the people. had dinner there. so many ants. rahs. but kelvin was so much more irritating. hahaha. kays. im lazy to reply smses this few days. so im sorry if i didnt reply any of you. uh. the sorry is meant for everyone whom i never reply except the beansprout. he's pure irritating. is like, who will continuously sen5 smses even when he aint getting any reply la. cant he get the hint and just f off? bloody jerk. anyways. i found some old photos taken last year. hahaaaas. so tempted to put yiyuan's photos up (x but i had better not. lols. but theres still some photos here, the usual place for my photos. though theres no new ones. shall upload somemore in once theres any events (: and and and, i think we'll be cheering with yiyuan on Campus Superstar (: cos i think the contestants are supposed to get their CCAs and show em on TV or something. and between choir and HPT, he chose the latter (: heh. though i love choir too, i think HPT's a better choice. lols. then anet is the co-ordinator (: yays. HPT's gonna be on tv. ... umms. i think so la. not very sure. heh. my mom better let me go and watch the next round of competition. :D town tomorrow (: ahhs. my muscles are aching like hell. >:(
2/18/2006 09:19:00 PM
some random stuffs, you know. (: The Keys to Your Heart |  You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.
In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.
You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.
Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage something you've always wanted... though you haven't really thought about it.
In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted. |
kinda true. dunno. hahaaas. pictures below! (: bottles falling in (: bags lining up (:  heh. those who havent pass their cheering with a smile 'test' yet. lols.
 kays shall blog more later. (:
2/18/2006 08:36:00 PM
Friday, February 17, 2006
im uber tired. but ive decided to post up photos first before i go and sleep or something. hahahas (: some were taking real long ago. but whatever. enjoy. i heart 29o4 (: legs (: camwhoring. ling & me (: grp studying at BuddyHoagies. phebe yiyuan anet cheyenne ahamh min.
hehs (:
so cute la :D retards (x
datou & me (: omg. this is fucking ugly cos i so dunch poke my face when i take photos. -hair stands- :/ hahaaas. we were trying to imitate some people. LOLS (x haha. she loves me :D
...and i love her too (x umms. i look retarded. a cross looks better (: acting cam-shy. hahaaas (x everyone looks retarded :/
our masterpiece :D hpt aiiaiis! (: yiyuan&me. ling and me (: okays. more photos next time. anyways. i think the bball guys and some other people kena spotchecks just now, for the loss of the 3humility stuffs. and i found out something really shocking from the beansprout. i wouldnt have answered his phone if he didnt have anything important to tell him laaa :/ >:( no matter what i still love my fattest brother >:( though i dunno him that long. hes the nicest guy ever kays. -prays hard for him- life's so unfair.
2/17/2006 09:35:00 PM
had 2.4km run today :/ its been super long since i last ran. so my stamina dropped like crazy. 15.00minutes >:( am so not satisfied cos i stopped to walk a bit at the last round. that wasted time. rahs. i should have more determination or something. so im gonna rerun next week. hehs. and im trying to decide whether i should take part in 800m this year. ahhs. shall see first. was uber shagged during lessons, due to the lack of sleep and the energy used up for 2.4. hahaaas. watched people dance ballet during assembly (: uber cool. and when they asked for volenteer, i almost got asked to go up. like oh my fucking gawd. no way will i go up. its so fucking embarrasing la. hahs. after that the secfours and fives stayed back in the hall to watch the public caning of that three guys. offence was caught smoking in public. ahhs. burnt out brains :/ after school had choir. like, omg. the secone alto guys are soooo cute. especially that kelvin and the rennon guy. kays. i dunno if rennon is the spelling of his name. i only know it sounds like lemon, thats why i can remember. hehs. anyways both of em are like, super cute la :D and i think kelvin got freaked out by me cos i was gushing over him. hahahaaaas (x and that rennon guy looks like murphy and hes super tall. fine. not exactly super tall. but hes taller than me :/ lols. and that angie looks alot alot alot like sheron. hahaaas (: ahhs. some random stuffs. i so dunch like that wee wee. the stupid walking cb. i think he needs a psychologist. and i bet he copies mr bean, cos i think he only has the same types of maroon colored shirts in his wardrobe. ohwells. whatever. kays. im uber tired. im ignoring the irritant. :/
2/17/2006 07:36:00 PM
Thursday, February 16, 2006
omggggg, i looked at the way i typed in the past. liike thhiish. andd liike thhat. i seriously am speechless. hahaaaas. :/
