<3! 2grace04
<3! anet
<3! cheyenne
<3! chuanlian
fiona heng
joyce khoo
joyce tan
<3! kailing
<3! phebe
<3! shiminn
<3! yuenchen
Yours truly, SWEETMISERY;;
Thursday, March 30, 2006
memories are prettier than the present reality
i guess its true. reality's harsh. so perhaps thats why cheyenne chose to take a break from us right now. sheesh. i dunno. it looks as if everything's back to normal, but it aint really. things feel kinda weird now. and even though cheyenne's still talking to us, she feels so distant. but never mind. its her choice. and nobody seems to know what exactly happened anyway. hmm so anyway. i was good today cos i spent the whole 5 FNN periods doing my coursework :D usually i'd be logging in to blogger and whatsoever. but i didnt today (: and my research only needs a bit more modifying and it's done :D hopefully i need not redo so many times for my task analysis. ahahs. hmm poa was boring as usual and i spent the time stoning and yadayada. then soon lao lao was kinda crazy today cos he kept asking people who's not listening to go and die o.o" i thought teachers werent supposed to say this kinda things to students? lols. but i guess he was really frustrated cos few were listening. after school me shimin phebe fiona anet ahmah xiuanpin zongyang victor and boulder went to cwp together to get zongyang's basketball. after that walk around. had bubble tea and brainfreezes. teehees (: it was kinda nice like that, just sitting arnd drinking and trying each other's bubble tea :D ohhh and pastamania reminds me of a certain person (: and i guess thats why i understand that memories are so much prettier than the present reality. but whatever. as long as you're determined to ignore certain things, certain feelings, you can be so much happier. kays so anyway. after that me shimin fiona and anet went to the library while the rest went to play basketball. ordered zongyang's 2kg chocolate cake for tomorrow. im so looking forward to the bbq. i also dunno why, but i am (: ahhs mentoring on saturday. i hate to wear long pants. gah. till the next time then, and may things get better (:
3/30/2006 07:36:00 PM
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
2 months
omg omg. i just realise its exactly just another TWO MONTHS to MY BIRTHDAY! and of cos the chinese o' about facing the harsh reality. -roll eyes- *may my eyeballs not drop out* (:
3/29/2006 09:51:00 PM
wake up; face the harsh reality
hello im back again and i still dunno what to write but the condition's better now i guess. i realise i must get into my crazy mood to write better. hahs. kays so actually recently there seem to be a lot of unhappy things happening which arent really happening at all if you get what i mean. and todays worser than before. cos right after recess cheyenne seemed to not want to talk to us anymore and she left straight away after school. i didnt exactly know what happen. but actually if im not wrong nothing happened at all. SIGHS. its kinda contradicting i know but still, the volcano's erupting soon and i think phebe's right. if this is a quarrel, its good cos we finally get to settle the dispute which is laying kinda undetected underneath the front of pretended close friendships. i dunno whether its right for me to say that cos i dunch care anymore already. it seems as if whatever i write on my blog is wrong and people always misunderstand. so its either i close down this bloody blog or else dunch give a damn anymore. i decided to choose the latter cos i cant do without my blog :DDD but ive decided that im gonna change the url again already soon cos i think that unseentears is sucha ugly name suddenly. so thats why. oh. i brought a big bag of oreos mini to school today and i had a great time sneaking em into my mouth with anet during lessons. then i offered it to yanti and it got confiscated by miss yeo. sighs. how sad but i dunch really mind actually cos i alrdy was full by then :D im so gonna get the chocolate cookies ones next time cos oreos make my teeth black and ugly. hahaha. lessons aint so boring today cos we kept talking about stuffs, be it with anet or with kailing. we just had a hell lots of things to say and i realise i can do maths better this way :/ after school after getting over the, umms, surprise that cheyenne left just so suddenly, me phebe shimin anet and xiuanpin went yishun. met up with kelvin. had lunch then went north point. walked abit then went home. ohkays. so maybe tomorrow will be better. as ive already said. theres no hate among us girls, but disputes cant be avoided. like hello. im super close with my sister but we have disputes all the time. this time round perhaps its gonna cause some people tears. oh and speaking of tears i dunno what the fuck is wrong with me cos im getting so emo and i feel like crying at every slightest thing. gah. ahhs back to what i was saying. its understandable that sometimes one will feel so faraway from your friends and the mind will start thinking about all the pessimistic stuffs and voila. it seemed to you that everyone's so against you. i have to say very clearly that im talking about nobody in particular (sheesh. cos everyone misunderstands always :/) but whatever the case is, im sure everything's gonna be fine again in the end. thats what always happens, i think. it takes both the rain and the sun to make a rainbow. ehem. something like that. so yea. thats all i'll have to say about that. sheesh. just try to ignore certain things and life becomes happier. ive learnt already (: and im ignoring that empty feeling i have sometimes. hmm kays i mean trying to. right. so ive alrdy tried to write down what i want to write. though its aint exactly what i have in mind, i dunch give a damn la. ahahs. so yeaaaa. thats about it. (:
3/29/2006 09:14:00 PM
ive been staring at the screen for ten minutes and i dunno what to write. its very frustrating cos i wanna blog about everything, but i dunno how to. sheesh. i think i'll wait a little while more. im very frustrated. till later.
3/29/2006 08:21:00 PM
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
there is nothing more to say
right. i spent a lot of bloody time today trying to neaten my bloody hair cos it's bloody messy and i dunch wanna use the bloody hairband. sheesh. it's really messy kays. not that im a bloody vainpot. haaaas. fine. which girl doesnt want to look good? teehees (x had debate during english lesson today and mrs tan (yes, the principal) came in to watch. i was the fourth speaker for my team (proposition) and the topic was to make fundraising optional. we were bloody hell unlucky to get proposition and we did not have any preparation at all. like, what the hell. and i embarrased myself in front of everyone cos i got so confused and i didnt know what to say at all in the end. how sad :/ POA was boring as usual, and i didnt understand a word, also as usual. and i attituded miss cheong :/ i didnt know what made me do that. i guess i really hate people to blame me for things i never do. she didnt exactly do that, but i just kinda shouted at her and i think i slammed my book on the table >:/ oooooops. she was like saying that i shouldnt just throw a tantrum like that and yadayadayada. after that was joel's turn to attitude her. sheesh. i think everyone's starting to cant stand POA already. sighs. kays then after school had the HPT standardising meeting. talked about uniform stuffs. then went back to class. accompanied phebe to BuddyHoagies to wait for the irritant kelvin. then just sat there and stoned while they did maths. then read the magazines and took down the recipes cos i might use them for my FNN coursework :D sighs. i think i should really really really work hard and start doing work already cos even kelvin is preaching me about it :/ now thats weird. its like, kelvin asking me to start working hard for my O's. the northlandsec kelvin. rather hard to believe. but since even this kinda irritating guy (hahaha. (x) is telling me to study hard, that means i really have to do so already. lols. ohkays. i logged in a bit later than usual. and im gonna log out earlier. so i'll start to use the comp lesser slowly. day by day. and next time, im gonna do some revision first before logging in. no more procrastinating (: hmm i feel like eating a chocolate waffle right now :D zzz.