2/16/2006 09:35:00 PM
okays today was alright. i was late, again >:( stupid bus. for the next thursdays, im gonna get out of the house super early. cos the bus is ALWAYS late on thurs >:( the driver is so irresponsible :/ this time had to run rounds. i mean really run. the last time everyone was slacking arnd. but not this time cos i think the teachers ask the marshells to be stricter with us or something :/ then i sticked to chongzheng, cos sinhui and eugene(goh) had to go for counselling by mr nara cos they were late for the 4th and 3rd time respectively. then his shoelace kept dropping and i think his pants were super loose. hahaaas :/ after that went up to class. super sweaty >:( dunch like. then spent the whole morning feeling half dead with anet. anyways, i flunked my FNN. not that i care. i dunch really care for common tests. and i promise, and really mean this promise, that i'll do my very best during mid-years and not flunk anything (: theres been lotssa riots along the corridor of 4integrity and 4joy. hahaaaas. thanks to the 3 ah siaos.and now even the 4agape people seemed to be joining in. chaos la:/ guys are soooo... shant say anything. heh. after school we went to town. saw imelda. i think shes super cute. hahaaas (: and this guy said hello to me when he walked past me :/ major weirdo. got the rings engraved! (: and we got some bits and pieces boxes :D hahaaaas. shopped abit. then we drew 29o4 on the wall full of graffiti at FarEast (: heh. think im gonna get the voodoo doll keychain (: its uber cute. hahaaaas. my sister got me Za foundation :D but shes only paying part of it for me :/ but whatever. doubt i'll use it often anyways. blushes and mascaras coming up :/ ahhhs. i wanna go shopping. (:
2/16/2006 08:03:00 PM
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
hahaaaa. FNN was crap. POA was... umms. alright, i guess. though the MCQ totally sucked. and our common test's finally finished! (: practically slacked around the whole day after our common test. and that teacher-dunno-whats-her-name... she seriously is sooooo irritating :/ after school went j8. i got the hello kitty stickers and the gold marker. hahaaas. and the girls bought the dunno what ball for belated valentine's day prezzie. and some of us pooled money together to get the rings (: i love 2904 (: to say the truth, im feeling a lil sorry for xiaoren. RIGHT. i mean, very very sorry for him. cos he become 'some NA guy' :/ and hes not even some NA guy la. and his flowers were supposedly almost dead. at least he was sincere in giving it la. and so i think. my rose was also almost dead. but its the thought that counts. (: ahhhs. never mind. love cant be forced. haha :/ but if im not wrong, hes totally crazy over her. man. how devastated he will be la :/ ohwells. things are kinda awkward now. i dunno what im supposed to do. i shouldnt be replying when he msges me right. cos hes not a great guy. yeaaaa :/ rahs. my ulcers hurt. hahaaas.
2/15/2006 07:48:00 PM
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
it has been a great valentine (: and it DOES NOT involve the box of chocolate cos i wanted to return it to him. yeaaaaa. somebody warned me about him. so i ended up NOT feeling guilty anymore and i msged him to tell him that i dont have time to entertain him anymore (x kays. its a long story. but maybe tmr when i go back to school, there MIGHT be rumours saying that i desperately want him to become my boyfriend or something :/ hahaha. and thats only the tip of the iceberg. i mean, of his character. so hes definately wayyyy more than a jerk. what he said about me was so much more mean than what i sent him. so thanks that somebody. that particular tyrant (: ahs. shant talk about the fucking asshole anymore. the prezzies i received. MY PHONE! (: i got it back. hahaaaas. then i got this star thing from carolyn. love it :D then i got ferrero rochers from wanling (: and i got a rose from kokheng (: and if i give xiuanpin a prezzie, hes gonna give me one too. HAHAHA (x thats dumb. LOL. and still, the best thing i got is still my phone, and having friends arnd me during valentine's day :D after school went Buddy Hoagies again (: then after that accompanied zongyang to j8. after that we went amk. hahaaas. its always nice to help out people in this kinda things (: and hopefully, it might happen to me too :DDD thats daydreaming la. lols. ive finally realise. theres so much more jerks compared to the number of real nice guys. i just gotta wait (: and i needa concentrate on my O's too. so thats that. hahs (: anyways, chem paper sucked. physics was okay. maths was okay too, but i didnt have time to complete >:( tomorrow's POA and FNN! hahaaas. last papers (: man. he just said he understand whats happening, and hes not gonna give up. hahaaaas. i wonder how many times hes gonna say that :/ and guess what. i bet he dunch understand whats going on. what a weird faggot.
2/14/2006 07:58:00 PM
Monday, February 13, 2006
chinese paper was super tough today ): social studies... didnt study much about it. so the paper pretty much sucked too. super high today cos i was feeling woozy. hahaha. i meant very very tired. so i needed to get myself energised. and i started the bird song. 'gay your life must be' (: and everyone played along with me :D hahaaas. class was chaotic today. paper bombing. lols. after school went buddy hoagies for group study. did physics and maths :D then chatted with min. hahaaaas. that day didnt notice that shallow woman's disgusted face. now think of it, she might have been the one who tried to block my way or something, and i thought she was a guy. hahaaaas. how shallow can she get. like i'd care if she block my way or what. actually i think im like, slow. cos if nobody tell me she's purposely blocking my way, it wouldnt have occured to me she was doing it on purpose :/ but oh wells. its her problem if she wanna block me, not mine (: and shes the one who has got the shitty teeth. HAHA (x fine. thats super mean. i dunch have nice teeth either. ive got rabbity ones. hahaaas (: oh anyways. i think its unfair the way life's arranged for us. RAHS. like, so what if someone ask me out on v day. so what if somebody's gonna give me a prezzie. that someone aint the one i want to receive a prezzie from. whats the bloody point la :/ and even though my tone's so obvious that im pissed with him, and that i dunch wanna reply him, it seems as if he cant get the hint :/ what the hell. okaes. if acting blur's not gonna help at all, i dunno what im gonna do -.-" im the one whos gonna feel guilty about everything if i did anything bad. this sucks. rahhhhhs. whatever. anyways. i might be able to get my phone back tomorrow! (: cos mr hui says it's valentine's day. so for once, hes not gonna keep it for a month. hahaha. so hopefully what mr tan tells mr hui is what we wrote in our report :D i kinda miss my phone you know. hahaaaas (: science paper tomorrow!>:( ahhhhhs. somebody shoot me dead.
2/13/2006 07:38:00 PM
Sunday, February 12, 2006
im boooooooored. today's the chinese valentine's day. hahaaaas :/ 2 more days to the actual one. common test! rahhhs. how pathetic. i feel like going town. going shopping. going suntanning :DDD ohwells. after common test i guess >:( 3 more days to go. horrible horrible. hahs. family dinner later on. more cam whoring (:
2/12/2006 11:23:00 AM
Saturday, February 11, 2006
man, i hate science. seriously, truly, thoroughly. bio physics or chem. even though i dont take bio. all of em sucks :( i wonder how am i gonna sit for my O's like this. today had group study. did a bit of FNN. xiuanpin insisted that tanlipseng was good. i said no. cos he confiscated my phone. rahhhhs. then couldnt concentrate. so we went to play bball (: sweated lots. hahaaas. then some bunch of phs guys came. and they played together. saw jianxiang and ivan too. then there was this guy from Hwa Chong JC. damn. didnt like the look of him cos he look so proud :/ after that had mcdonald dinner with jiayan. then home(: it's so awful. that jerk. nahhhhh. im so not gonna let him use me :/ IRRITANT. ohwells. im sorry to say. im like, missing someone i cant miss. but... ahhhhhs. i cant help it. i cant control what my brain thinks. damn. never mind. maybe that aint mssing somebody. yeaa. that must be it. hahaaas :/ social studies on monday. cynthia yeo is such a bad teacher. i so prefer mr ng la. i dunno what else to write. :/ i mean, i dunno how to write. freak. what the hell. whatever. some irritant is super irritating >:(
2/11/2006 08:45:00 PM
Friday, February 10, 2006
one more godbrother. hahaha. clement. and i just got to know him :/ but nvm. lololols. the secones are so cute (: i mean, not all, though. LOL. anyway. somebody's calling me up again. i think it's nothing. and i hope it's nothing. i mean, like. nothing, just calling for fun. something like that. :/ ahhhs. weird people.