3/28/2006 08:32:00 PM
Monday, March 27, 2006
out of reach
new template's up. i think im not gonna change anymore, until a long long time later, i guess (: school was okay today. didnt go for FNN in the end cos it seemed as if no one went :/ didnt do miss yeo's work also. sighs. i dunno how. its like everything's in a mess and i dunno where to start studying >:( bloody hell. now im pissed at myself. ahhs whatever. so we've decided to take part in the 4x100 relay team this year. we're like, so afraid that we're gonna lose, but i guess since it's already the last year, it wouldnt hurt to take part for the last time (: and this time round, jolene's not taking part with us. char's replacing her. i guess it's kind of like a happy ending. we used to be the ones competing against each other, but this time round we're gonna run together. among the twograce'o4 people, there has never been any hatred. maybe the usual 'hey-im-so-frigging-pissed-at-you' thing, hahas, but we've never hated each other. its like, the word hate is already something which we shouldnt be doing at this age. like, hello. how young are we only to know what really is hate. but you should get what i mean. gah. so yah. thats what im trying to say. good if you understand. too bad if you dunch. haaas. i guess ignorance is still the best. so whatever people does, ignore (: so yea. theres the zongyang's birthday thing on either fri/sat. im kinda looking forward to it. and it's gonna be so much like a twograce gathering. ohh and speaking of twograce. i shall go and revamp the blog or something. noone has been touching it since last year chalet. urhhms. i'll try go do something. right. kays. i shall go off and do my stuffs now. bye bye for now.
3/27/2006 10:12:00 PM
Sunday, March 26, 2006
the shoes that don't fit
i dunno why but i suddenly remembered this goodnight msg which the idiotpig sent me quite some time ago, and the msg said something about friends being like shoes. some are loose, but some fit just right (: i find it uber meaningful. and i guess those who fit, they are good friends cos they can fit into my shoes, and they understand :D (you know, i meant the idiom about putting yourself in other's shoes) i guess maybe the age difference between the adults and us makes their feets bigger and therefore they cant fit and thus cant put themselves in our shoes and understand us. hahaaas/ theres the thing about me and my parents lately. the studies thing. gah. surprisingly they didnt bring up the topic during brekkie today. so i guess maybe they overheard the conversation between me and my sister the other night, and have decided to leave me alone for now. its better this way i guess. i wanted to do maths today. but i didnt know how to start. i think im gonna bring my textbook home. i shall start with my textbook (: oh and i wanna change my blogskin already. im sick of it. sick of the kinda blur image. and im sorry that i havent made the blogskins i owe. cos i really dunno how to. as in, i dunno what you all want la. lols. i'll try. hahs. and ive stop accepting requests for blogskins already. cos i really dunno how to make and that i think my sister's right. i should stop doing these already until the O's over. so yepp. maybe exception for The People. (: so i'll try do the blogskins i owe. then stop already. maybe i'll do that. hahaha. bye for now.
3/26/2006 06:50:00 PM
Saturday, March 25, 2006
hahahas (: i like the way zongyang's skin is turning out :DDD it features a basketball (: for once i think its okay. i guess its easier to make templates for guys since they have almost no preference at all. hahaha. kays shall continue the html stuffs tmr. im off to sleep. zzz. (:
3/25/2006 11:14:00 PM
for all that i say sorry
its horrible. i know my mum and my dad are super worried about both me and brother. worried about us getting horrible results. worried for our future. gah. my sister preached talked to me yesterday night. me on the upper bunk and she below. she didnt know i was crying my eyes out. fuck. its okay to cry once a while kays. it was rather great to cry my heart out at one go after keeping all the tears in. i told her nobody understands, and i dont even understand what i dont understand. and i told her about how fucked up school has became, and how fucked up certain teachers are. i told her that whenever i got motivated to study, some moronic adult will come and ruin it all by saying something that makes me not feel like studying all over again. >:( and the tears just came. and it just keep flowing. hahs :/ i know all of em are fucking worried of my horrendous CT results. and that they are afraid i will have to repeat sec4 again. but cant they stop making me feel as if i have to get good results for the sake of their face? thats one thing that always make me doubt the use of getting good results >:/ the adults really dont understand at all. but i guess maybe we dunch understand them at all too. i pity my sister. it was my bro's turn to be nagged by her just now. and it goes on and on. my bro's even worse than me. he's bloody hooked to the comp. 5 hours per day. and i know my bro aint stupid. hes just spending too much time on the comp. even worse than me >:( sighs. i guess my sister dunch want mum and dad to worry too much. thats why she keeps on nagging. soon, i think she'll really look 81. lols. so anyways today ended up going town with my sister instead of playing bball with the people. walked arnd. didnt buy anything at all. town was uber crowded today. saw sooo many familiar faces. hahs. then in the end went to this really cool bead shop beside marche there and bought the beads and hooks to make our own earrings :D i made two pairs already (: so yepp. after that went home. and saw ahmah and yuxuan at the mrt station. hahaaas. kays. so yes. im gonna stay at home tomorrow. im gonna do maths, and im gonna try do FNN (:
3/25/2006 09:55:00 PM
Friday, March 24, 2006
bad morning to start a great day
hmm alright. the day wasnt exactly great, but it was alright. but i had a seriously horrible morning :/ i was late for school for the third time this year. i still think that its the bus driver's fault. dont they have a certain schedule to follow? it seem as if the bus comes late once a few days and thats so bloody fucked up cos it makes me late. and the driver drived so fucking slowly today, until i had to control my urge to take off my shoes and throw it at her (yes, it's a her). LOLs. im sorry i think abouty violent stuffs. but HELLO. i was so damn worried about being late, im sure people should understand how i feel. sighs. so had to run the rounds which made me so hot and sweaty and sticky and yucky and i had to face that eeky somebody. sighs. after that i had to call my mom to tell her that i was late for the third time cos thats what people who are late for 3times or more have to do. plus three days dc >:( at least my mom didnt say anything much. but after that when i reached home, she said i hung up too early and that my dad wanted to speak to my teacher. _l_ i got really pissed at that. kays WHATEVER. they can go and talk to the teacher about my frigging bad result for all i care. i alrdy stop caring about what adults think a long long time ago. oh fine. maybe not >:( so back to the horrible morning. then after that on the way back to class, sonia told me that the councillors had to stay back and they were all at the parade square. i walked over there and was immediately stopped by the nice miss lim cos of my uniform. but at least my socks were high kays. sighs. and even yinxiu got caught for her uniform though we all think the way shes wearing her uniform is enough to make it to the organiser to show people the proper way of wearing uniform thingy. then mrs teo came and talked to me about my uniform. i tucked in for her. and i promised i would come in my size 16 uniform on monday cos she claims that mine was too big. i like mrs teo and i respect her alot :D then the nice miss lim came, and yak yak yak even more and she confiscated my shoelace. kays. shes just being responsible and I KNOW that she doesnt want to confiscate and its just part of her job. yes. i understand. i really do. urhhem. but she should really learn from mrs teo, and so maybe we'll listen to her more. NOT THAT WE DONT LISTEN TO HER AT ALL NOW. we tuck our shirt in when she ask us to right? and i said bye to her just now, and oh my gawd! i dunch say bye to just anyone. so that shows that i love her TO DEATH :DDD/ oh and i got to know i was dearly missed by mrs soh :/ yah right. im sick of school life now. really. and the adults just dunch understand. hmm ohwells, maybe miss yeo does (: kays so anyway, we got the new teacher for PE, and we got to learn salsa (: actually it wasnt that bad after all, and im kinda lucky that i got yusong for my partner. though i'd so much rather maybe eugene goh or eugene ng cos they arent attached and mayb wunch make such a big deal about holding my hands. childish la (x it started out kinda boring, but turned out rather fun (: but to say the truth, i'd rather play ball games. duh. after school decided not to go for choir or the dc cos i was uber tired. so went to khatib mcdonald for lunch with yuenchen anet jolene and wenqi, then went home to sleep . manage to nap for arnd two and a half hour :D feeling more awake now i guess (: kays. im doing chemistry later with my sister. yes. im so gonna tackle my phobia of chemistry (:
3/24/2006 07:44:00 PM
Thursday, March 23, 2006
catch me when i fall
i went home uber early today. its been like, centuries since i went home straight after school. hahaaas. i was broke. so i decided not to go with the rest. sighs. im always broke. but still im always pigging on food. lols. so anyway. school was rather alright cos there were few lessons. i think im gonna love thursdays (: hmm. and yuenchen told me what elgin told her. like what the fuck hell. sighs. i thought he'd have learnt from the previous time and stop making himself sound as if everyone's in love with him. what a freak. so anyway i shall listen to yuenchen and stop replying. but i like nazri and denise though :D its weird theyve got someone like elgin as a friend :/ kays whatever. im gonna stop saying so much fucks on my blog. tsktsk. sometimes i find it rather unsightly too. hahaaaas. hmm. bullshit doesnt mean im not saying its untrue right. kays whatever. im off (:
3/23/2006 07:43:00 PM
just like an angel, you make me fly
im in the school comp lab again doing FNN. its rather hard cos mdm afrose's keeping her eyes on anetchean. hahahas. So I’ll have to get back to my FNN asap :D anyways I was almost late for school again today. there was a stupid jam outside the school cos the ground was wet. but at least the old virgin woman never aim me today. hahaha. i just tried to make my uniform look bloody tucked in when i walk in. or maybe i was blocked by ivan. cos i came in with him and was standing beside him and he’s so much taller than me. LOL. i think he’s even taller than yusong. im 162 and Ii am not not very short kays(: hahs. im in a rather good mood today (: so hopefully I wont get bloody moodswings again. kays. till later (:
3/23/2006 08:56:00 AM
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
it's been raining since you left
i checked my old account and it says i have 13727 testimonials.  and, apparantly i have 26464, yea that much, testimonials to accept. friendster's getting really pathetic.