2/10/2006 08:51:00 PM
rahhhhhhhhhs. today's the worst day in this year. kaes. i mean. so far. my phone got confiscated ): and all because of BLOODY ASHLEY. i dunno what alfi did to him. but alfi does play with everyone. just for fun. why did ashley have to go and complain to a teacher? and why couldnt the teacher just turn a blind eye to what we're doing or something? we werejust listening to music laaa >:( but nvm. praying hard that mr hui will return the two phones to us on monday :/ oh yea. yesterday night. i was being too... freaked out. my brain was screwed. so i was pretty wrecked. that explained for the previous few posts. they are not to be taken seriously. hahaaas. common test started today. pretty alright, the papers (: and i finally got to know who clement is. hahaha. he and his friends are sooo cute. hahaaaas (: the grads came back to get their o level results today. i think jiayan was super disappointed with herself. hahaaaas. but she didnt realise that she still had quite many choices. she disappeared suddenly just now. but nvm. hopefully everything will go on smoothly for her (: went khatib mac after everything. walked rnd to find the starhub prepaid card. but the shops either sold out of em, or dunch sell em ): so in the end i bought the singtel one. so shall be using that number till the verdict is passed on monday. hahaaas. group study tmr. bball! cant wait (:
2/10/2006 07:59:00 PM
Thursday, February 09, 2006
umms. the bloody program just worked. finally. ohwells. maybe things will turn out right. :/
2/09/2006 09:21:00 PM
i feel like crying right now.): i haven't go study my geog. i haven't done my chinese. i haven't done my mindmap. and everything's so not working for me now. and. that ass haven't sms/call me for two days. NOT THAT I CARE. fine. MAYBE thats self deception. )))): i dont care anymore. im gonna study geog already. im not gonna try to get all my stuffs back. and i mean it now ): fuck.
2/09/2006 09:10:00 PM
im super super super sad right now. or rather, im pissed. ahhhs! ): my comp is back. BUT. everything inside's gone. like, OH MY FUCKING GAWD. it came as a great shock. i switch on the computer and there it was. an almost empty desktop ): i could have just jump down and die. all my photos, html, brushes, fonts, websites... all lost ): and i thought that dickhead wasnt gonna reformat the comp! ): hes a dickhead all right. he should go fuck himself or something. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhs >:((( tomorrow's the start of common test already ): group studying at BuddyHoagies again just now. SIGHS. im gonna go study geog already. im depressed ): for once, im gonna stay like that. at least for now la ): my poor stuffs. rahhs.
2/09/2006 07:57:00 PM
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
had group studying after school today at BuddyHoagies. common tests are like, 2 days away ): ahhhs. group study + bball with the people on sat (: i miss playing bball. hahaaas. and i think i finally figure myself out on THAT, I THINK. so yea. thats that. people keep asking what im gonna do on valentine's day. and all i can say is study for the common test. RAHHHS. how pathetic laaa ): ahhhs. at least i have the 2904 people. hahaaas (: okaes. i dunch feel like blogging somemore already. im tired. till later.
2/08/2006 07:34:00 PM
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
hmm. i take things in my stride and stay happy (: hahaaas. didnt stone that much today (: except for POA. cos i seriously dont get it. then chinese period talked with the guys. lao lao suggested me to go take that B chinese. cos he said i dont have the right attitude and blah. and he said i always smile and i dont take things seriously :l weird la. smile also cannot. hahaaas. then last period SocialStudies, talked with cheyenne and anet, or rather, i listened while they chatted. ahhs. wanted to sleep, but still, you can never pretend its night time during the day. and lao chu nu 2 looked even more like a frog. hahaaas. then after school went behind for lunch. walked past this staircase and saw one whole bunch of phs guys sitting down there. the whole place reeked of cigarette smoke. and they seemed kinda... squeezed together :l cant they like, find a better place or something? so stupid la. they should just quit smoking all together. then maybe they wunch have burn out brains :l hahaaas. 2904 people should get what i mean. lols. after that had hpt. rahhs. then i ended up never do journal again :l talked and discussed a bit. cheered, then home (: kkaes. shall blog ltr...