3/22/2006 08:48:00 PM
pain of pleasure
today was a bloody long day. but at least i managed to not get seen by the old virgin woman :D i avoided her at all cost. lols. lessons were horribly boring and i couldnt concentrate at all. sighs. i dunno why im feeling this way but i feel as if something's lacking :/ sheesh. i must start studying alrdy. theres this part of me which tells me to start studying really hard next week. then theres the other part which tells me to stop procrastinating. hahaaas. the angel and the devil. but i really cant concentrate on studying and doing homeworks now :/ and there are sooo many homeworks left undone >:( i dunno already. and right till now i still dunno what i want. life's a blur. maybe i needa start sleeping earlier and perhaps, stop waiting for things to happen. im can be such a fucking idiot sometimes :/
3/22/2006 08:11:00 PM
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
so don't go away again
screw that old virgin woman. she caught me for my uniform this morning cos apparantly it was like, tucked in too little :/ sighs. so i gave her that kinda attitude and she says she knows im not happy and blah blah blah. shant talk about her anymore >:( then had lessons. english was okay (: debated about sex stuffs and about the big hullabaloo about our uniform. then had moodswings :/ was feeling uber irritated. oh and im so sick of the word fuck already. like, fuck. i say it everyday and it doesnt help vent out my anger anymore. whatever. POA lesson was uber boring. almost nodding off to sleep already. sighs. chinese was okay also. i think all the teachers should learn how to scold motherly. follow the examples of miss cynthia yeo and mrs teo (: theyre nice and im so willing to listen to em :DDD hahaaas. they do it their way and things will turn out reversed. went buddyhoagies after school. the waffle icecream was nice (: ahhhs anyways my sister bought me a physics/chem assesment book thingy which she expects me to do. sighs. im so tired. and i hate science. hahaaas. ohwells. the mere thought of passing by the old virgin woman tomorrow morning at the school gate puts me off going to school. sighs. bloody morons. ive gotta do my geog already :/
3/21/2006 07:52:00 PM
Monday, March 20, 2006
what the fuck. im supposed to have free incoming calls and im sure i never exceed the 500 free smses im given (at least not for the previous 2 months). so im sure the singtel people calculated my bill wrongly. it's aint my fault for talking on the phone almost everynight. its my source of escapism. then what? am i supposed to just keep on studying till the time i sleep once i reach home? the bill aint my fault. adults are morons most of the time. gah >:(
3/20/2006 11:02:00 PM
because i'm all out of words
i still dont feel like talking about the trip. so i shant. just that the aunties and uncles there are sooo horrible >:( typical kiasu singaporeans. and i ruined my new tyr shirt cos somebody banged into me and knocked over the cup of coffee i was holding on, and she made it seem like my fault. sheesh. she was the one who banged into me kays :/ tsk. i think she was scared that there wouldnt be any coffee left. crazy woman. then there's nothing much there too. didnt do pedicures and manicures like what me and my cousin planned to in the beginning. sighs. today was alright. timetable was changed again. and i think we're changing our seats again soon :/ i love my present seat, so am hoping that there wunch be any change. ahhs. and that uniform thing. fuckfuckfuck. knn that stupid old virgin woman. now even the principal knows that i got caught by her for my uniform. HELLO. i only got caught once kays and it seems like all the teachers know i got caught for my uniform. and the reason's cos im a bloody freaking councillor. cb >:( rahhhhhhhhhhhhs. there are like soooooooooooo many more people who's freaking uniform is so much worse than mine and they have to talk about ME. just cos i got caught ONCE and im a freaking councillor who should be a bloody rolemodel and tuck in my shirt till only 3 button's left visible and have my skirt down to my ankles. hahaaas. i rather you kill me then. ): and whats more im already wearing my uniform very properly and i didnt get called up to rearrange my uniform during the morning gatecheck. so whats the fucking problem? rahs. i should go change my name already since it is so easily remembered. im gonna go by my chinese name in future i think >>>:( kays so anyway we talked lots during english and it was kinda nice cos its been long since i said out most of what ive been thinking about (: im starting to like miss cynthia yeo very much. although she nags alot sometimes, shes a nice dear (: so many times better than the stupid knnbccb old virgin. haaaas. right. i dunno why but it seems as if im easier to agitate nowadays and i feel like crying so much more often ): fuck everything bad. byebye for now.
3/20/2006 08:53:00 PM
Sunday, March 19, 2006
im back. and i havent done my homework yet. and its uber late. and im so gonna be dead tomorrow. sighs. i shall talk about the trip tomorrow. im too tired now. but anyways. i let my mom signed my report slip already. so horrible. i shall work hard from tomorrow onwards. something like that (: hmm. new template up. its uber weird. so its might just be temporary. it depends la. im gonna finish the owed skins asap then try to keep further away from the comp. hahs. kays im off to sleep. zzz.
3/19/2006 10:13:00 PM
Friday, March 17, 2006
heyhey. i just feel like blogging again. ohwells. damn. sometimes i really feel like i write a lot of bloody crap in my blog and that i shouldnt even be blogging that much cos i dunch like people to know too much about whats happening. kays. actually i dunch mind people knowing whats happening. but fuck. i hate people to like, you know, talk about what i write and yadayadayada. sighs. i dunno why am i talking about this, but i just feel like it. moodswings again. everything i say has a fuck you in it. or that knn. or those &*%@#!. i dunno what the fuck is wrong with me. so fuck it. maybe a trip to batam is good :/ tsktsktsk. i dunch even understand myself much these days :/ and the tons of unfinished homework doesnt help. like, duh. i cant understand how my bro stand me. if my sister talks to me with all the fucks and knns and &*%@#! in it, i would have given it back a couple times worse. haaaas. still i shall say i dunno whats wrong with me and i need chocolate but im like fatfatfat and the idiotpig didnt make it better by saying that im bigsized yesterday.... hmm that. HAHA. i think he has always been under the illusion that im like, small. as in. small. yah. so whatever. anet has already said my face looks like it belongs to somebody whos short. im 162. a lot says im short. im fine with it. why do girls need to be tall anyway? hahaaaas. i mean no offence lowshimin (: hahaaas. fuck i dunch know why am i talking about that all of a sudden and sheesh im missing somebody a teeny bit sighs somebody shut me up. fine i just shut myself up. shushh. im a big huge gigantic weirdo. this bloody post is fucking crap. i know its not as if batam is soooo faraway and that i'll be away for a bloody long time, but, ohwells, whatever. im a weirdo. everyone miss me till i get back please. (:
3/17/2006 10:31:00 PM
sighs. im going to Batam tomorrow, and i guess i'll be coming back only on Sunday evening >:/ then school will reopen, and i havent done anything much at all... >:( ahhhhhs. im so frigging angry at myself cos ive got no selfcontrol at all ): rahs. term two's gonna be a bloody new term. and i really will try not to fail my midyear. really really really. hmms. guess i shall not be blogging till ive come back. uhuh.
3/17/2006 08:50:00 PM
Thursday, March 16, 2006
kays. surprisingly i had fun today (: i didnt get back home all depressed and pondering like the, ehem, previous previous previous time a few years ago that left me a phobia about going out with, umms, guys >:/ hmm. im exaggerating about the phobia thing, but yea. i meant, something like that. hurh. hmm. like the past three days, i went back to schoool as usual for that self study. there were even lesser people than normal. yusong and zhixuan didnt turn up :/ didnt study at all today. read, then went to the basketball court to shoot a few hoops, then back to the library to sleep. sighs. waste of time. saw the school soccer people. i cant stand that coach. like, forgoodnesssake. he was so obviously acting cool and i think he think that he's the greatest looking dude on earth. ahhs my ass is better looking :D went home with char cos she moved back to her mom and dad's house in yishun during the hols. wanted to take my time to prepare to go out. but, sighs. im a great and nice girl and i agreed to take my bro out for his haircut after my mom asked me to :/ so in the end i rushed around like mad and i didnt get to color my ez link card :/ haaas. met the idiotpig at yck. was sitting down there and he didnt see me :/ hahaaas. and when we got into the train, we realised that the train was terminating at amk. lololols. so dumb. so yea took another train at amk then went J8. bought the tickets to watch shaggy dog (: then didnt know where to go. so yea. after buying the billabong wallet, we started walking rounds again. but at least we were talking. and even if we werent, the silence was not uncomfortable. haaas. saw luke, then saw sinhui and michelle. lols. then we ended up going into macs to sit. after that went in for the show. bought a huge cup of coke and a huge tub of candy floss :/ then in the end we ate and drank only a teeny bit of both. haaas. waste of money, and the candy floss shrank to half its original size in the end. was kinda surprised to see the cinema full of kids. so we were wondering whether we should have watched Dorm instead. but the movie was nice. the animals were uber cute (: had dinner at pastamania. ordered one large hawaiian pizza, one plate of garlic bread, and one cup of ice lemon tea. in the end the idiotpig had no appetite to eat after one slice cos he was sick and i couldnt eat after one slice cos i was uber full. then we had to force ourself to finish the rest of the pizza :/ after that took train, and he walked me to my blk's lift. then he took a taxi home (: kays. it's wasnt a bad experience to go out with someone whom im more familiar with over the phone, and somemore i didnt need to pay for anything :DDD haaas. and there aint any reason for teethlikeshit to get jealous if she got to know of today cos we are plainlyandobviously friends going out together and there was absolutely no extraordinary contact between the both of us. uh huh. hahaaas. and now i feel so dumb cos i used to dread and feel afraid of going out alone with someone you aint really familiar with. lol. ahhs poor xiaoren. hopefully he will recover from his flu soon. hahaaas. sighs. choir tomorrow, and tons of homework left :/
3/16/2006 09:08:00 PM
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
okays. i said i wanted a change, so theres a new template. and ive created a new blog. its not in use still, however. self study was dumb as usual. chance upon some of the blogs of the people from campus superstar. hahaaas. then after that we went to cut our hair at Yishun. mass cutting again (: hahaha. ended up cheyenne and ahmah also cut (: ahhhs. finally for once mom never complain that i look as if i never cut my hair. cos i asked the lady to help me layer somemore after she was done with me. and she actually forgot to cut my left side. so its like, now my left side is longer than my right. but never mind. special. hahaaas. the lady was super nice. and i guess everyone was rather happy with how their hair turned out (: so for the next mass haircut, i think we'll be going back to the same saloon :D cheap and nice. teehees. last day of selfstudy tomorrow. yayness (: hmm. i guess my mom really wanna try to get me what i want.. but she just doesnt understand what i want still :/ sighs. im tired. and that Mcdonald's chicken fan-tastic can really make one feel kinda sick. gah.
3/15/2006 09:11:00 PM
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
kays. im very tired. i dunno why. just very tired physically and mentally. like, im drained from all my energy :/ i dunch even have the mood to decide on a blogskin i like. sighs. im on the phone now. listening to the idiotpig and his sister quarreling about who should be using the phone and yadayada. quite amusing. cos that was what used to happen between me and my sister. hahaaas. the keyword is used to. now she has her own life and i have mine. and we seldom quarrel now except for trivial matters. i love my sister so much more now. hahaha. anyways the idiotpig's supersick and ling was saying hope he'd die soon. that evil woman (x hmm but he really sounded as if he was gonna die :/ LOL. and we've decided to catch the flick DateMovie together. i meant me and ling. (: hahaaas. speaking of movies, i watched BigMomma2 with the people today. it wasnt really that nice. i prefer WhiteChicks so much more. and it didnt make me laugh like how the DateMovie advertisment made me laugh. bought another PMK racerback already. just when i said no more racerbacks for me. i think im suffering from super lowselfesteem. sighs. whatever. by the way. ivan finally apologised for being such a bitch like, a year ago. HAHA. i meant the incident outside the khatib NTUC where he walked past me and min, and walked back again just to scold me, and i didnt even realise it. he had already forgot about it, but still apologised for it all the same, and also for being so mean to me when i first took their class. hahaha (: and i once thought he was such a bitch/gay. lololols. cos of the incident whereby he echoed me. it's like, more than half a year has passed already since that incident, time really flies :/ kays. gonna cut my hair tomorrow. till later (:
3/14/2006 10:00:00 PM
i feel like having a change all of a sudden.
3/14/2006 08:37:00 PM
Monday, March 13, 2006
i think im gonna grow fat. ive been stuffing myself with food since dinner :/ and and and. obviously i havent sleep yet. im took hooked on the comp alrdy. actually if friendster can load faster, im sure i'd be able to finish doing what i want to do earlier, so when i switch off the comp, i wont feel as if i havent completed what i wanna do. hahs. stupid friendster. sighs. i wonder what will happen on thurs o.o cos the both of us are sure that we'll be so, umms. uncomfortable. hopefully xiaoren need not go work la. then i guess it'll be like, better. ahhs whatever. i dunch wanna go for self study tomorrow >:(
3/13/2006 11:04:00 PM
choir chalet yesterday was very fun (: meet up with cheyenne min and ling. then we went kallang to meet yiyuan. but we were too early. so we had prata at the prata shop below his church while waiting for him. then we took the train to TanahMerah, where we took a taxi to the chalet. and we passed by the campsite where we had the secthree camp this year (: my gawd. i miss that place sooo much. ohwells. played mahjong (: hahaha. didnt really know how to play at first. camwhored lots. then watched ThePark on tv at nine (: but couldnt finish watching cos my dad called and said he'd be picking me up. then my dad found his way to some other chalets in changi instead and yangkai had to guide him there. hahaaas. took min and ling home first. talked lots on the car. and ling kept saying something like this: why are we talking about so-and-so at the back of ur dad's car? hahaaas. dumboo. today. the self study thing's really stupid. cos nobody was studying at all. rahhhhs. terrible waste of time :/ i shall think of more meaningful things to do tomorrow. must start doing my homeworks already. its really boring though. sighs. kays. gonna go work on a new skin. then to sleep. im kinda tired. photos up here. duh.