2/07/2006 06:56:00 PM
Monday, February 06, 2006
mrs tan gave the PHS girls a talk about pure virgin ladies today. she commanded all the guys to leave the hall after reading period. and all she said make sense (: but i still dont like high socks and long skirts though :l but the pure schoolgirls thing that she said was really true. so yepp. be a virgin. stay a virgin. i mean, schoolgirls. like us (: LOL. then me and anet spent the whole morning talking/stoning. then the rest of the school hours just flew past. hahaaas. stomach started to hurt like hell halfway through lunch ): i didnt even finish half of my noodles. and i think cheyenne and ling are especially horny today :l it hurt for 3plus hours ): didnt even feel like going choir. but i went in the end. then angelyn gave me the chinese pills with the paint smell. hahaha. and it made my stomach better (: but before my stomach was made better, angelyn/tricia told me that thing about joshua long that made my stomach even worse ): rahhs. i'd be sooo disappointed if its the truth. if he really said those things. like, oh my god. i took him as my junior/brother/definately NOT as a crush. SOMPA. if he really did say those stuffs to some other people, i'd like to say, WHAT THE FUCK DOES HE USE TO THINK? cos i doubt he use any brains if he really think that way :l maybe he used his ass, cos theres NO BLOODY WAY i will do whatever they said he said i did (understand? LOL). and apparantly,according to em,he was irritated with ME calling HIM.that's so absurd i can laugh my ass off,cos everyone who knows me well knows I DONT TAKE INITIATIVE TO CALL GUYS I LIKE UP TO CHAT. and anyone who's even closer to me will know im too busy with SOMETHING else to talk on the phone with i say. if he really did all that,then i'd treat it as things of the past, cos it happened last yr (though it's just 2mths ago), and i'd just pretend nth happened. but i wont ever talk to him i hope someboody can come up to me and tell me he didn't do all that stuffs i was told he did.cos i thought he was a rather nice junior.and i hate misunderstandings.errrps.and if anyone who figures out how to read that part and take this out from my blog, distort the facts and spread it around like that time, that person's some kinda fucking dog who has got an ass for a brain. after choir while waiting for phebe and cheyenne, camwhored with ling. hahaha. then tried to imitate all those act cute poses by some EHEM bimbos. damn hilarious la (: shall post the photos up once my comp is alright :D okaes. i shall not disappoint joel again. i'll try do something about the class tee. till later. hahaaas.
2/06/2006 08:07:00 PM
Sunday, February 05, 2006
yay (: bought my PMK racerback today, like finally :DDD im happy. hahaha. we went Junction8 at first. got our nalgene bottles, then went 77thStreet to get my belt. after that we went FarEast. went PMK to buy the racerback. got another Pure Milk tee too. all purple. hahaaas. i so dont like the salesgirls to keep following us when we are looking at the stuffs. its irritating :l after that we went to WismaAtria, then Takashimaya. then there was this really really super cute-in-a-nerdy-way guy who suddenly pop out infront of me and told me that they were playing a game and i was supposed to key in 8 numbers, starting with 9 in his phone. hahaha. kinda reminded me of that time the esplanade incident with the bowen sec students (: i keyed in 91234567 (x hahaaas. but that guy's really cute. he looks kinda like aunty michele's son. maybe its really him, since i haven't saw him for like, 3 years. home after that. aint that depressed today (: im taking things in my stride. dont care already. hahaaas. kaes. till later (:
2/05/2006 07:40:00 PM
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your hearth, or burn down your house, you can never tell.i think thats super meaningful. it's a quote from joan crawford, some legendary superstar. and i got it out from one of the A-list novels (: okaes. hung out with the people today. shimin phebe jolene jiayan xiuanpin yuxuan yusong zongyang. watched the movie Fun with Dick and Jane. hahaaaas. super funny, the movie. but it's too short. and we paid 9.50 for the tickets ): rahhhs. after the movie we went down to Mcdonald to have fries and sit and stone. hahaha. painting nails for jiayan :D talked about the ass. ahs. to everyone who cares. i'll b e watching out hard for myself. more bolts and locks :l after a while decided to go to the library. the rest followed after a while. went to the foodcourt to have dinner after that. by then jiayan and zongyang had left. after dinner we talked/gossiped (: hahaha. fun :D just now when me and min were on our way home, some dumb guys at the back of a lorry waved to us. then when they were driving off, one of em shouted something about going home late and what police thingy >:( so stupid la. they were obviously one of the brainless ahbengs who think they're oh-im-so-cool. assholes. oh man. im so irritated. cos i cant find words to describe my feelings. im getting so screwed. fuck all the paranoia in me ):
2/04/2006 09:59:00 PM
Friday, February 03, 2006
ive decided to blog already. hahaha. super tired today. but still very high (: had health check. like, OMFG. i gained weight. and the nurse still ask me to gain more weight :l i believe im anorexic or something. hahaha. but on second thought, i doubt it. cos im still binging on chocolate ): FATS. hahaha. whatever. im being crazy. had choir after school. sang the other version of 'all i ask of you'. sappy song, but i like (: {all i want is freedom,a world with no more night;and you, always beside me,to hold me and to hide me.then say you'll share with me one love,one lifetime; }(:ohwells. so anyway, our superstar yiyuan attended choir today too. cos miss yee's pissed at him already. and he still remembers that im his aiai. hahaha. he wants more votes from us :l and of course we'll support him. lols. tomorrow dunno what's on. but for sunday, maybe im going shopping with my sister again. hahaha. retail therapy (: and she gave me two PMK vouchers. spend 40bucks and above and get 10 bucks off. phebe/anet/shimin interested? maybe we can go buy together some other time (: sighs. common test's coming. im so looking forward to swensen with the devotion people AFTER common test :D cant wait. kaes. i needa really start studying already. no more procrastinating. ohyah. and the class tee. hopefully we'll be able to get em printed before jogathon, then we can wear em on that day (: cant wait to watch i not stupid too. but have to wait for like, one month. cos watching with the school. stupid common tests ): right. im off now. till later (: PS: i dont care.i dont care.i dont care.
2/03/2006 09:12:00 PM
i've been getting rather depressed lately. then i'll feel totally frustrated with myself. pissed off. restless. impatient. or i'll feel like crying for no reason. ahhhs ): maybe it has got something to do with that ass. but my mood is not supposed to be affected by that ass. cos im just supposed to be playing along. i dunno. i really dunno. that's why ive been going arnd getting crazy and having laughing fits. i guess when i do that i'll get happier. and i'll feel less lethargic. and i won't think so much. it's pathetic. that front i put up. im bloody weak. maybe i should put bolts and locks on my mental layers of walls. then ask anet to help me stack rocks outside. so that no one can get in. hahaha :l but im seriously so much happier with friends (: i wonder what i'll do without em. and i wonder how anet stands my moodswings, and still keep on worrying that i'll get pissed at her. hahaha. she rocks my life (: and the rest of the people rock my life too. the 2904 people (: and everyone who cares. hahaha. (: right. shall blog about today later. if i feel like it. hurhh.
2/03/2006 08:14:00 PM
Thursday, February 02, 2006
change of template (: haha. the bloody photoshop shut down on me so many times :l rahhhhs. but at least i got it done in the end (: kaes. whatever. school was alright. fnn... hahaaa. disastrous results of our choux pastry. this time my fault :l hahs. but the vanilla cream filling was great. thanks to anet and xiangling. hahs. chinese lesson was spent talking with jake and eugene (goh) hahaas. eugene's very nice to talk to (: he asked me to stay away from the ___ guys. i know he's right. and not only him. but hahaaas. i wunch get duped. again. lols. then we had the change of place! rwahs. not at the window anymore. but I DONT CARE. hahaaa. sitting right at the back, behind joel and yusong. aint a bad seat laa. but too hot :l lols. after school we went to the singapore basketball centre to watch the match (: northland vs phs. we won (: hahaaas. and i saw that eugene tan. the one who used to be in nvps also. ahmad ibrahim bball team. lols. anyway, some random stuffs. kokheng says they werent bullying the little kid. hahaas. appearantly they knew him and he was already crying when they saw him. kaes. he asked me to write that. LOL. so yupps. FNN now. and the three journal topics :l till later.
2/02/2006 08:57:00 PM
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
i was super shagged today.thanks to that restless night i had ytd :lbut i managed to get through lessons without sleeping :Dthough i felt like i was about to die,with all the super lots of work.kept doing things today.all those schoolworks.felt so hardworking.hahaaaa.went buddy hoagies after remedial.did somemore work fnn mindmap :l hahs.anyway, there's the bball match tmr after school.presbyterian vs northland.thats like, xiuanpin vs kelvin.cant wait cant wait :D ]hahaaaa.(:
2/01/2006 08:05:00 PM