3/13/2006 08:22:00 PM
Sunday, March 12, 2006
i think ive so few clothings that ive got trouble choosing things to wear :/ sighs. i wanna go shopping! and hopefully with my sis ((: hahaha. but it kinda unfair that i make her pay for everything. ohwells. she still owe me something worth 20bucks. no more racerbacks cos i realise i look like a monkey in em. LOL. i want more haltertops, denimskirts, and those kinda halfpants. most important of all, i need money :/ sighs. hmm. shall not be blogging tonight cos will be back late from yangkia's bbq. (:
3/12/2006 01:48:00 PM
Saturday, March 11, 2006
my legs are aching like hell now. i dunno why. maybe it's due to yesterday's jogathon and today's little bit of bball. ohwells. i havent make the FFC blogskin yet. lols. but i completed phebe's. uh. it didnt turn out great. CLICK for the screenshot. i was lazy to think of something. so i got the design idea from someone else. kays. hmm. i dunno why. but everything feels so weird now. :/
3/11/2006 10:34:00 PM
i woke up at 10 today. had donuts. then read my memoirs of a geisha. then talked on the phone with the idiotpig. for once hes up so much earlier than me. he's sick with high fever :/ hung up, read a bit more, but fell aslp. then got woke up by the idiotpig. he told me he was going out :/ so stupid cos its like hes super sick. ahhs whatever. its not really my problem. then read somemore and went out of the house for bball. sighs. didnt really feel like playing today cos the weather was super warm and humid. so i ended up buying the strawberry sundae and watching em play instead. anyways its my first time eating strawberry sundae. im in a weird mood today :/ then fatson took my place (: started raining darn heavily after that. so we moved to khatib mac. talked about stuffs with fatson. FFC has a new member (: jiaFAT. hahaha. gonna set up a FFC blog :D sighs. today's kinda boring. yangkai's chalet tomorrow! (:
3/11/2006 08:09:00 PM
Friday, March 10, 2006
i'll rate today 6/10. it would be better, if i wasnt stoning away half of the time during boardwalk. ahhs and phebe, i really really really dunch mind not getting into the top 20. (: serious. so you no needa get so guilty for causing me to not get into the top 20, cos it aint your fault la (: the boardwalk was super retarded. we alighted opposite our chalet I. so naturally memories flooded me, and i really wanna get back to the past ): somemore i was bothered about some other stuffs. have been thinking alot. maybe i shouldnt be thinking. but things are getting rather pointless, arent they? sighs. but after that tried to get high with lydia imelda anet and yuenchen (: went back to school and did reflection. then went J8. had lunch at Pastamania with min and ling while the rest went some other places. saw this really nice Billabong wallet at 77th street. black with a silver butterfly. i love butterfly motifs. and i like that type of wallet. sighs. 27.90. i dunch have the money to get it though >:( and i doubt i'll ever be going out with the idiotpig, (i just have a feeling. hahs :/) and i also doubt i'll get the bloody wallet he owe me. and i just suddenly feel like i dunch wanna be linked with him or something :/ ahhs whatever. took neos after that (: then we took the dunno wad bus to the M. reservoir. b division boys started their race first. then our turn. there was one part me and phebe were holding hands, pulling each other on (: and there was another part i got 'chased' by some retarded people, and i ended up chionging down, then remembered phebe was still behind :/ lols. anyway i HATE the way those retarded people always call out ___'s name, followed by asking where's teeth-like-shit, whenever they see me. they did it just now. im getting tired of it, though they seldom do it now cos ___ warned em not to, i think. so yea. >:( its so obvious that they're retarded people who cant think cos theyve got burnt out brains >:( like, HELLO. what has him and his stupid whiny shallow gf nicknamed teeth-like-shit who aint even fit to be called bimbo gotta do with me? knnbccb. fuck. seriously. i dunch hate/dislike em at all. (except for a teeny weeny bit of dislike for teeth-like-shit. heys. cant blame me. she malign me that time, and maybe till now she does too. *%^!$) but i just wish they wld grow up. then maybe they wunch be so irritating anymore. fine. back to what i was talking about. i mean the race. i got 25th and phebe got 28th and i think shes real guilty cos she thinks that i didnt get into the top 20 cos of her. ohwells. its not you, dumboo. thats what twinaiiaiis are for anyways (: after that had prize presentation. was uber high :D then home. went home with yiyuan vanessa clement and that lil guy (im sorry i forgot his name again. heh) wanted to take taxi. but it was darn difficult to get one. so we walked up to the busstop at the mediacorp there. then saw laopop and nelson. hahaha. took the bus together in the end. talked crap in bus. the two juniors, all from northview (: hahaha. then alighted at my stop. wanted to maybe try talk to nelson. cos we walk the same way home. but i think he was afraid of me or something. HAHAHA. cos he walked away damn fast. or maybe thats his usual walking speed laa. hahaaaas (x kays. theres so much things i'd like to say but cant. sighs. whatever. photos shall be uploaded at usual place (: CLICK
3/10/2006 08:05:00 PM
Thursday, March 09, 2006
i got home super early today cos it ended up that the shirts werent done yet :/ ahhhhhhs what a letdown. and i was still so looking forward to seeing our new class tee though i was at the same time super afraid that it would turn out fucked. and eugene(ng) just keep saying ive got no balls. i mean if it was him on the phone just now. or it might just be joel sounding like eugene ng. cos eugene's the only one who keeps telling me that ive got no balls and i would smack him in the stomach or flick his ears. hahaha. whoever heard of girls having balls anyway? yuck. gross. so i went northpoint with my mom to get my cuzzie's birthday prezzie and it was so horrible cos its so bloody hard to communicate with my mom, and being the impatient asshole i am, i got frigging pissed and was sulking like, half the trip there. gah. but somehow i could feel that my mom's trying to understand me and give in to me. BUT. she just dont understand. so oh wells. i'll try not to be so impatient anyway. but its so damn hard. :/ im getting the book Memoirs of a Geisha from wanlin tomorrow. like, finally (: hahaha. i dunno why but im so looking forward to reading that book. hmm jogathon tomorrow! :/
3/09/2006 08:18:00 PM
i aint doing FNN. im doing other things. like going into this super nice website. CLICKfound the link on Fatson's blog. i think the horoscope thing is damn accurate la. hahaha. check it out (: kays. im off. lols.
3/09/2006 08:58:00 AM
computers in IT labs are super retarded. but at least can get into friendster. hahas. and somebody didnt log out. careless people. hmm talking about never log out, that friend of teeth-like-shit changed her profile. but she didnt see the kookaburra. hahaha. (x yay. we're getting the class tee later. am praying bloody hard that it wont turn out like fuckedup shit :/ till later.
3/09/2006 08:38:00 AM
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
yesterday everyone was telling me on msn that they saw me on TV. gah. thats so super-duper-ultra-extremely-oh-my-gawd embarrasing. :/ and that kelvin guy just cant quit calling me dear, pretending that he know me so fucking well, giving me goosebumps all about. eww. i burst my liquidpaper today. yea. I. Burst. It. Myself. so stupid. and the liquid flooded me, and ive got this white patch down my skirt, and the guys kept saying it looks like... -.-"" childish people. SIGHS. i can be such a kuku sometime :/ and now i'll have to wear my size23 back and im FAT and my waist aint tiny anymore and 23 is so damn fucking TIGHT. sighs. i wonder why am i being so, umms, extreme today :/ hmm ohwells nevermind. FUCKFUCKFUCK. im down for the self study thing during the hols. i only have myself to blame for not studying. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhs >:( i must work hard next time. i shall not procrastinate already. and maybe i shall stop spending so much time on the phone. NEVER MIND. i want to go suntanning. again! >:/
3/08/2006 08:21:00 PM
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
saw so many people usually seen on TV yesterday (: the trip to the parliament house was quite an experience, but to say the truth, super boring :/ hahaha. had to go through some procedures before we could enter. like going through the customs. guess theyre afraid we'll bomb em or something. haha. we got to see LeeHsienLong, GohChokTong, EuniceOlsen, blah blah blah. blah means those important people we usually see on TV (: pity we couldnt bring our cam in :/ after that took the train back to school. met up with the rest, and took bus852 to Mediacorp. there were lots of people, and had to wait for quite a bit before we could actually enter the studio. there were lots of cheering going on, and it was totally different from watching the show at home. like, duhh. but had to leave at 9. there were no taxi :/ super hard to get one there, so we took the bus home in the end. yiyuan got eliminated yesterday. >:( UNFAIR!i so think that Renfred sould get eliminated instead. just cos he's richer... sighs. never mind. yiyuan still rocks (: kays. pictures shall be posted some other day. then today, had a stupid stomachache during POA lesson and miss cheong almost didnt allow me to go to the toilet :/ guess my stomach cant take too much spicy food. FINE. the laksa wasnt spicy. but to me, it was (x and i normally dunch eat the taupok. i mean normally when i eat laksa which for me is so abnormal. (yadayadayada) cos it absorbs all the gravy. but i finished all of it today. hence, the stomachache. then jake and eugene(ng) were laughing at me about taupoks during chinese lesson. rahhhs :/ and i got kinda turned off by the sight of laksa after school today. ahahs. and jake is irritating cos whenever i roll my eyes at him, he'd be saying something stupid like, 'is there something wrong with your eyes?' and he said it as if he's really asking me that question. anyone get what i mean? ahhs never mind. lols. had the stupid chinese remedial after school. then me and yuenchen went home together. bought bubbletea first. and we were gossiping and yakking away about a certain somebody. and we realised that both the certain somebody and that teeth-like-shit has got umms, teeth like shit. xDDD not that we've got nice teeth laaaaa. BUT. teehees. (x then saw Caleb on the way to the train station. hahas. at least he still rmbs me. but i almost couldnt recognise him :/ cos he changed quite a bit. hehs. kays. mom's bringing me to Batam on18March. hopefully i can shop loads there. (:
3/07/2006 07:27:00 PM
Monday, March 06, 2006
kays. i dunno what the fuck is wrong with me today ): i just kinda blew up at eugene goh. kays. i didnt even know i was doing so. i was just a teeny bit harsher. maybe he's sensitive >:( ahhhhs. im just angry that for all that we're doing for the class tee, it seems as if no one appreciates it. and everyone's complaining. fine. not everyone. but. sighs. i dunno. sorry eugene :/ and im super afraid that the shirt will turn out like shat. then those people who are already not happy will become even more not happy. and it will all be my fault. >:((( SIGHS. early in the morning all the councillors had to stay behind again. cos yiyuan wore the senior councillor badge for the magazine shot. and he had to apologise. i think they're kinda making a mountain out of a molehill. *%^$@^ and its announced. if any of us get caught for sloppy attire, we're stripped off both councillor and hpt. i dunch even want to care anymore. what kinda secondary school life are they giving us? fine. adults think differently from us. sighs. shall not be blogging tonight. going to watch CampusSuperstar live (: guess thats the only nice thing thats gonna happen today. im replying tags here. cos my bloody tagboard is so tiny :/ KAILING > kays. sure. (: hmm you got burnt? so unfair. i wanna get burnt too! (:ANET > lols. yea. uh. at least im determined to make him an insignificant figure la :/ im so goddamn pissed with myself. for everything.
3/06/2006 09:10:00 AM
Sunday, March 05, 2006
so yea. met up with joel and sarah at yck. sarah was late for 1/2 an hour :/ and so me and joel just sat there, almost falling aslp, with leaves blowing into our faces. hahaha. then we went to SimLimSquare. wells. it was the most solemn trip to town i ever had. cos no one was talking at all. lols. after settling the class tee, we went for dinner at Mcdonald. then we went up Bugis Junction to look at the Newbie teeshirt designs. so maybe we'll be changing the color again. the trip home was different from the trip there cos we were talking. hahaha. anyways. the survey lady called. and she tells me that theyre looking for new faces to groom :/ with the o'levels this year, i doubt my parents will even allow me to go down for the interview or something. so shall see first. kays. back to editing the class tee. again. :/
3/05/2006 08:54:00 PM
gah. im stupid. sighs. off to make class tee. (:
3/05/2006 02:35:00 PM
Saturday, March 04, 2006
ive been out in the sun for the whole day today (: and i love it! though it means my skin will maybe age faster or something. but who cares? (: met up with cheyenne min and phebe in the morning. then we took the train to harbourfrnt. found and bought our tanning lotion (: then went to Sentosa, Palawan Beach. ling and fish were already there. rahs. the tanning lotion did not work. cos instead of giving us a deep tan as said on the label, there was no tan at all. ohwells. mayb a teeny weeny bit :/ but i want those deep tan. with red-and-obviously-burnt skin in the end. sighs. never mind. shall go again maybe during the march hols :DDD i'll make sure we have the right stuffs, and a deep tan in the end (: after that went khatib bball court as usual. the people were there (: after a while, wilfred and his bunch of friends, and john and joel also came. hahaha. bball was uber fun today. i dunno why. though i ended up with huge blisters on my toes, a scratch on my knee, and a bent right middle finger. lololols. but had fun, and thats what matters (: kays. meeting joel and sarah tmr to make class tee. finally :D pictures below (:
3/04/2006 10:05:00 PM
Friday, March 03, 2006
my gawd. i dunno what youngsters nowadays are thinking :/ hahaha. i mean. the 13year-olds. weird people. esp the guys. lololols.
3/03/2006 08:45:00 PM
*&%%# its so obvious that MISS ___ is biased against us. so many dozens of people never wear their councillor badge la. fine. im exxagerating. i mean, me and anet are not the only ones not wearing the councillor badge. so why are we the only ones who needa go see mrs soh cos we didnt wear the councillor badge? rahhhs. no wonder kailing dislike her so much. >:( ahhs whatever. its her problem if she wanna get biased against us. i dunch give a damn. hmm. the after recess thingy was crap. POA test was crap. then the forum... hahaha. spent it talking porno stuffs with yuenzhen and cheyenne =XXX anet was sleeping, as usual (: after school went to take the trailer thingy for yiyuan. got interviewed. sang songs with yiyuan. cheered. so we might be on tv on monday. so embarrasing :/ hahaaaas. after that went for choir. zzz. suntanning tomorrow! cant wait :D hahahas.
3/03/2006 08:07:00 PM
Thursday, March 02, 2006
perhaps im blogging too much. hmm but who cares. i mean, for today (: new template. any-oh-how. wanted to make phebe's. but it turned out purple. so i dunch think phebe will want it... right? hahs =X im making excuses... :/ but soon, soon. (: anyways. i like the wordings on top. it's from the BBMAK song - Im Not in Love. So if my heart just skips a beat What if I lose a little sleep Believe me I'm not in love, no not at all What makes you think you made me fall I slipped but no, I'm not in love
(: rahs. that idiotpig got the havianas i wanted. !!! life's soooo unfair.
3/02/2006 10:38:00 PM
the movie was okay. made me laugh and cry. hahaaas. the usher duty before that was BORING. then me vanessa and anet were watching porn down there while waiting for the pupils. teehees =X im having a stupid cold, and it's irritating cos i feel like sneezing, but it just cant come out. rahs >:/ theres something i wanna talk/blog about. but i just cant find the right words. gah. my vocab is sooo limited. this sucks. ahhs laterrrrrrr.
3/02/2006 08:27:00 PM
im in the school comp lab again. have to redo the FNN research. rahhhhs >:( thats so super duper saddening. but nevermind, we're leaving at 10! and thats like arnd half an hour more only. hahahas. think we're gonna get briefed on later. I Not Stupid Too @ Lido. yadayadayada. i feel like blogging about certain things, that is, my own certain things. fine. i mean about the idiotpig. some stuffs are easier narrated when writen down instead of saying out. i mean, to me. like when i try to say it, i'll end up ending with a 'aiya. dunno la'. ask anet. she'll know. haha ): and it gets super irritating cos i cant get it off my mind :/ and i'll feel soooo uncomfortable. i need to say em out. but, sighs. a blog is not exaxctly the most private place in the world. :/ BUT sometimes, i'll try to write down something, yet i cant find the words. so frustrating. maybe someone should invent some kinda earphones. so when ive got things to say, yet dunno how to put em in words, i'll stick the thing to my brain and people can get what i mean. haha :/ ridiculous. sighs. nvm. i doubt anyone understand what im talking about above. >:( hmm. shall blog again later when im home.
3/02/2006 09:24:00 AM
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
kays. theres a sicko guy out on the loose. look at this. YUCKS. ... ... ... patrick says: anyway how old r u? eve; <3[ffc]!> 16 patrick says: which one is u in the pic? eve; <3[ffc]!> the left one patrick says: cute patrick says: haha patrick says: =p eve; <3[ffc]!> lols eve; <3[ffc]!> thanks? eve; <3[ffc]!>haha patrick says: anyway are u attached? eve; <3[ffc]!> uh no patrick says: okie.. patrick says: hmm. patrick says: no one woo u mah? eve; <3[ffc]!>no comment patrick says: lol patrick says: anyway are u openminded? =p eve; <3[ffc]!> still okay i guess patrick says: can chat abt s**? eve; <3[ffc]!>no patrick says: lol patrick says: opps patrick says: sorry then patrick says: =x ......patrick says: u r really cute patrick says: haha patrick says: =x eve; <3[ffc]!>ohpatrick says: hmm patrick says: u wanna have a fling mah? eve; <3[ffc]!>not interested patrick says: okie dokie patrick says: too bad for me patrick says: lolmy god. hes BLOCKED. DELETED. ewk. i forgot i blocked out a few people in my old account. so when i mass-added my contacts in, i also added the people i blocked, including this PATRICK-SICKO guy. come to think of it, i remember now why i blocked him at my old account. he was the one who asked me whether can talk about masturbation. like OMFG shocking. masturbation, ya know. who ask a girl that kinda qns?! ewww. somebody lock him up please. :/
3/01/2006 08:47:00 PM
yay. im happy for my sister. she managed to get into university (: hahahas. though shes still choosing the course or something like that :D school was boring today. especially POA. sighs. anet was uber unlucky. she got caught twice today cos of her uniform. and my handphone almost got confiscated again. lololols. thats an uber funny incident. made a fool out of myself again. so i shant say more. heh (x watching I Not Stupid Too tomorrow, like, FINALLY. and we still have to act as the ushers to get the people to Lido. so stupid la. told 'ya peeps! i lurrrve bein' a councillor! yay >:( quick quick. somebody get sack. then we can quit altogether. :D
3/01/2006 08:35:00 PM